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Posts posted by Insequent

  1. 3 hours ago, Northerner said:

    Hopefully the majority of younger people can get their minds out of the money race and the war on everything for long enough to look around and see what is happening, then have the courage to rise up and do something about it.


    Man, that's definitely one of the things we can do, get into the minds of the younger gens and do our own indoctrination. I have 3 kids, 18, 15 and 13. They're all aware of this stuff. The older 2 often bring their friends over and as a group, we sit around and talk about what their world will be like if all this type of rot isn't stopped. I was heartened to hear an increasing number of teachers are beginning to slip this info into the classroom as well, even though they're not really supposed to.


    Whether it be the agricultural, military or medical industrial complex, where there's big multinational money, there's zero fucks given about the consequences of their actions. 'Tis a big monster and it drives the culture we've all been born into. Regardless of whether we like it, to a degree we're forced to help perpetuate the the poisoning, simply because we have to survive in the society we have. I have hope for the future, though; I am very surprised at how aware these kids are and how strongly they feel about it. Perhaps we will see  change soon...

    • Like 4

  2. Hey Squidgy.


    The way I read what you received from DOA, it makes a blanket reference to non scheduled herbs for human consumption.  I know both Indian Warrior and Glaucium Flavum are available to purchase in OZ, so they should be fine.  Picralima Nitida might be a different matter given it's an opioid and related to Kratom. I believe Kratom remains illegal.


    Yellow poppy seed... http://eastseedfarm.ecrater.com.au/filter.php?cid=0&keywords=Glaucium+Flavum&x=27&y=10

    Indian Warrior... http://eastseedfarm.ecrater.com.au/p/16802842/5g-pedicularis-densiflora-10x-extract


    Can find no-one selling Picralima Nitida.


    This was interesting....

    http://happyherbcompany.com/we-won-plants-exempt-new-ban  (Dec. 2015)


    ...The psychoactive substances import bill was passed by the Federal government on Monday after accepting the amendment that the Happy Herb Company lobbied for, which is to exclude all plant material and plant extracts from the ban. 


    This is a big win for herbalists, ethnobotanical collectors, ethnic Australians and plant enthusiasts  who otherwise would have been prohibited from importing a range of awesome herbs such as Kanna, Guayusa, Sinicuichi, Indian Warrior, Blue Lily and many more. It's the third time in 4 years HHC has managed to have an impact on state and federal legislation to protect plants and the people that use them


    This time around we made a lengthy submission and presented a witness to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, making the basic point that "of the estimated 4 million species of plants on Earth, there exist countless non-addictive herbs that are considered beneficial to human health.

    Of these, vast numbers exhibit mild psychoactivity along with negligible or non-existent adverse health effects. However a great deal of these substances have not yet been listed by existing Therapeutic Goods Administration or Food Standards ANZ Act regulations; thus they would be illegal to import under the new law. Undertaking the studies necessary to add to the list of TGA regulated botanicals would be prohibitively expensive for virtually anyone outside of large pharmaceutical corporations." 


    And the politicians agreed!



    The gang at HHC have been doing some good work putting pressure on the fuckenment.


    Hope this helps.




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  3. 1 hour ago, Northerner said:

    Seriously, everyone would stop voting for these major parties and look for right wing alternatives no matter how damaging it is in the short term, if they really understood what is going on.


    Right wing. Left wing. Middle wing. They're all a part of the same system of governance. They all rely on the system as it exists in order to have effect. I can't see the solution to our current situation coming from within the system. They're all just different flies fighting over the same shit. (No disrespect to anyone's political beliefs here. Hell, maybe you're correct and right wing alternatives would guide us to a better place. Has this ever happened in history? What kind of alternatives would this involve?) 


    37 minutes ago, MagusTasmanicus said:

     Culture "is for other people’s convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It disempowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well-treated by culture.”


    I think this is patently obvious. This culture works extremely well for those who aspire to both material wealth and power. Power over others. I couldn't give a fuck if the 8 wealthiest people in the world have the same amount of wealth as the 4 billion poorest, except for the fact this kind of disparity is what is causing an unfathomable amount of destruction, suffering and misery. Human life holds no value in this system.. 


    The obscenely wealthy have so much material wealth, they could wipe  arses on thousand dollar bills, burn them to keep warm, shred them as fillers for MacDonald's meat patties or use them as wallpaper every day for the rest of their lives and still there'd be plenty more. They doesn't keep doing what they're doing because of wanting more money. They do it because it gives them power. The irony there is the "value" of money is an illusion. The capitalist system simply assigns a "value" to a piece of paper or a bit of pretty, shiny metal, and indoctrinates the populous into believing this is what you must aspire to. Those who hold the power in the culture make and enforce the rules because it works for them. And it works for them because they maintain the power over those for whom it does not work.


