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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Northerner

  1. Northerner

    psychotria leaves not pupping

    I've had some psychotria leaf sections in soil for months now and they have decent root growth, but they are not pupping? The leaves are staring to get old and brown on the far edges now, chanting and wand waving isn't helping. How do I induce pupping? Is there nothing wrong and I should just keep waiting... and waiting, and waiting....
  2. Northerner

    ** NEWS FLASH!! **

    Yeah mate, even after a lifetime of counseling it's not something that you ever get over.
  3. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    It's a valid argument that 8 years of everything that Obama did comes to fruition over a year after he left. Maybe, in an alternate reality. Finances shift very quick... bullshit tanks within weeks in our modern world. Internet baby... yeah! This guy, despite being a f-wit has been a major finance manager for more than 50 years. If there is anything he knows it's money. He was born into it. He is far more experienced in this particular field than any president ever before. They didn't elect Mickey Mouse here, even though he acts like it. Appearances are never something that Trump was good at, because it never mattered before in a private scenario. Only his decisions ever mattered. No matter how ugly they were. Sadly this won't make up for his appalling political and social skills. (leader of the free world... hahaha) He will hire and fire like a private company, except in US executive office. Shocking for all to watch. He's burned companies to the ground before, it'll be interesting to see how this one goes. Though he has a lot more experience now. Consider that after a term or two the Dems deconstruct a working machine... I know it would be for spite but who cares in politics right? It's only the population who wears the changes. Who is to blame? edit: And the Pacific Free Trade Deal was a corrupt closed door deal that benefited no one but the 1% companies who lobbied for it. It was filth enslaving the the poor indo-pacific people to American corporate interests. Ugly stuff. Why do you think everything about it was secretive and everything that was released about it was found wanting? How can a country make a trade deal when the people know nothing about it? Corruption. Millions of people petitioned against it, despite the millions of $'s that were spent creating it. Thank fk Trump canned it as a poor long term prospect, Australia should do the same. We should be examining bank accounts before this deal is even considered again. edit edit: I'm not fired up. I'm just a truth seeker. I really don't care. It won't effect my garden here in the jungle.
  4. Northerner

    ** NEWS FLASH!! **

    Cheeky AF! I've had chicks do worse things to me at clubs... Who do I call? I didn't realise I had been assaulted, I thought people were just like that.
  5. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    From being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize early in his presidency, to spending 10 billion a month in conflict. President Obama, who hoped to sow peace, instead led the nation in war For Obama, an Unexpected Legacy of Two Full Terms at War President Obama's Legacy Is Endless War After 8 Years Of Unbroken War, Obama Hands Over Conflicts To Trump
  6. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    I wasn't here Halcyon, or I would have spoken my mind. Trump is dodgy, there's no denying it. But he doesn't come from a background of systematic political corruption. It'll come... but he doesn't yet own that one now like any Bush or Clinton. Maybe being already billionaire he won't be so easy to bribe (lobby)? Lol... yeah I know. But here's hoping. Obama was great at first. But failed to realise that handouts cost everyone. Aussies fail at that also. The welfare state is a crippled state, it brought down the Romans. Trump sees this. Leftists hate this viewpoint and would rather people pay more taxes than look after their own. It's a failed model proven before. He also faced decades of back to back Bush and Clinton warmongering policies that needed to be cleaned up. It would have been unethical to walk away and just say "screw you guys, I'm taking may ball and going home." Despite pulling back the forces by major percentages when he first got in, as the years wore on he became more willing to commit. No doubt the pressure was coming from up high. Raining dollars. Trump is likely to start an all out confrontation just through pure ego, but maybe his fear will get the better of him. He's not courageous, but he is a risk taker. Major war is bad for business, small war is good. I think if anything else Trump values $'s and won't make obvious financial mistakes. Calling Kim names and getting the same treatment is way better than landing parties or scuds, or even ICBM's.
  7. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    Until he starts another unprovoked attack like the Vietnam or Gulf Wars he will fall short of the lows that other Presidents have achieved, imho. Sure he's a bleating, arrogant, ignorant, bigot... but actually the US economy is doing well under his "media unpopular" ideas. (the media will call it a reign here) Unemployment is hitting lows not seen in almost 20 years, business is flourishing... there's much to be said that doesn't appear on twitter or under any of the Russian meddling conspiracy articles. There's a lot of hard data that says he's not so bad. Sure he doesn't like immigrants and puts America first to the detriment of everyone else. But he's the US President, he's kinda supposed to do that.
  8. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    I didn't say power change was about to happen @Sallubrious , just that it would because of the persistent left. It's the bubble of politics, it faces inevitable correction. People are stupid, I don't pretend to be above that either, but eventually the crap will stink so much that there will be no ignoring it.
  9. Northerner

