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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Zedo

  1. Bulk rain last night made the house very humid. Now I've got cob webs all over the dirt. I sprayed some more fungicide on it. Does anyone have any suggestions?


    also I got one baby poking it's head through on the cacti tray.




  2. I'd like to thank those who had the chance to chat. While I'm still in two minds I have a bit of an idea how to proceed. 

    But now I'll open up the floor.


    Have you had a life changing experience? Due to this experience, did it change your life goals? While altering your path to aim towards your new life goals, did you have things holding you back that left you in two minds wondering whether your new goals are worth leaving your old goals for? Has your life and health improved or diminished upon following these new goals?


    those I've spoken to you will understand these questions a bit more narrowly. But I'm opening up the floor to all wakes of experience and choices. 


    This will probably get way off track lol but oh well. A good discussion is never a wasted one.

  3. Yay I have sprouts! But not the cacti or succs yet. I noticed around the edge of one tray there's a little bit of that cob web looking stuff. I thought baking the soil and spraying some fungicide would have eliminated that. 


    Should i I be worried? Will this kill the cacti seeds? 

  4. Good morning everyone. I'm posting here for a request to have a PM chat with anyone who would consider themselves and lifestyle highly spiritual and psychonaughtical. 


    I know it's prob not the best forum to ask, but I would like to ask a few questions that prehaps you can shed a different/brighter light on a situation I am facing currently. 


     Anyways please PM me if you have a thought or two to spare.





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  5. Sorry I haven't read all the comments. But thought I'd write a thought.

    Personally I found the best way to get through the day/s sober, is to know yourself that another day will come when you can be unsober. Whether that be tomorrow, next week, month, year etc. 

    This pretty much got me off death sticks (I understand probs not the sober classification). I've had a few death sticks since I quit, but knowing it's always gonna be around some way or another made me go - oh yeah, cool, I don't need em, but if I ever feel like it then I can. 


    I dunno if that helps, but training the mind to what works for you is the best option I think. Sometimes finding your own understanding is harder than applying it.

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  6. I'Ve got a problem... Maybe. Well I do but that's another story. Been super busy lately taking on two roles at work and other junk and stuff. But anyways. 


    I think ink it's been a few weeks since putting bulk seeds in here. Got all sorts. Cacti, succs, acacia, rue, other random things I can't remember (in different trays/pots). And well nothing's peaking it's head out. I've opened the doors the flush done air most days, and misted the tops to keep it moist. But yeah, nothing yet. Am I being impatient? Or could I have done something wrong? 

  7. In my experience, they take ages of you just plant them. I gently crack the seed and soak it in water for a day at least. You can actually start seeing it pop it's head out after this. Then plant em inch deep. Only took a week to see them come up then. I had a few I chucked in the garden for novelty. I think it took about 6 weeks to shoot up. Then a bush turkey dug it out. 

  8. Made a stacking system for the trays. 2 trays in so far. Bottom one is a lucky dip of succs and lythops I bought off eBay lol. Second one has some Trichs and lophs. 

    Still have plenty of room for more. 







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