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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by WiZKiD

  1. "The Shaman is the world's oldest professional and is both a performer and a priest: 'The Shaman was the original artists, dancer, musician, singer, dramatist, intellectual, poet, bard, ambassador, advisor to chiefs and king, entertainer, actor, clown, curer, stage magician, juggler, jongleur, folk-singer, weatherman, culture hero and trickster-transformer.' The Doctors of bodies, souls and situations. The Shaman, has learned to be a personal mediator between the everyday world and the 'other world.'" -Weston La Barre I think the new age perception of shamanism is awfully skewed and the point as to which they exist and what they do/purpose is far past the regular pre-conceived paradigm painted in the new age philosophy craze - but what do I know, I'm merely a fool
  2. WiZKiD

    How do people get through the day sober?

    Healthy eating habits, lots of sleep and regular exercise! Not many people associate short term benefits when looking at health or getting healthy. Over looking the fact that within the week that you start your routine, your body will reward you for being healthy! How? It makes you feel phenomenal? I'm always on the go but I find time to go to gym 4-5 times a week and Kung Fu 4-5 times a week! Legitimately, the medicine is hard to administer but build routine around some exercise and healthy eating and within a fortnight you'll remember how good your body was meant to always feel! (Not to mention stretching, reading, gardening, meditation, camping, etc but these are all circumstantial)