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Posts posted by PhantomTurkey

  1. What a joke - why would they use acid in a situation like that, and what purpose could it ever hold to 'keep them awake'? Coke/stims yeah, they've been used in situations like this for decades. To throw LSD onto the list is laughable. :slap:

    Like Amulte said - they're nailing as many things as possible as they can while people are in this state of shock and disbelief (people are at their most malleable right now - the brainwashers are taking advantage of it like usual). Its the fucking media, people, please dont be suprised when we hear this sort of crap. Journoes are the scum of the world and write BS because they get paid to do so, not because its true. :uzi:

    Edit: Dont you love how they phrase it:

    They throw the 'may' in there so that they provide the shock value, make a bad guy seem worse, leave you questioning things and when its all revealed to be rubbish they can say that they only said it 'may have happened'.... :slap::puke:

    Honestly, the media is such a fucking joke.

    Didn't the CIA once experiment with administering LSD in the quest to create the perfect killer in war?

    They have long abandoned this idea but maybe the terrorists have adopted the techniques for their own footsoldiers.

  2. Apparently the milk helps release the active ingredients. In Fiji and other Kava countries they have a virgin chew and spit the Kava root and the saliva serves that purpose...it helps activate the active ingredients. I don't know how it works...something to do with the properties found in milk (apparently) and saliva. There are no virgins at my house so I use milk to activate...otherwise I'd probably drink it with water...I quite like the taste of Kava.

  3. I finally got some kava from a headshop here in NZ, it says "KAVA KAVA - The dried root and lower stems of a South Pacific Island shrub"

    I've never tried it before, and have a few questions I was hoping some of you plant heads could answer.

    First, it says to mix 1 tablespoon with a hot drink, and to make sure to drink the grit, but all preparation methods I've heard of say to strain the plant matter out before drinking? I've heard of instant kava mixes, but by I don't think this is that, seems to be just the ground roots.

    Also, because of my tendencies towards toxiphobia I want to just try enough to get a feel for its effects and potency, would 1 tablespoon be a good place to start? Assuming its strong, what effect would that amount have, and assuming its weak, same question?

    Thanks, all nfo preciated.

    I tend to use Murple's recipe for preparation:


    Maybe make it a bit smaller...I found it to be more that was required for the night first time around...maybe calculate it to a smaller ratio then work up to what is right for your needs.

  4. Better for an addicted person to be in the hands of hospital staff where they can be watched and hopefully in the best case scenario weaned off their habit than in the hands of profit seeking drug dealers who have no regard for the value of human life. An addicted person is a sick person who needs help. They are closer to that help under their government's proposed system.The primary concern should be healing their lives and addictions not the moral/legal stigma surrounding drug use.

  5. So you think it is nothing to worry about when every country in the world one by one becomes a Totalitarian State controlled by the same people? You have no problem with the FACT that you are being enslaved and oppressed by parasites who feed off you economically? You have no problem with handing over our civil liberties to them and giving them complete control?

    You agree with all our laws do you? What about when they pass one that makes it illegal to criticise the government like Howard tried to do?

    You agree that the state of the world is great right now and anti-war campaigners, environmentalists, etc are terrorists and should be treated as such by intelligence agencies, courts, etc? (You do know that these activists around the world are being charged under anti-terrorism laws don't you?)

    "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe

    Um...you are reading far too much into my post.

    What I meant and all I meant by my post is that the individual has nothing to fear from authorities snooping if the individual is not doing/saying anything to incriminate his or herself. For the record, I am just as enraged as you are at what is coming to pass...

  6. I've only tried the Wild Lion. It's a good relaxing mix worth having in your smokeable herb collection. You can make tea with it but I haven't tried that...I mainly used it to help me unwind after a long day.

  7. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that kids be sheltered from drug education. Kids need to be given basic information about drugs in school. Tips for their use to non users is an entirely different matter. If I were writing these pamphlets...I'd be listing what the various drugs do, the addictiveness and the possible negative consequences of their use. If kids want to take drugs, they will. Info needs to be put out there to increase awareness so they can be better equipped to make informed choices for themselves.As far as the tips pamphlet for speed users go...I think it has merit for the purpose of harm minimisation, but it is not meant for every teen. It only has real value for those teens who are already using.Basically the goal should be to educate kids...arm them with knowledge so they will hopefully not use. Support those who do use with harm minimisation tips but don't give out that info to impressionable non users. You don't want to encourage the use of speed to non users.

  8. I disagree with their execution but I agree that Indonesia have the right to decide on an implement their legal system as they see fit. Now they are dead they will never have the chance to reflect, feel remorse and suffer for what they did. They got 5 minutes of pain each in exchange for the lives of over 200 people. Big deal. Life imprisonment is the answer for murder, even mass murder.

    I believe also that a death sentence for the bali 9 may suck but law is law. You go to indo you are judged by their laws if you fuck up. I feel sorry for them but I don't in any way feel compelled to meddle in the laws of another country just because they are Aussie. They broke indonesia's laws now they can all go suck eggs.

  9. I'd forgotten about this, but I actually documented the early stages of my HBWR grow in my blog here. Perhaps it might be useful as an interesting referral point for someone growing HBWR for the first time. Everyone was telling me when I started that HBWR are easy to grow and I personally didnt have too many problems getting started. What I should have done as I said before was plant them into the ground. Instead I opted to grow them in large pots which probably stunted them. The downside of rental accommodation.

  10. Where I live (Nth QLD) HBWR thrive. They tend to do well in tropical climates. I don't know how well growing will work south of QLD though I've heard they still go in the northern part of NSW. Maybe someone more knowledgable can confirm?

  11. Ok, I got a bunch of datura seeds I'm trying to germ.

    I've read that they can take ages, which isn't a problem, but I want to make sure I maximise their chances.

    At current, there are 6 seeds spaced out in a 15 or so cm pot.

    I watered them in with some miracle gro, let them drain, then put them in a cupboard on top of the water heater. The soil is likely at around 30 degrees, maybe even a little higher.

    The soil has dried a fair bit over the last week.

    Now my questions.

    a) do they need sun (yes, I have UTSE, along with lots of googling, and found lots of mixed responses, on even said that sun upped the germ rate from 0-25% to 25-100%) and if so how much/how often?

    B) should I put cling wrap over the pots to up the humidity. I read that they are humidity sensitive, but again, also read that they should be put in a humid environment.

    Any help would be much appreciated :)

    Oh and also, HBWR seeds don't take bottom heat well when germing do they?

    And it's right to say they don't need light to germ yeh? And they do like humidity so I should cling wrap the pots?



    In my personal growing experience for HBWR, I scratched each individual seed the soaked them in water for a bit before potting them in seed raising mix. I left them in full sunlight till germination. Success rate for germination was 4/6. Once sprouted I repotted in potting mix then took them to a more forgiving area (partial shade) untill they got established. Now they are quite hardy in full sun. My biggest mistake with the grow was trying to grow them to maturity in big buckets. I believe this has stunted their growth. I should have planted them directly into the ground.

  12. If lawmakers were honest they would ban alcohol. They don't because they enjoy drinking it.

    If someone were to survey all the kava users in this country I think you would find those who abuse it to be in the minority.

  13. The other comment about the synthetic cannabinoid is that I was offered the same substance some eyars ago. There was some research available on it and it listed a particular irreversible side effect in rare cases. It was enough to turn me off utilising it. Up to that point I had considered marketing it overseas [analogs laws prevented any australian sales of it].

    Would you mind sharing your findings re the irreversible side effect please? What is the side effect?

    It would be beneficial for the info to be out in the open. I tried googling it but found nothing.