    The obscenely powerful have already bought democracy and removed the ability for sovereign rule. If you want to see who is driving the bus, look to the IMF, WTO and central bank.


    Perhaps a capitalist system can be made to work, but certainly not one metered on the upward drive of GDP, the necessity to incessantly consume more. This system will collapse, because the resource platform on which it is built is finite and incredibly fragile. Unfortunately that platform is the rock we all live on.


    The big question is are we going to do anything about it when push comes to shove? which seems more and more likely to happen. @Martyh64, It's already happening. And yes, someone will eventually do something about it. The oppressed populous have always historically revolted against the oppressors. Unfortunately, this has never turned out well, especially for the little guy, because he's the one who suddenly reached the realization he is better off dying trying to change the system than continuing to live within it.  


    "4.3 Billion people live below the poverty line (that figure is rising at a steadily increasing rate) and not all of them in undeveloped or 3rd world countries. Most of those in 3rd world countries don't know Trump, Putin, Clinton or Jong Un, nor would they care about their banter. Their entire focus is on food, water and seeing the next sunrise.

    It doesn't seem to matter who sits in the oval, or any other office, the rich and powerful are getting more rich and powerful and the poor are getting poorer. The number of poor growing so rapidly represents the biggest threat to those at the top, and they're obviously well aware of this."
    Sorry to quote something I posted in a different thread, but the point I make here is when you have the vast majority of a large population unhappy with the incredibly small minority who are rubbing the faces in the shit, they rise up. You won't need to organize or prepare anything. The fuse, detonator and bomb are all in the box; the only thing it's waiting for is the spark. Like I said, the powers that be are well aware of this. That is why we are seeing the increased focus on the assets they can utilize to enforce and maintain the rules which keep the power base where it is, and a slow erosion of the laws which would enable Joe Public to do something about it . They still  control the money, therefor law enforcement and military. Historically there's been little hesitation using these assets, because human life holds no value. We've just never seen it in this country. Out of the roughly 7.5 billion souls on this planet, about 6 billion are expendable. 
    Unless we are able to remove their source of power, the future will inevitably be very-not-nice. Make their money disappear and there's a reasonable chance there will be a lot less bloodshed.
    Ah fuck me. This is morose. I keep going back over what I'm writing here and wondering if I've lost the plot somewhat. Maybe I'm completely wrong. I often find it hard  to look at something objectively because of my belief that we all should be living free in peace and love, without oppression, war and suffering. In the end, though, my belief is irrelevant. What will happen, will happen, regardless. 
    I am working on a plan to make their money disappear though.......
    • Like 3

  4. Hey look.... It's the same theme. I was looking at the main pic and thinking how sexy that damn gas mask looked. And what a great pose by the PM; the classic "thinker" pose, minus, of course, him sitting with the elbow on his knee. I guess that's the "working man's thinking pose"


    Does anyone else here think this shit is going too far. I mean, surely the majority of the Australian population must be able to see through the bullshit by now. No one in their right mind can believe things are going to get better by going down the track we're being dragged, can they? Perhaps a better question might be, is there anyone here who thinks all the  increased security measures are necessary, the surveillance, increased police powers, the increased  spending on anti-terror. Does anyone not think things are gonna get very uncomfortable for us soon?



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  5. I think perhaps the Vegas shooter had some serious mental health issues. (Edit) Or perhaps he wasn't the shooter


    And I think the "media" is well versed in desensitizing the main population in certain aspects of the tragedies and promoting an emotional response in certain aspects of their coverage. Manipulation? Na, well perhaps I'm wrong. 


    Seriously though, if you look at one of recent incidents just in Australia, the foiling of the brilliant "meat grinder on the airplane" bomb plot: Just a couple weeks before the raids, we get this ridiculous cross between a Monty Python sketch and John Clarke on "Thanks for Your Time". (If he were still with us, this clip would have made for brilliant satire).




    I don't think they care any more people are beginning to realize the volume of shit they speak. 


    I don't think this incident with the car and tram has enough of an impact, not least of all because it was almost "Hollywood-ish". But it does make for a nice prequel. But throwing a bike under the back of the car? I really don't get that. 

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  6. On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:42 AM, Responsible Choice said:

    Big tobacco has expressed interest in this type of growing? No shit Victorian government stooges!




    A list of tip offs shared with the Australian Border Force, NSW, Victorian and Federal Police has revealed more than 60 stores allegedly trading in illegal tobacco around the western suburbs of Sydney, and the east-west ring of Melbourne, with other centres  in Griffith, Ballarat and Bendigo. 


