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The Corroboree


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About N1no

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    Day Tripper

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  1. N1no

    Lophoturbina flowering !

    Nice flower
  2. N1no

    rivea corymbosa experiences?

    I wanted to try rivea but I still haven't, because im not sure how much I should take... On a Dutch forum we tried to fiend out what a good dose is. <10 - 200 seeds were awnsers given on different sites. The site that mentioned <10 (Azarius) also stated that >10 seeds could kill you :S Well im not really sure about that last statement but ok, always be carefull with new products
  3. N1no

    Help! Sally D not doing too well!

    Nah, if the water reaches halfway the pot that is good enough but the effect will be the same. I'm telling you this works fine with my plants. Don't know how it will work on yours.
  4. N1no

    Salvia Cutting Tutorial

    Hope you guys fiend this helpfull
  5. N1no

    Salvia Cutting Tutorial

    Ok here a quick manual to make salvia cuttings Gather: 2 Propagators (€4,95) 30 Square pots (€3,- ripped off I KNOW!!!) 10 Liter Pottingsoil (€2,50) 1 Klife Cutting-powder Cup with water Prepare everything, fill the pots with soil etc. Take a big branch and cut a small piece of. Cut off the big leaves and dip it in water. Put the cutting in the powder and than place it in the soil.
  6. N1no

    Help! Sally D not doing too well!

    Don't water it every day! Only once a weak or so. My plants like that... I got about 100 plants after only 8 months (started with 2 small plants form azarius). Small plants but ok... To water the plant just place the pot in a bucket with water for an hour, do this once a week. This is the way to succes (I guess).
  7. N1no

    Offered Salvia Cuttings

    Too bad I can't send plants
  8. N1no

    Offered Salvia Cuttings

    Imigration isn't that hard if your from Australia. Its just the crazy language that you'll have to learn that will take you at least 1 whole year to understand the basics. My oppinion about Holland is that the laws are fine, but the weather sux big time!
  9. N1no

    Offered Salvia Cuttings

    I Believe Lophophora's are Legal in Australia? I've got about 25 one year old aprox. 1cm big peyote's. Any one?
  10. N1no

    how to handle police

    Isn't that against the constitution? What a bizar law that is
  11. N1no

    Help! Sally D not doing too well!

    Maybe make a couple of cuttings just to be sure you won't have to get a new one.
  12. N1no

    Offered Salvia Cuttings

    I'm Sorry guys, I didn't look that up. STUPID DRUG LAWS!
  13. I've got some salvia cuttings I would like to trade. The Salvia Cuttings where made monday and will be well rooted in about 10 days. Some things im intrested in: Catha edulis seeds or cuttings Erythroxylum coca seeds or cuttings Datura/Burgmansia seeds Mitragyna speciosa cuttings Psychotria Viridis cuttings If you've got something else that is nice too PM me!