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Everything posted by Mosh

  1. Mosh

    Another paper

    Trucha, the philosophy of science is the first subject that I studied for undergrad. science, and here in Aust. at least I think that is the norm. so researchers do understand what you are saying. There is really very little room in research for egotism, when peer review is such a constant. Science both proves AND disproves theories, that is how it progresses. I disagree that this study lacks comparative (to real life clinical situations) value because of "very artificially created conditions". The rat anatomy/physiology is a very good model for human such like. The controlled methods employed in this study are important to account for variables. And after all a heart attack is a heart attack, whether in a rat model or human life. The point of the study is firstly to establish if DMT is produced at death, and secondly what is the function of that DMT in the brain. For the purposes of this study, the discussion of near death experiences was made, and if the NDE visions have a chemical basis. Very interesting.
  2. Mosh

    Khat use!

    All the khat trees I've seen in Australia aren't being hedged, that is why they lack potency. They need to be grown like a tea bush, it's the young growing shoots which are useful.
  3. Mosh

    Ephedra sp. cultivation notes and discussion

    Grew sinica at 1100m in snowy mountains. Easy germination in seed raising mix, and planted into red basalt. The trick to these very healthy plants was mulching with river sand only and lots of it! The sand reflects heat and light from below upwards. BTW, the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia 1983, defines Ephedra (herb) as "the dried YOUNG stems of E. sinica, E.equisetina and E.gerardiana."
  4. Mosh

    Another paper

    The mice were "pinealectomized rats", not bred as such. I think it might be unethical to induce cardiac arrests in humans just to detect DMT in the brain, as was done in the mice. Change, why don't you write to the research team suggesting your superior method.
  5. Mosh

    East Gippsland members?

    Hi, new to The Corroboree, are there any members in East Gippsland?
  6. Mosh

    Drying and curing N.rustica

    Herbal Jedi in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmYV8v8hpA tells all