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The Corroboree


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    Perth, Western Australia

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    Perth, WA

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  1. @Gimli dw I'll bring vegan options
  2. Thank you for the warning (not sarcasm, it’s always appropriate for these plants) I definitely understand what Brugmansias and the like are capable of. I have experienced anticholinergic syndrome, though not with tropanes but with a lethal dose (intentional) of Promethazine - thankfully saved in time. Anyway, extremely *not* keen to endure anything even remotely close to that horror ever again. Rest assured, any potential experimentation will proceed methodically and with the utmost caution.
  3. Couple of random questions, but I’m struggling to find an answer elsewhere so thought I’d consult some experts ;) If one was to “top up” a pot with more soil, (thereby covering a portion of the plant’s stem that was previously above the surface) will the plant throw out new roots or even basal shoots/suckers, from the newly soil-covered section of stem? Or neither? And any possible situations in which this could be harmful for a plant?
  4. The use of anticholinergic (specifically, antimuscarinic) drugs is already well established in mainstream medicine for the symptomatic treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and it is indeed fairly effective. Unfortunately these types of drugs, especially those that readily cross the blood-brain barrier can produce a whole bunch of unpleasant side effects when administered orally. The medical community understands this and a topical product has been developed specifically for this ailment in the form of a glycopyrronium-bromide laced disposable wipe. While my plants may love summer, I and many others find it hard to embrace it when constantly drenched in sweat. Personally, the heat itself doesn’t actually bother me, it’s just the perpetual drowned-rat look and feel that I detest. While not officially suffering from hyperhidrosis, as it is not a year round thing personally, my medication does lower the temperature threshold for me so for 3-6 months a year, I may as well have it. Anyway, enough 1st world white boyin’ from me... Recently I bought a Brugmansia to add to my ethno garden once again and today was pondering the possibility of preparing and using it topically for sweating. Maybe I can love summer after all haha... anyway, seeing as the tropane alkaloids within are antimuscarinic anticholinergics too, they should indeed work just as effectively as the pharmaceuticals used. I even found an Ayurvedic website that lists it as a therapeutic use for Datura so this is far from an original thought of mine. Just thought I’d share the idea as an interesting topical use of tropane-bearing plants. Would also love to hear if anyone has tried using such plants for such purpose, how one may go about preparing them for topical use safely (and without ending up with a flying ointment instead ) or anything else anyone would like to add! Peace!
  5. Hey everyone, probably a long shot at this stage but would love to find some Salvia recognita seeds or (WA only) a plant. I acquired a very small quantity of seed a few months ago but they all failed to germinate due to dampening off fungus Confident I know where I went wrong though and that I will have better luck with a second attempt. Would be willing to make it worth your while if you can help me out and I fully intend to pay it forward and help spread this newly realised species of interest through the community.
  6. @Gimli The obtusifolia and acuminatas have grown a little more enthusiastically than expected since giving them a more permanent home to stretch their legs... er, roots. Thank you
  7. Woohoo! Finally validated! I am keen to come on down for the meet up. Have only recently (re)started gardening ethnobotanicals again from scratch so I don’t have a whole lot to trade just yet but all in good time. Will hopefully have some seedlings and/or cuttings going Been a long time lurker and despite having a garden previously had absolutely zero involvement or participation in the community - happy to be changing that this time around
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