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The Corroboree


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About Simondontana

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Climate or location
    Bris Vegas Qld.
  1. So when you die where do you think you will be going ? ---------------------------------------------------------------- This could very well be the most important question any open minded person could ask themselves. Particularly if you are curious and really want to know what you are as compared to the seen and unseen universe. We are all very much more then our physical bodys. And the answer to your question? After this adventure I will be going back to the place my energy existed before I was concieved. I also hope to take back a swag of "spiritual evolution" with me too. How lucky am I to do a stint in the grand physical illusion and become aware, right now, that I am actually an eternal entity trying to evolve into much higher plains of existance beyond this life. And this has happened after exposure to religion, society and orthodox science Want some empirical evidence ?
  2. Simondontana

    New Member

    Hi jono. If you'd like to know a bit more about European scythes checkout www.scytheconnection.com, a good quality blade will last you a lifetime. It's use is an exercise in awareness at many levels.
  3. Simondontana

    New Member

    Thanks for the great introduction Mesc and the warm welcomes. It's great to be invited in. It may take me a little time to get settled, but I'm sure the future here is going to be very interesting.