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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    Another Morning Glory question

    Nah, just single day flowers. Kind of symbolic and beautiful in a way The best thing is they usually flower very profusely so the numbers will make up for their short life spans.
  2. Ace

    Another Morning Glory question

    Heya kenny, not sure on that particular species, but Ipomea tricolour normally has that flowering pattern. They open their buds in the morning and each flower only lasts a day (hence 'Morning Glory'). If she is blooming in that position, then you've probably got an ideal place and shouldn't be transplanting elsewhere
  3. Ace

    the rains are here!

    Yeah, in Australia we have Psilocybe subaeruginosa, not P. cyanescens. Very similar in appearance and characteristics, but a different species. I dont think you'll have any luck getting someone to give you directions to exact patches of mushrooms, but some good places to look are woodchipped garden beds and areas in forests where there is a lot of fallen leaves/twigs and a bit of grass. Also, it is probably too early yet for Sydney to be fruiting active woodlovers - probably another month or two I think.
  4. Ace

    Armala amala?

    I saw it too and thought the name sounded somewhat like 'Harmala', but I'm probably way off and not helping
  5. Ace

    Is this scale?

    A poison free option would be to use 'Slug Pubs'. Get a small saucer/ashtray/tub and dig it into the soil (til the lip of the tub is at ground height) near the affected plants and fill these with beer. Slugs/snails supposedly love beer and will drink themselves to death. Once you've claimed a few victims, toss them out for the birds so they can have an alcoholic snack (and to dispose of your evidence ) and refill the pubs to collect their buddies.
  6. Ace

    Sum just sittin around

    Nice specimens Naja So would the hydro option be suitable for a permanent method of growing peres grafts, do you think? Probably not due to requirements to change water, difficulty feeding, etc, I suppose? They certainly seem happy enough at the moment!
  7. Ace

    Azures, Subs..what wood chips..?

    Great info indeed. A friend of mine has also tried cultivating azures in Aus with great luck (as far as the spawn run and creating outdoor beds using assorted wood chips from council piles). Still yet to see how/if/when they will fruit.
  8. Thanks Hunab. xxx gets a small PC pach pup for grafting/noobs xxx
  9. Yep, best to wait for new growth at the tips and when they have nice swollen stems (new growth can occur even before they are rooted - the peres will be wrinkly and dehydrated - wait until they've resumed normal thickness before grafting). These are indicators that they have rooted and are ready for a scion.
  10. Ace

    Azures, Subs..what wood chips..?

    Thanks for clarifying Zen - I didn't realise that the US species were so different to ours. IME azures seem to highly favour just about any mixed chips that are put in front of them, but yet to try any straight pine or eucy chips, so cannot comment in that regard. Interesting to hear that subs like pine needles/bark - I thought the sap would have been a deterrent.
  11. Ace

    Seed Tray help

    Congrats mate - now you have the challenge of turning it into a mature specimen
  12. Ace


    Usually wait a minimum of a day or two before use so the spores can rehydrate. I've read that they'll last for many months if kept under suitable conditions (out of light, nice and cool - fridge would be suitable as Hunab suggests, even a box in a cupboard would probably be fine for about a month). Definately a lot of info in the SE if you have a searchy.
  13. Ace


    you can have to seperate ackes fuiting? You can, but the fruits will be slightly fewer on each cake because the substrate is halved between them. To illustrate that a bit better, if you were to cut the cake in equal halves, and one of those halves into equal halves, giving you 3 cakes (two small and one medium sized), while it is all the same mycelium and substrate, the cropping would be directly affected by it (the smaller cakes would have less fruits than the medium, and about 1/4 the amount of the full, original, cake). Hope that makes sense Of course that eg is under ideal circumstances, and reality is often quite different, so who knows how you'd go. But yeah, definately possible.
  14. Ace