    Trump Watch

    I love Trump. I reckon he's fk'n fantastic. The left in the US has been in control for so long that even the center is considered far right by the media and screamed down and silenced with outrage culture. In walks Trump, flips the birdie to the media and starts changing things just like he wants. Right or wrong he doesn't give a flying fuck. This is what happens when you silence the masses, feed them on fear and lies through a 1% majority power controlled media... they will vote for anyone except the same corrupt bias that has been eroding their way of life for decades. He's being compared to far right leaders in this picture above, completely laughable. These people have forgotten what right extremism is, it's been so long since they dealt with actual hardship. Gluttonous, oblique, self-centric fools. It's a great equalizer. Trump is just a balance for a society that was close to toppling in a certain direction. He may still not even be enough. The same thing is happening here. Our rights are being eroded away by a fascist left in the name of safety. Crime is plummeting in Australia, has been for a long time, but the leftist media would lead you to believe we are in crisis. We are more integrated than ever, but the leftist media would lead you to believe we are a divided nation. I could go on and on about the lies we are told to distract us whilst our resources are plundered and our interests are sold. Let's have a vote about gay marriage... what about the fk'n NBN or Telstra or the power grid or foreign ownership or coal mining or education and military budgets? Are we too stupid to be part of the decisions that make a real impact on everyone? Or too stupid to see what the one hand is doing whilst the other is pontificating about how we address each other in polite society? How come the majority are so blind to this! for fuck sake. The bipartisan left here is far left and the right is left of center. Soon everything will either be illegal or compulsory. This is why we will vote in a maniac as well, our very own Trump, to put some balance back into the perceived control of people. The left will scream outrage, racism, misogynism, Chinese interference, anythingism and everythingism as their control is ripped away by the logical and fed up majority.
  10. Northerner

    I'm high on life...

    For some years I pro fished on deck. Not sorting prawns, topside real fishing in the big blue. It was life on the edge. It was torture. It was insanity. Still I miss it. I'm not sure if it's as much of an endorphine rush as jumping out of aeroplanes, but it's comparable. It builds up day after day, by the time you get back on land you are loony with it.
  11. Northerner

    P. Viridis scale? And now ID request.

    I'm very cautious l to use poisons on these particular plants, I even considered using nicotine but decided not to. Things could get messy if the poisons somehow entered the plant and were stored in the cells, or even just not washed off properly. I don't know if this is unwarranted, that's still how I feel. I ended up squishing the the bloody hoppers heads as well. I tried pulling off a single leg and setting them free, but I ended up with 5 legged grasshoppers munching away. They didn't like the spray much, used a real potent purple garlic and sprayed every day for a while. It scared off my yellow spiders too, but they seem to have come back even though the hoppers haven't.
  12. Northerner

    P. Viridis scale? And now ID request.

    I've killed em with diluted dish washing up liquid, about a teaspoon or two in a squeezy bottle will do it. That was on other plants though. I've been using garlic water to keep the fk'n grasshoppers off my psychotria in the last few weeks and it hasn't had any adverse reaction on the plants. Scale are insects too I guess, so it'd probably do them in too. Using about half a dozen cloves crushed and soaked for a few days in a squeezy bottle worth of water, then strained out with a cloth before chucking it in the bottle. Could spot try either one, see how your plants feel about it.
  13. Northerner

    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶★* .*¸Make a wish! ¸.*•.¸..☆

    We're only restricted by the obstacles we place in front of ourselves Amazonian, oh and our doofus noses.
  14. Northerner

    Post your track of the day

    that's fk'n gold waterboy.... I'd like it twice if I could
  15. Northerner

    Post your track of the day

    yeah, well... it straight up
  16. Northerner

    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶★* .*¸Make a wish! ¸.*•.¸..☆

    Correct me if I'm wrong Thunder, but it wasn't that long ago you were bitching about mens rights? Batting for the other team is a different way to approach the conundrum.
  17. Northerner

    Documentary Recommendations?

    Kinda sad. Doesn't surprise me though. I remember when grindr came about and some of my mates started with it. Still, that scene was always a danger zone.
  18. Northerner

    Man's Plot To Spike Entire City Of L.A's Water Supply With LSD

    Well you really pissed on the bonfire there waterboy.
  19. Almost 20 years now for me...
  20. Northerner

    1 ton dmt bust Germany

    Poor bastard, was just trying to share the sacrament with all of Germany.
  21. I smoked for 20 years, now I've been on the vape for years. Unflavoured and low powered, I really like it. I've quit before for years at a time with nothing, but kept coming back. Call me a nicotine junkie if you will. Vaping doesn't have the complete alkaloid profile characteristic of tobacco and isn't as addictive, there is something about the plant itself above and beyond the nicotine. Sure I could quit completely, but the reality is vaping's not that harmful and has negligible cost. In my experience it's the only thing that has ever stopped me smoking besides willpower. Anyone who says vaping doesn't work hasn't tried a device that simulates a cigarette or is in cahoots with the Cancer Council and their agenda.
  22. Northerner

    don't cha hate it when..

    dchiw you spend 3 days and $'s extracting nuthin... edit: then you realise the next day your science is all wonky and you have a flagon of gold you almost threw out.
  23. Northerner

    ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶★* .*¸Make a wish! ¸.*•.¸..☆

    I wish my local grasshopper population would suddenly become suicidal and/or cannibalistic.
  24. Northerner

    Flat earth debate

    The thread title "debate" is misleading. It's not the 1600's, we have evidence based science and other annoying things like that that make the topic null and void. There is no debate, just fantasy VS reality. Fantasy will always win in this situation because it can just keep making up more stuff, where reality (in effect) is finite. Paranoid delusions are not a real discussion imho, unless we are addressing them as such or looking to help people overcome them, not arguing their merits. (taking the piss for chuckles is acceptable also)
  25. Northerner

    Flat earth debate

    We would also be totally naive, we would never be able to tell that 9/11 was an inside job and the fact that money isn't attached to gold anymore because of an illegal midnight deal in the US wouldn't be well known. Oh... wait.