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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Crunchyz

  1. Crunchyz


    I've got some wormwood here that I ordered along with some other herbs. But i've never tried it since I heard some weird stories about it... Is there any use for it other than absinthe?
  2. Crunchyz

    Yellowing on leaves after foliar fert. application

    A little off-topic but... do you know a product that is good for providing some iron, sulfur, etc...?
  3. My friend from Somalia wants to extract DMT from some Acacia bark so he asked if I could find the answer to his questions. Which part of the bark is used? Outside layer, inside layer, etc... Could someone post a picture showing the piece of bark that is used?
  4. Crunchyz

    Cannabis is US's highest earning crop

    California must smell nice and green at the right time of year :drool: $13.8 billion per year worth of it...
  5. Crunchyz

    Which part of Acacia bark is used?

    Thanks Indigo.
  6. I'm pretty sure what I found was a type of phalaris grass, but it could be something else. When the grass was crushed, the smell produced was one of the strongest i've ever experienced from a plant, it literally made me want to be sick and I was VERY close to doing so... I can't explain what it smelled like since I don't know anything to compare it too, other than to say it had a strong 'green' smell to it. Can anyone say if this sounds like phalaris? I'd like to know what others think phalaris smells like too.
  7. Crunchyz

    white stuff on my seedlings roots

    Can you get a closer picture of it?
  8. Crunchyz

    Any cubes so far this season?

    Everyone needs rain, everywhere
  9. Crunchyz

    The smell of fresh phalaris grass?

    The water restrictions here are very harsh too. Although i'm pretty sure we can water each second day. It doesn't rain often, and when it does it hardly soaks in to the soil at all, it's bad... So.. yeah, when I read that phalaris likes to drink, I thought... good luck with that It's easy enough to keep a potted plant happy with water but not so easy for a whole lawn full. EDIT: The government is putting ADs all over television telling us to get rainwater tanks... but they must think that these tanks just magically fill up somehow? It's not raining fools!
  10. Crunchyz

    The smell of fresh phalaris grass?

    I ordered them from SAB so I think the seeds will be fine, it's my first order but i've heard good comments from other people. Is there any reason why you don't take your grass out of the pot and let it run free? I was planning on doing that in my backyard.
  11. Crunchyz

    The smell of fresh phalaris grass?

    I searched mainly near the creek that runs through my town. There are a lot of farms/sheep/horses etc. along this creek so I guess it's a good place, just need to be patient
  12. Crunchyz

    The smell of fresh phalaris grass?

    Thanks all, I think it is Anthoxanthum odoratum... I don't have any fresh stuff left to take a picture of, but next time i'm out looking for the real phalaris I will grab some of this fake one too. BTW, I have ordered some aquatica seeds so I if I can't find any around here i'll just grow my own.
  13. Crunchyz

    Extremely Rare Pinus Opticalus

    That is such a bible quote... forbidden fruit