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Everything posted by Mycot

  1. Mycot

    surprise find

    I'd say P. subbalteatus for sure. 4 grams dried constitutes a nice dose. Taste is such that its much easier to take than most shrooms.(very mild) A great shroom.
  2. Mycot

    About those Pan. subs....

    Sounds like shroomer-heaven out there. Active species occur in many of the genus's you mention. With Australia so little mycologically explored much potential for discovery of new active species. Congrats on P.subbalteatus finds. Will post further on this.
  3. Mycot

    ID please, possible Panaeolus foenisecii??

    Looking closely at the cap texture I have some doubts of it actually being P.subbalteatus. I wonder if the species you have there are active.
  4. Mycot

    common names-botanical names

    The term "gold tops" is the common name commonly used to refer to P. cubensis a common widespread cosmopolitan species. For this reason P. subaeruginosa maybe best be refered to as "copper tops". I think of the term "subs" as unsuitable to refer to this later species because of the existence of Panaeolus subbalteatus.
  5. Mycot

    Dead sub?

    Ah, the problem with common names. Since Panaeolus subbalteatus and Psilocybe subaeruginosa both occur in Australia I think it would be best (as a matter of best practice and in order to avoid confusion) if the term "subs" would be used to refer to P. subbalteatus and the term "copper tops" be used to refer to P. subaeruginosa. Also to be taken into account is the fact that overseas the term "subs" has been taken to refer to P. subbalteatus for many years.
  6. Mycot

    Gymnopilus sapineus

    Although possibly weaker than some other species, I wouldn't judge the desirability of a species on this quality alone. No sense in writing off a species before a proper amount of research cause its got a little less alkaloid. Experientially it may have qualities that make it quite unique and desirable.
  7. In the study the levels of psilocin found in P.foenisecii and Hypholoma auriantiaca are comparible to that of P.cubensis. So definately worthy of further study.
  8. Mycot

    ID please, possible Panaeolus foenisecii??

    Pan foenisecii have a very smoothly shaped hemispherical cap so the mushroom depicted is not P. foenisecii. It does appear to be a paneolus species however, the cap shape reminds me of that of Paneolus subbalteatus.