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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Mycot

  1. Haven't had a chance to read the paper yet but it looks really cool. Definately a woodlover fan. Thanks for posting.
  2. Mycot

    Was life inevitable?

    Ah, pure speculation.
  3. Mycot

    Not long now till se QLD Cube season!!!

    This is ideal weather for cubes about this time of year. No need to wait any longer than 24 hours from when rains first start to go checking for cubes. Even a couple days left too long may give over-aged fruitbodies.
  4. Mycot

    Not long now till se QLD Cube season!!!

    Yep. picked some myself. NNSW though, close enough to QLD.
  5. Mycot

    Not long now till se QLD Cube season!!!

    Goldies are out now after the rains we have been having.
  6. Mycot

    Top 5 reasons why I Hate women

    Its one interpretation (and there are worse) of what appears to have occurred here which resembels an adult debating a child.or one person utilising reason in their relation with another who subscribes to religious beliefs and dogma.in other words the "true believer".
  7. Mycot

    Top 5 reasons why I Hate women

    raketemensch is just being a troll and not really listening to anyone.
  8. Mycot

    Global Drug Survey - released today

    Why tell the damn enemy anything at all while they are still targeting us in their drug war. ?
  9. Mycot

    Top 5 reasons why I Hate women

    I've really enjoyed the posts by Balsac throughout this thread. Voices of reason in this area are particularly refreshing. And Girlwriteswhat who I only came across a few weeks ago instantly impressed. Carrying on the theme of this thread I think this vid may be amusing and rellevent. The chap has a great deal to say about what is wrong with modern western women although he doesn't completely let men off the hook which I think is good. Although appearing to be a christian he doesn't lay this on too thick, athiests finding little trouble relating to the material. Make of it what you will. An amusing and yet serious book worth checking out is "If Men Have All The Power How Come Women Make All The Rules", It's in pdf form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz6HOIqeHW8&playnext=1&list=PLDRYEiSzltGTB3wT5WiIufXUq5GYhmQqR&feature=results_main
  10. Mycot

    urmenetea atacamensis

    Appears to be a very interesting plant. No wonder you want one. While being a coca substitute it is unlikely to actually contain cocaine and can be therefore assumed to be legal. Definately a plant of phytochemical interest.
  11. Mycot

    New to cultivation & mycology, where to start?

    The best book is the one you've just got but as SYNeR mentions it is a little dated with greater knowledge and sophistication in cultivation techniques having been developed since it was published. The book is still a good basic guide though. SYNeR also also gives good advice as regards updating knowledge in any areas that one wishes to be brought up to speed in. While the Shroomery is a great resource, in my opinion it is nowhere near as good as Mycotopia for learning cultivation techniques.
  12. Perhaps something more helpful.. Chile may soon legalise ayahuasca A Chilean court ruled that ayahuasca is beneficial to health and therefore its use should not be penalized, an act of collective consciousness that seems to advance the revival of psychedelic medicine and introduicrnos a little more to the mystery of a plant that continues tradition of the drink of the gods, the soma. A few days ago a court in Chile ruled that ayahuasca is not a substance harmful to health. In contrast, this compound may be highly beneficial to the welfare of human beings. A mystery is revealed in this herb, as a vine metaphysical joins heaven and earth, the soul with the body and the conscious mind with the unconscious. http://www.hangthebankers.com/chile-may-soon-legalise-ayahuasca/
  13. Mycot

