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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by p.deadman

  1. p.deadman

    Fresh dung

    I was going to go to my fav patch either today or tomorrow looking for psilocybe cyanescen and others as we have had a good drop of rain and there are mushrooms popping up all over my front and back yards. I use these in cooking if I can get them before the worms and slugs do. I will take photos and prints if any are found and post them when I get back. There is also alot of rotting timber so will have a look for some woodlovers, I think this is the right time of year for them??? I'll keep ya posted. Deadman
  2. p.deadman

    Fresh dung

    If one had a supply of fresh cow dung, what would one need to encourage interesting mycology specimens to emerge that could be used for an in-depth look at oneself and surroundings? This is all in theory and nonsence of course! But an interesting question all the same.
  3. I have no idea how to post images here. I was able to post them in the gallery but don't know how to post them here. If someone can help that would be great. Anyway if you can be bothered to look in the gallery they are there to see. The Loph. will. was labelled as var. caespitosa any one heard of it ?
  4. p.deadman

    Newbie cactiphile

    Thanks Genius. The person that I bought it from suggested that I leave it in this small pot until it reaches the edges. Would this be good advise or should I pot-up into a slightly larger pot given that they have a large tap root? http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uplo...61_3_576827.jpg This is the other one that I bought from the same place was labelled as a Trichocereus bridgesii, what do ya think?
  5. p.deadman

    Newbie cactiphile

    http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uplo...61_3_412701.jpg I have tried but I must be a complete knucklehead as this URL is the only thing that would work, sorry peps, Im not that good when it comes to this sort of thing. I will endevour to sharpen up on my skills http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uplo...61_3_362640.jpg Bugger, I just can't seem to post the images here. Thanks for the tips anyways guys.
  6. p.deadman

    T. bridgesii, I assume

    The label reads Trichocereus bridgesii, you be the judge.
  7. p.deadman

    My Hoodia Gordonii

    This one came from Herbalistics.com
  8. p.deadman

    Tric. spp. or so the label said

    Another cacti that was purchased locally. Any ideas on which?
  9. p.deadman

    1" Loph

    I bought this little gem locally.
  10. p.deadman

    Weed access on the decline?

    Feminised plants are not a rumour but are very unstable and a waste of time IMO unless you are using these for a limited breeding programs and even then they have questionable results. Read Robert Clarkes 'MJ botany' this stuff is not new many have been there and done that. Also Gibb. acid is the chemical most used for this type of 'sex change' experiment and then it is pricey and results vary greatly. Not meaning to sound smug Am. but excessive CO2 will allow you to grow at higher temperatures. As for air exchange you still are unable to cool, say a 4mx5m space, using air that is 30deg.+ trust me its not possible the more power (exhaust/intake) the better but this also has its limitations, your just blowing hot air into an already hot evironment. And with the added heat from GR equipment (say 2600w of HPS and MH lighting) the temp will jump up significantly. Also the 'smell' that hot days bring from your room can give-up your plot real fast unless you are using good charcaol filters, while scrubbing the aromatics add little respite to 40deg. temps. And then you have the problem of "the hum" coming from wherever your room is situated. Look, I know that where there is a will there is a way but sometimes the effort out-weighs the reward, unless you are growing very small numbers that love this type of heat and produce very little sat. vari. thai come to mind, your wasting your time that's all. p.d
  11. p.deadman

    Weed access on the decline?