    You can bet your left testicle the tobacco industry was involved in this. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this scenario appears just too convenient given the current and impending restructuring of cannabis laws.




    According to this 2016 Bloomberg report, the tobacco industry, as well as the food and beverage industry, are only too well aware of the opportunity legalized cannabis represents if they enter this market, especially given the decline in tobacco sales over the last 10 years, down 21%. 


    "it's such a compelling opportunity for the tobacco companies to look at closely,"  And in fact, they have -- roughly 40 years ago. Documents from the 1970s revealed that former executives at companies such as Philip Morris began looking into both the threat of and opportunity in cannabis in anticipation of it becoming legalized by the U.S. government. Similarly, packaged-food companies, which are also looking for ways to grow and attract younger generations, could expand into edible cannabis products.


    Add into this equation the fact now just 2 companies, Reynolds and Altria, are responsible for over 80% of all tobacco sales, entering a regulated cannabis industry would mean more than offsetting the decline in tobacco sales. It is literally a "pot" of gold. What this means from an Australian consumer perspective, however, is the prospective tax placed on a recreational cannabis sales will more than likely be closer to that of tobacco. As at .01.09.2017 the Australian tax on tobacco (per .8g cigarette) moved form 61% to  almost 70%, and is legislated to increase by 12.5% annually over the next 3 years.


    After all, we've seen Reynolds acquire Niconovum, a Swedish company, which makes nicotine gum and other nicotine replacement products designed to wean smokers off cigarettes. High tax rate on those things because while the government wants to be seen as proactive in getting folk to quit smoking, they have to replace the tax revenue lost due to the dropping number of smokers.


    Back to the local scene...


    A spokesman for the Australian Border Force said since 2015 it has seized 400 tonnes of illicit tobacco, amounting to $294 million in lost taxes. 

    A report from KPMG commissioned by big tobacco claims the total is closer to $1.6 billion, but the Cancer Council strongly disputes this figure. 

    They claim it is part of a big tobacco campaign to overestimate the influence of illegal operators to stop their profits from sliding further


    What??? Big tobacco wouldn't resort to such tactics, surely. Perhaps our cig packs should carry the warning: "Tobacco companies' loss of revenue is a health hazard."


    In 2015, the ATO gave figures of approx. $9 billion collected in federal tax from legal tobacco sales, a 4 fold increase over a 15 year period. If we take big tobacco's claim of a $1.6 billion tax revenue loss, that equates to approximately 18%. At $294 million, the ABF estimate is closer to 3%. This either means a shitload more people buy tobacco illegally or someone is stretching their figures. (It is estimated 13.3% of Australian adults smoke daily, about 2.6 billion people).

    That's equivalent to approx. 86.7 million folk buying illegally according to the ABF and approx. 468 million according to bug tobacco.


    A parliamentary inquiry into illicit tobacco that began in 2015 still has yet to make any recommendations, while the federal government's Black Economy Task Force has called for a "blitz" on the industry, warning the economic cost of the tax gap is growing as it prepares to release its final report in October. 

     A spokesman for the Australian Tax Office said the ATO was working with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on developing a final estimate of tax losses.

    "The illicit tobacco tax gap will be released when we are satisfied we have an estimate that is both credible and reliable," he said.


    Might have been what he said; what he meant is "...the illicit tobacco tax gap will be released when we arrive at a figure which suits our collective agenda."


    Regardless of what transpires with taxation on cannabis, for my mind the primary factor driving the tobacco black market and associated crime is the high tax rate. I see regulated recreational cannabis following the same.

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  7. On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 3:14 PM, Responsible Choice said:

    Medical cannabis processing plant proposal welcomed by Richmond Valley Council

    You don't say?! :o:wink:


    "All the screaming and yelling from the Reefer Madness people turned out to be completely hollow; it's been a win-win for everyone."


    The amazing power of money. It's almost like, we can make shitloads of money out of this. Suddenly it isn't such a bad thing.....


    Don't get me wrong, I just struggle with the greed aspect of it, and the hypocrisy. They change the game so dealing in cannabis is only legal for a select few. And underlying this particular legislation is their persistent inference that if you buy it from the place you've sourced it from for the last 3 years, you're somehow at an increased risk of harm, than if you source it from their regulated supplier. 


    It's not exactly a win-win for everyone. Yet. I am hopeful this type of change eventually leads the way to full legalization, including "recreational" use. I think there's a good chance it will.


    "Anyway, how dumb are all the hippies saying it's a good medicine all these years?"  LMFAO.  :lol:






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  8. Thanks so much, JS.



    Edit.... Just noticed two number 4's..... Does this mean we adds a 1 to our number, or if you draw number 4, they share...?