    Marijuana Withdrawal Is Real, Study Says

    "In the study, habitual pot users who were asked to abstain for two weeks experienced irritability, sleep difficulties and other symptoms that affected their ability to work and their relationships with other people, said study researcher David Allsop, of the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre at the University of New South Wales" These sound much like the symptoms one may expect if one asked most plebs to give up TV for two weeks. Not sure how much one can conclude from this although it will be made to read :- see how bad pot is. No more addictive than TV, Mmmm
  14. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Language allways has an ambiguous character. No avoiding that. While care should be taken to try to communicate unambiguously, more subtle ideas may not always be communicated so easily. Verification of claims can be made from the rest of the arguement.
  15. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    These are two assumptions if they are to be taken strictly as written. And both false.
  16. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    This can be difficult especially if you refuse to allow that noisy minority to steal and monopolize the language. Not good for the more poetic amongst us. I've been thinking about whats been occuring in this thread LOL, and I figure that language a lot of the time is like one of those Young Girl-Old Woman Illusions. You look at a sentence one way and its saying one thing and if you look at that same sentence in another way it is saying something compleatly different. So it can be tricky sometimes figuring out what is actually being expressed.
  17. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Yeah SYNeR needn't freak too much about someone who's got polygamy, child marriages, arranged marriages, polyfidelity, divorce, same sex marriages,asian and indian ladyboys, third sexes and now even Two-Spirit people in their bed. Wears me out though. Perhaps just shy.
  18. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Yes, yes and yes. But one must be careful. At the center there is the alchemical symbol,, It is a sacrred symbol, the union of yin and yang .One must still treat the symbol with the utmost sacrednes and respect for it ot have any value. I'm not sure what you are getting at here or where I may be picking and choosing., All I said is that evolution has given us bodies with certain needs. Any universal construct would be like Jungs Universal unconscious. Maybe having said yes, yes and yes, that has clarified this as well. I've come acros something of this nature in Robert Anton Wilson. If I recall correctly its like nature trows in a random unpredictability factor disliking perfection. The Japanese have a similar concept where they porposly intoduce an imperfection into their arts and crafts.
  19. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Your starting to sound really twisted here Darklight. Take a chill pill and get some sleep.
  20. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Holy fuck Torsten. I can see that you have way misunderstood me in many really fundemental ways on even basic central concepts of religion central to a lot of your arguement or even my definition of marriage which is supposedly limited so let me try to clarify. By the way you write even longer posts than Darklight I may have to appoach it in a piecemeal fashion. For starters I don't give two hoots about marriage having to be in some christian religious format. The bible has some good stuff in it but that does not mean that one has to take an orthodox religious approach towards it. Now some of my more religios sounding comments "Holy Matrimony". When people hear this they may think Oh Oh here comes that christian shit but is not what was meant. By definition marriage has a sacred aspect and being married is the same thing as being joined in holy matrimony and all this is crosscultural.. Don't think religion but spirit. Think of marriage as symbol. The alchemical marriage. The Tantric marriage. The union of shiva and shakti. These are all symbolic archetypes of the mind which are universal. My comment about "man, woman and god". I certainly was not refering to the christian god but the phrase was meant more as an alchemical idea the joining of man and woman producing bliss and the experience of the sacred. I wonder how many had so grossly misunderstood me on where I was coming from in invocing the Spiritual/Sacred aspect of marriage but this is symbol which underlies the human ceromony. I hope that my efforts to bring some clarity has had some success and I imagine that this may possibly have a large effect on how one may interpereet you last post. Anyway I am tired, yeah it's pretty late and will have another look at the content of your last rather long post. I'm not winging It's just more work for me. Namaste.
  21. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    The first part of this brings a gentle smile to my lips, I may be building up some fondness for you as I'm making an effort of addressing your post.. You write long posts so if I miss Important things that you want me to address, let me know. Of the latter I also am known to suffer from the same delusion. Perhaps when people can figure out what they specifically agree on and where specifically they may disagree that may be a starting point for forward progression. Don't mean no malicious intent but I am way past giving a damn, so that may indicate that I am growing increasingly impatient. I don't make this assumption merely on the basis that a view differs. In fact I am intrigued by any well thought out position especially when it is well communicated. I like people to think for themselves and not take the easy out by just going along with the crowd or even just going along with mechanically agreeing with me because it is easy or safe. If you agree with me know specifically what you are agreeing with and why and likewise if you disagree with me know specifically what it is that you are disagreeing with. People who think and challenge rather than followers. I feel that use of the term PC is legit with wikipedia giving several differring interpretations of the term. I'll take break for now. Let me know if there is something you want me to adress.
  22. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Yeah, you asked for it though.
  23. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    I like the drummer. The rest should be sacked.
  24. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    You think that you have problems. You only have to reply to one person. How am I supposed to muster the energy to reply to many many people, some who have written quite long posts, some quite rhetoricle and some maybe just goofing off and also posts that reveal severe misunderstanding of my position. So that I may have to choose who and what to reply to because I simply do not have the energy to get round to everything by everyone. Requests to adress specific items will be given special consideration.. I'd like to think that an arguement here may make some progression rather than just spinning its wheels. So far I have found my conversation with Torsten the most satisfying.
  25. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    By the look of your avatar I can understand why you may think this.