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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Zedo

  1. Educate me:- is passiflora the passion fruit vine? Like purple or yellow? Or it is a similar species. My yellow passion fruit vine has cool flowers which look similar. 

    I read the passion fruit vine was passiflora edilus but really not sure if this is correct and or if the species your after are even the same plant. 

  2. Is there a good link that summarises the qanon posts and their ‘extracted meanings’. I’m not up on it enough to read the qanon posts and make any sense of it. I just worked out what a POTUS was lol , and to think I’ve been calling it poo all these years. 


    Seriously though, any good links?

  3. Guessing your not in Aussie. Cause it’s quite illegal to cultivate here for any reason I’m pretty sure. If your somewhere where it’s not illegal it shouldn’t be too hard to source. But if Glaukus is right and the seeds have a short period of viability might make it real hard unless someone down the road had any. Good luck though. 

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  4. How longs it been in the pot? Could be the roots need more room. Or perhaps it’s gettting too much sun (if you’ve had any scorchers in the last month. Could have cooked the soil and roots. I’d put it in a shadier spot for a bit too just to see if it changes colour. Also I would worry about fertilising your cacti. That could have burned the roots too or put too much of a certain nutrient into its soil.


    id repot it in some new cacti succ mix, water it, put it somewhere with partial shade and leave it be

  5. Had a read the link you posted in  another post. Sorta up to speed a bit. I’d love to know what other countries are doing too or is this a US effort. Like the Uranium deals with Russia. Is Russia all apart of the global corrupt or are they too cleaning up their people. What does this mean for our sell out pollies? 

    That’s if any of this holds truth.


  6. So my viridis is growing nicely, but upon close inspection it is over run with scale (I think it’s scale). 


    Ive tried wiping them off and using rose scale spray and been oil but it’s seems to do nothing. 


    Thoughts? It’s not hurting the plant in an obvious way but I’m sure it would thrive much better with out it. The other two viridis I have had none but now are starting to get it. So I sorta wanna get on top of it ASAP.




  7. Had drama yesterday and this morning where I’d load up the site and it looked like (see picture). Looked like I wasn’t logged in, but there was no where I could log in.


    i reset thre browser cache etc but nothing. I had to search mr google for tee corroboree login to find the login page. Bug? 



