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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace

    bioluminescence ?

    I quite like the thought of a living organism having the ability to glow - its just a bizzare sort of trait to possess. A lot of deep sea organisms possess this trait - like the angler fish that uses it to lure other critters towards it where it'll gulp them down... I think that as humans we are naturally interested in these abilities because we lack them, and they are still fairly rare in nature. Once again, if anyone has some good pickies that they'd like to share, please do Sorry for hijacking your post watertrade - I hope that someone out there has some goodies for you in this matter!
  2. Ace

    Morning Glory voyages

    Thanks Twix, i'll keep looking. if i find any decent info, i'll be sure to post here for future reference
  3. Yay I figured it out - I used the file attachment function (i was trying to use the 'insert image' icon before - to no avail) Thanks Gerbil!
  4. Can anyone help me out with converting an img file to url to post pics? I cant seem to figure it out. Sorry if this has been discussed before - I have tried to search via the SE, but cant find it. Sorry guys - any help is much appreciated
  5. Ace

    Blow pipes for powderised ethnobotanicals.

    Now thats commitment to your hobbies!!
  6. Ace

    A day at the nursery

    Pic 7. is almost certainly a gymno - I've got one just like it, though its a little sunburned... They are a pretty common variety, perticularly in bunnings and other big-chain sellers
  7. Ace

    ids if possible :)

    Does anyone know if terschekii is an active species? I have recently bought the same one as in the top pic from bunnings, also labelled trichocereus. Mine is about the size of a tennis ball, so I cant imagine it getting to be a few metres tall anytime soon....
  8. Ace

    bioluminescence ?

    Sorry champ - cant help you out in the way of spores, but I'm quite interested in seeing some pics if anyone might have some. It's such an amazing property for an organism to use. In regards to fungi, does anyone know what the use of it may be? Possibly just a chemical break down by-product, or more to attract insects or something for spore dispersal?
  9. Ace

    Morning Glory voyages

    Thanks for the suggestion - already had a bit of a look there and various other sites, though it seems like there is a lot of conflicting data regarding quantities etc, so I was hoping one of the all-knowing folks here may be able to help me out with some straight-up facts
  10. Awesome! I'll take them off your hands WWWWGets chunky Pedro mid cut (approx. 15-20cm long)WWWW
  11. Ace

    Another Cacti Comp

    Gidday everyone - I'm a newbie here (with this being my first post ) and quite keen to expand my cacti collection, so Dodie, I'd quite like the Eileen cut if I was lucky enough to win In return, I will do my best to get a few posts in here and there and contribute to this great site! Good Luck All!!