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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Ace

  1. Looks like sunburn? Was she left in full sun for any length of time? If it was an indoor specimen that copped even a short stint of full sun exposure without being acclimatised, it often ends up looking like your caespitose clump. Otherwise it may be rot of some description - keep her nice and dry if the soil is damp (if it is, perhaps take it out of the soil and place in fresh, well drained, sandy soil and keep watering to a mimimum).

    The un-evenness of the scarring looks like it also may be a mite infestation (sun burn will usually be quite evenly spread where the sun struck the plant, whereas mite damage will be where ever the little buggers can get a good feed). Usually mites take weeks to do damage on this scale, though, so it's a little hard to tell what culprit did the damage. I'm thinking it'd have to be one of the above (sunburn, rot or mites), all of which are treatable if you get in quick.

    P.S. To get a good, clear shot of the plant, find the 'Macro' setting on your camera. Once you have that on you should be able to get a really clear, close-up shot of her.

  2. Why don't you read the thread that you've just posted in Teotz? Is it really that hard to read 29 posts or use Ctrl+F and search for your name? Someone mentioned your name (sorry for the spoiler) and Teonanacatl (a fantastic ontributer to the forums) asked that person to ensure yours and his names are not accidentally mistaken as the same person (or accidentally dragging Teonanacatl's name through the shit that you've left in your 2,700-post wake).

    Yeah you have nothing to do with the thread, but FFS, read before posting if you aren't aware of what is going on...

  3. How's your varigated loph going Ace? Hope all is well

    Heya Blangschpeer, all is well. Unfortunately the verigated clones all eventually succumbed to rot. It's kinda wierd (and horrible) to watch because they started shrivelling on the yellow patches and then the scions eventually collapsed into a dry shrivelled corpse. The green patches were the last to go, but they did eventually all snuff it :( One degraft made it to another member here, but I dont know how it is going. It was only a fairly small one way back when I passed it on. Hoping she's doing ok though!

    If I were to come across another verigated button I'd graft the hell out of it to maximise the quantity of buttons so if some die from rot, at least the clone lives on through the survivors. That said there were half a dozen buttons of varying sizes and they all ended up dying within a month or two of each other.

    Verigation. Beautiful to view, incredibly hard to cultivate. I hope yours is a little hardier!

  4. They loved the Canberran temps last season, in the ground with plenty of rain during the coldest winter months (very hard frosts for a good 2-3 months). Just gotta really watch overwatering during the cold season, roots can crack open as cells freeze with excess water and then the roots rot as the cells return defrost. But yeah, pedro grow in mountainous areas and are hardy as hell. Certainly wont mind that location by the sound of it - and no dramas on planting them in the ground. Perhaps opt for a more sunny area (a north facing wall would be a safer bet), but they should be fine almost anywhere.

  5. Pic 1: Generally pretty rare (at least IMO), but you may find one stalling (my bet would be the bottom). Never know, they might both grow just fine as side branches. They generally do pup from different ribs, seems odd to have them stacking like that. Cacti certainly have their curiosities!

    Pic 2: Damaged tip resulted in uneven growth (probably from bug bites). She'll grow out just fine in time, but will always have the scar on the side.

  6. sugar is intended to feed a species of fungus and improve the smoke!

    Never heard of that. Only ever read of sugar water (and various other things) being sprayed onto buds prior to or after harvest to add weight. Never heard of some of the above though. 'Coke' as in coca cola, or verrry expensive coke? Either sounds pretty nasty.

    Fibreglass - honestly, some people might as well be selling rat poison in pills. And gravox grass? Man there are some odd characters in that industry...

  7. Agreed, chop an inch or two above the base, lay the columns down in a trailer/wagon and dig up the root ball for transporting. Ensure all wounds callous before returning to the ground (particularly if you get a lot of rain - if you are in a really dry spot then you should be right to put the rooted section in pretty much immediately).

    And yep, T. pachanoi PC :)

  8. Awesome! And I second Kadakuda's comments. Very prone to rot, even when grafted. I'd probably go with columnar too, depending on how big the button currently is. Damn that's a healthy bunch of buttons!

  9. So you only cultivate native Oz plants?

    JFC Teotz...


    Over the centuries there have been many plants and animals that have been introduced to this great island that is Oz. Some have been relatively harmless, others have been devastating on the native flora and fauna. Take the cane toad or prickly pear as two examples. If you dont understand what is so bad about them, please do a bit of research (it takes 10 mins on google/wiki).

    Pereskiopsis, while looks fairly benign, is extremely fast growing. If some were imported and fell into the wrong hands (i.e. airport staff who thought it was harmless) and it was thrown in a dumpster, then taken to the tip, over the course of a year or so, the tip would be covered in pereskiopsis. This would cause havok for any native or rare fauna and could replace the local flora (extreme example, but again, see the two above examples which look just as harmless).

    That is the reason for quarantine. Yes, there are plenty of anti-drug laws here, but quarantine is one of the few laws that is justifiable and is WORTH standing for. We've had this discussion at least twice in the past, please do your research and put it in the past already...

  10. stunts1.gif

    'Stunts' PC game from the mid 90s. Race a premade track or build your own track then test it out - racing against the clock, against the computer or take turns with a mate to get fastest time :) Ahh memories!


    'Raptor' PC game


    'Dune' PC game


    'Aladdin' NES game


    'Monster Bash' PC game

    It's been said several times already, but this is a kick ass thread!!

  11. times past dont make who u are now.

    Damn straight man. No doubt something serious has happened, but don't make a mistake that you will regret for the rest of your life. Take some personal time, get back into the positive mindset that you've had for the last 15-20 years and try to put whatever this is behind you.

    You are a great bloke and you know the difference between right and wrong. Make the right choice.


  12. Agreed with Michael - mites. They are quite a pain to control because their populations soon explode and will move on to any and all cacti in the area. Killing them off as soon as possible will limit the scarring they cause, but there's no way to reverse it. Luckily, as in Michael's diffusa photos (which are fantastic, BTW), a happy plant will soon enough grow out of the scarring and look good as gold in a few years.

    Another alternative to pyrethrum is using dishwashing liquid diluted in tap water (just a tiny bit in the spray bottle then top up with plenty of water) and spray onto affected plants (spray once or twice a day, morning and evening). The mites soon pack their bags and leave. Apparently they don't like a soapy plant, but overdoing it and keeping the soil too moist can also create rot problems, so don't overdo it.

  13. [NES/Sega] Anyways, of no use to me, so if any old-game freaks would like they're yours for cost of postage

    Ed, you may have made my night :wub: PM'ed.

    And back to the reminiscing:




    The Land Before Time


    Milo and Otis

  14. Jill Of The Jungle!! How could I have forgotten! :lol:


    Halloween Harry/Alien Carnage


    Sonic The Hedgehog


    Mighty Max


    Test Match Cricket


    Dr Dreadful


    Mortal Kombat






    Thunderbirds. I remember the old show when I was tiny - man was it creepy seeing these puppet things going on missions, going underwater, etc. All with the little strings being so obvious. Don't know why, but these dudes were just creepy as hell...

  15. :wub: :wub:


    Commander Keen




    Dinosaurs, any and all, after Jurassic Park blew my young mind. Still got this car (minus several pieces) which my son plays with these days :wub:




    Pokemon Red and Blue on the Gameboy

    Man, that list could go on and on. Great thread :)


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