    And do what with it? It can certainly be done if you plan on casing it and I'm sure you could even fruit as is (PF style). If you plan on casing, it appears that crumbling the cake into marble sized pieces is the most effective way as you want an even layer of myc to case.
  15. Thanks FreakyChicken, I'll grab them up xxx gets a small T. pachanoi (PC) pup xxx (great for grafting stock/noobs looking to get into active cacti)
  16. Haha, I also received an anonymous packet of seeds and couldn't think who it was from. Thanks heaps Micro, I love the generosity of this place Mmm, cant wait to see what wonders are to be found in this assortment of crosses!
  17. Yeah that looks like the US 'clone a' (I think I have them around the right way). AFAIK, it has made it here, but as to when/if it will become available in the same way as our common TBM, who knows. I'd certainly like to aquire a cutting, even if just for the fact that it is so rare still. If any more of this one makes it over here, I encourage people to propagate the hell out of them and mass distribute to ensure it's survival in Oz. I think there is Clone A (US tall clone 'Penis Plant'), Clone B (Aussie clumping clone 'Clumping TBM') and Clone C (cant remember what this one's characteristics were). No doubt there'll be more over time with so many people now growing from seed. Who knows if future freaks will be anywhere near as phallic as these or if they'll be more like the melted wax clones. Gotta love the freaks As I mentioned, definately check the older threads here and I know there's plenty of info at the nook about the various clones too.
  18. Link? There are certainly a few different TBM forms, one of which can be a good foot long (or more) with no spines. In Aus, there is the predominant TBM clone - the small clumping one (which, from memory, is known as the 'clone b' in the US), and supposedly one or two people have managed to get a cutting of the longer American/European clone into Aus, but this has certainly not yet done the rounds. (fingers crossed for it to be in the near future!) There are claims that there are more than two TBM clones, and I think Trouts Notes might mention them. Hit the SE for more info on the other clones (hint, try searching for 'Hulk's Dick'). If this is an international seller, odds are you wont be able to get it into the country, so I wouldnt bother with persuing it unless you fancy a letter from customs/quarantine.
  19. wait at least 5 min from waking before login she told me that she loved me long time Bahahahaha
  20. I also received a PM from this spammer this morning. Ignored it and certainly not clicking their link.
  21. Thanks Neoshaman. xxx gets a stapelia cutting and some fresh ipomea seeds xxx
  22. Ace

    Cactus pics

    But these do not have a V notch, which I believe is a dominant expression from peruvianus Great post cactophyle, but I have to disagree about the absense of V-notches. I can see them in all four pics, however in the second, really blue one, it is very faint. And I can confirm that even my PC pachanoi has very distinct V-notches too, so I dont think it is a defining peruvianus trait. I think what made me tip toward Peruvianoid is that the spination seems too wild for pachanoi (in that it is very heavily spined and quite excessive too), even in 'true' pach specimens. That said, they are still fairly young, but I'm not too sure if the new spination will produce too much more variability with the coming growth. Anyway, it's all just a label, which doesnt really have any value when you just admire the beauty of them Gerbil, I hope one day a few of these get the propagative chop to be spread around the globe
  23. Ace

    Cactus pics

    Very nice cacti Gerbil. Is it just me or do you think 'peruvianoid' seems more applicable than T. pachanoi? Definately looks to be a cross of some sort, but with strong peruvianoid overtones. Fantastic looking specimens, whatever they are
  24. Ace

    Happy Birthday AndyAmine

    Hope its a good one AA, all the best mate
  25. Neo, you are possibly the most ignorant person I've ever heard in regard to quarantine laws. They are there to protect our flora and fauna - end of story. Your arguments look like a child trying to argue with a wise old man. Do yourself a favour and stop posting - even if it is only for the respect of the original poster. Its not about being fearful of diseases coming to eradicate us, its about looking after our country's landscape and the plants and animals that are native here. Look into things like the cane toad and prickly pear and you'll get a feel for why we have such strict quarantine laws.