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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by obtuse

  1. i used to smoke heaps, and giving up was one of the best things i ever did.

    pots turns on you to some degree, and now with about 10 years of not smoking behind me, i am fully aware of how much it dulled my life, and how antisocial it made me, and that i missed out on a lot, when i should have been doing other things. let alone my short term memory, and anxiety issues that were exacerbated by my pot use and still an issue.

    all fun to begin with, but if you get into a cycle of dependence its not fun anymore...

    Cheers, Obtuse.

  2. just gotta keep your eyes open for when people offer plates.

    "seed and plant exchange" is usually where it happens, or someone just offers something from their collection.

    i've gotta go through my collection and re-do some plates.

    probably time i should share some love ey.

    cheers, Obtuse.

  3. i grab:

    India: Myths and Legends by Donald M. MacKenzie

    Andre Breton and the first principles of surrealism by Franklin Rosemont

    ARSENAL: Surrealist Subversion No. 3

    if they havent gone already.

    cheers, Ob.

  4. I've seen one of two around, but dring out and not very healthy looking, so struggling.

    I would say season almost over, well for Tasmania anyway. It's so dry here. lots of dew and frost but not enough rain.

    a disappointing year as i didnt get to take many photos of fungi this year, except ps. semilanceata, which was amazing.

    ah well, next year,

    Cheers, Obtuse.

  5. I am there, already looking forward to it. We should have a melb meet after or before EGA so we can get all the plant heads together at one time :)

    Good work Ronny


    this would be brilliant, as i and im sure a heap of others would love to join in on a melbourne meet. i went to the one at the last melb uni ega (2008), and it was great meeting some of you.

    but ega being the two days of the weekend, might be a bit tricky.

    cheers, Obtuse.

  6. hey woody,

    much to my displease i was defeated by winter on this one.

    They were all going really well, and then the frosts hit. I have lost a lot of stuff to winter, and mrs obtuse hates it when i fill the kitchen with plants at this time of year.

    sorry about that Harry, they were great seeds, and i got 100% germination and all.

    Well done Auxin, you sure got the knack for keeping plants alive through your winter. must have a nice warm greenhouse.

    oh well, another time perhaps.

    Cheers, Obtuse.

  7. I remember hearing stories about hallucinogenic puffballs, perhaps of the lycoperdon sp.

    otherwise yeah wereroa, sub-secotoid, or someones just yanking your chain.

    given that there is no photgraphs and not even a good textual description i would err on the side of this being about the lycoperdon sp.

    Cheers, Obtuse.

  8. I am aware of there being a very potent type, that looks very different, in tassie too. Its not wereroa like.

    i am still undecided about whether it is something different from ps. sub., or the result of environment.

    your post tigersharxx101 makes me think it is simply the result of environmental, that causes this.

    too much humidity in combination too much of some nutrients and not enough of others. well thats what i think. :P

    Cheers, Ob.

  9. my concern was your identification as cubensis, and my comments for those who may stumble across this thread.

    i am aware of some fairly far out identifications, thats all, and i just get a little worried.

    cheers, Obtuse.

  10. Im going to second gerbils comments.

    you gotta read. go read all the mushroom books in your local library to get a good idea of similarities, and habitat.

    and then read some more. there are plenty of look alikes, and if you are not familiar enought to know the differnces you may end in trouble.

    like gerbil im not having a go at you personally, but you can do some major damage to yourself if you pick the wrong ones.

    cheers, obtuse.

    (edit: ) some of those pics are quite good, pity they are mobile phone pics though. that botom group look georgeous.

  11. Hey guys,

    i found some possible subs today in woodchips on the bellerine peninsular. im pretty sure they tick all the boxes as outlined above. just to confirm,

    should the cap be slimmy?

    is it ok that they were growing in multi stemmed clumps?

    they are a bit bigger than the ones ive picked in the past, the stems are thicker and the caps are a bit mutilated and wavy in shape, and more of a deep orange than gold colour.

    im doing the spore prints now,

    cheers guys


    re the cap: no not slimy, but sticky. but this stickyness disappears as they dry, unding up being smooth and leathery in very dry specimens. (edit: if its been rainign lots, i guess they may be a little slimy)

    yes they can have sort of orange colour sometimes, but more like an orangy brown, not so much deep orange. but wavy sounds good. but this also happens in other species.

    multistemmed clumps, while this does happen often, it is the exception rather than the rule.

    check the gill colour, and check for blue staining. if they are slimy, in my experience not them. stropharia semiglobata is a good example of sliminess as a comparison.

    if your going to ask about id here, you really need to post pics, cant really go by text descriptions.

    spore print may be of some assistance in id though.

    cheers, Obtuse.

  12. i guess a few things.

    has the stem stained blue,

    do the gills stain blue.

    is the stem thick and fibrous, with a thin hollow cavity through the middle, and curvy.

    is the cap viscid, with a thin but stretchy transparent layer that can be peeled off. does the cap have a nipple.

    has the top of the cap stained blue,

    as the cap dries, it yellows from between the nipple to the edge, and goes a pale yellow, with occassional blue staining.

    you've really got to pay attention to these when you pick. if you start worrying about this stuff when their half dried, it may be too hard to differentiate till you get spores and gill fragments under a microscope.

    once you know a few differentiating rules 99% you cant miss out in the field.

    from what i can see in the first post. no, not a sub, the stem is not right, and i personally dont think the gills, the cap, and cap margin look right either.

    amazonian, that upside down cap may be ok. is that blue staining on the edge. the group photo, they all look ok.

    Cheers, Obtuse.