    I agree with BD there are some really crazy rumours out there on how to grow(good)weed and most of the time these rumours come from succesful growers to try and put you off having a go and keep you coming back for repeat business. It is called weed for a reason, It grows like one! All that is needed is good genetics and time. If one is interested one should check sites that are solely devoted to this variety plant, ozstoners comes to mind. BTW this type of subject used to be frawned upon in this forum only a few years ago, maybe 4 years - time flies when your having kids or is admin relaxing it's posting guidlines? Anyway, IMHO, the main reason that there is a "drought" around this time of the year is that most places in oz experience temps. that are in the mid to high 30s, add to this another 15-20 degrees from lights and concealing makes for bad growing conditions. Think about it,most grows are reasonably well hidden-most of the time! and this affects ventilation and intake of the air that is required for healthy plant growth. I know that I would hate to be stuck in a room that has little fresh air - no matter how much food and water and light was on offer. Sure you can A/C your set-up but that would be so expensive and push the price of an elbow through the roof, and add unwanted pressure to this high risk sport, Most grows already spin there meter of its axis who wants the extra load, unless you run a diesel gene. Than there is the noise and pollution factors to deal with not to mention the greenhouse gases from this type of set-up that effect all of us. Anyway I don't use this herb anymore, just kinda grow out of the whole scene, too many players and other responsibilities,e.g kids, to maintain a good crop and get around with my head in the cloud stuffed with cotton wool. Ahhh to be young and fancy free again......not! My 2cents worth is this, enjoy while your young and don't depend on it cause life is too precious to waste looking down the barrel of a bong and sitting around waiting and waiting and waiting! Trust me after smok'n 1/2 an oz. a day for many years and a couple of cannabis cups later you realise that it is not as benign as we all think it is and that there is so much more to life and living. I don't mean to preach but if I had my time again I would have stopped in my early twenties and never looked back, but that's just me. p.d
  12. p.deadman

    What plant grows where

    Could we start a poll on what plants grow best in each region around Australia. I know that there are many ways to manipulate the environment for each species discussed in these posts but sometimes this is just not practical. This would also lessen the disappointment felt after spending months, if not years, waiting for plants to underperform due to conditions that are not always in the hands of the grower. If this has been done previously done, please direct me to the right place
  13. p.deadman

    What plant grows where

    Yeah point taken PH and yes that is the kind of information that I was thinking about and not some plot to broad-acre crop the cottage industry out of exsistance or promote there alternative use and have more plants go the way of SD and many others. I was only thinking that there should be a few spp. that could be recommended for those that are looking for something different to plant in there gardens that will grow with minimal fuss along side say...onion, french beans, basil and tomatoe that sort of thing. I realise that there is alot of plants that are used for purposes other than food but that does'nt mean that they would be an unwelcome guest to a cottage garden or veggie patch. My main reason for this suggestion is that most of Australia is in the grips of the worst droughts we have seen and you have highlighted my concerns that most of these exotics require ample water which we just don't have. My other reason is conservation, the more popular a plant becomes the less likely we are of losing it for future generations that may unlock there secrets in ways we have not yet thought of. Surely most plants discussed in this forum are grown for there beauty and not just because they can alter ones state of mind, which I think is a sad statement of our generation (and believe me I'm part of this group - I'm no saint) and in my opinion this would be a great shame for our children and there children. (p.deadman steps of his soapbox and blends back into the crowd)
  14. p.deadman

    Sydney finds?

    From the Hills district you say ! I know of a place not to far from you that has stacks of cows and heaps of fresh dung on about 200 acres. Went out last year and took lots of photos and a plastic shopping bag and there was still heaps left. This place is very safe but you must be savvy as only locals know of it and can get cranky if you do not respect the land you are on. Also it is best if you look 'official' meaning no dreadies, tiedyes or hippie looking types (don't mean to stereotype, don't mean to offend!) as the local rednecks would be onto you like flys to a .... well you know what I mean, you would really stick out in the locals eyes. Anyway I have since lost the pics but Im sure they are what you were looking for. The only thing that stopped me from eating them was that the stems did not turn blue when broken or bruised ! So I thought that it is better to be safe than sick other than that they had all the attributes of your classic Cub. eg print colour, cap colour, habitation etc. If they were not Cubes. does anyone have any ideas as to what they might be?
  15. p.deadman

    Gleditsia spp.

    Was reading through a book that suggests that the Gleditsia spp (American Honey Locust, Honey Locust, Three thorned Acacia)"contains the alkaloid gleditschine as well as stenocarpine, cocaine and possibly atropine. In laboratory animals gleditschine produces stupor and loss of reflex activity." Are they for real ? This plant is a major pest around my area.