    Edit 2... just noticed no number 5, so I guess it's covered.... :lol::lol:

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  9. 16 hours ago, Skellum said:

    Any Iboga retreats in Aus? Has this been mentioned and I missed it?




    From what I could find, there was one treatment centre in Oz, but closed in 2010. This article states it's legal to import and sell the plant and seeds, but not refined Ibogaine, though I'm not sure if that is still the case.  Ibogaine is currently a scheduled prescription substance (schedule 4), so theoretically a GP can prescribe it, but there is no legal supply for it.....


    I spoke with a friend of mine who works with the ceremonial plants, and he said everyone he knew in that circle steer clear of using it because of the risks involved, even when screening people who go for treatment. There have been a number of deaths supposedly attributed to iboga in a non-clinical setting, though the few I have read about suggest the possibility death may have been a result of another substance.


    There is a non-profit in North US, The Global Ibogaine Therapist Alliance, (https://www.ibogainealliance.org/) which has done investigations (not sure to what extent, but they're not law enforcement) into some of the deaths around the world. There was a case of an Aussie who died in Thailand a couple of years ago, and his family were convinced it was the iboga. Both the Thai police and GITA investigation concluded he had died from a combination of opiate injection following taking some valium prior to starting treatment at the "Thai clinic" (iboga treatment

    is unregulated in Thailand). The clinic also maintained they had not commenced his treatment before he died, but his girlfriend, who was with him, disputed this.


    The friend I spoke with said he would make some discreet inquiries and let me know if he comes up with anything....


    On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 11:41 PM, sagiXsagi said:

    Lyrica is awesome for nerve pain and I am happy it exists. The euphoria, the diminished libido, the dependence that can be developed in long intakes and high doses and synergy with everything are just side-effects of a sedative, anxiolytic drug that works wonders for pain. 


    On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:33 PM, Anodyne said:

    Actually, from what I've been reading this kind of response isn't as rare as you might think. I don't know what the split is - you might be in the minority - but the internet is littered with exchanges that echo the one between you & sagi above.


    Pregabalin's real world efficacy varies widely depending on the patient and the specific cause of nerve pain. Side effects also vary considerably, as does it's propensity for addiction. This is because it is not an agonist for the neurochemical it acts on (GABA), but rather stimulates an increase in GABA's function in the body (among other things, inhibiting nerve transmission).
    Withdrawal symptoms, anxiety and depression (among many more side effects) are common even with tapered cessation because GABA influences synaptic traffic with most neurochemicals, including endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Lyrica is not metabolized by the body and has a half-life between 5 and 7 hours. Most, if not all, is secreted via the kidneys within 24-48 hours, but it typically takes 1-3 weeks for the brain's neurochemistry to return to it's pre-Lyrica state.
    Patients who have minor or no history of mental health issues generally tend to experience longer and/or more severe withdrawal than those with. Especially depression and anxiety. This is possibly due to them having a greater number of connections for certain neurotransmitters. Having said that, there are patients both with and without mental health issues who report both severe and minor or no withdrawal symptoms. These data are not uncommon in withdrawal, regardless of the focus of addiction. Chronic pain also affects the body's neurochemicals, adding another variable into an already crowded mix.
    For neuropathic pain, cessation of Lyrica is usually tapered over a week, more so to reduce the impact on the GABA system and the psychological side effects. However, stopping it suddenly, which really never should be done outside a controlled environment, is not known to present any physical danger (for example inducing a heart attack). Unless you have a seizure disorder, it is unlikely going cold turkey poses any serious physical risk, but the risk of suicidal depression alone is more than enough reason to taper withdrawal. 
    On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 0:09 AM, sagiXsagi said:

    PS: no euphoria when first increasing dose at 600mg ??? strange...


    No, not really; Lyrica-induced euphoria can occur at all doses, as it can be absent. Even at 600mg.


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  10. I think Trump is having a lot of fun being the president. I don't think he minds being the mouthpiece for those who have their interest vested in US ambitions.
    We can look separately at all the shit the US and allies are responsible for, but I think that creates a world view where you fail to see the forest for the trees. If you step back and look at the bigger picture, what you see is a minority group of deplorable human beings acting very badly. The results of their actions are always beneficial to them at the continued savage expense to everyone else. 4.3 Billion people live below the poverty line (that figure is rising at a steadily increasing rate) and not all of them in undeveloped or 3rd world countries. Most of those in 3rd world countries don't know Trump, Putin, Clinton or Jong Un, nor would they care about their banter. Their entire focus is on food, water and seeing the next sunrise.
    It doesn't seem to matter who sits in the oval, or any other office, the rich and powerful are getting more rich and powerful and the poor are getting poorer. The number of poor growing so rapidly represents the biggest threat to those at the top, and they're obviously well aware of this.
    On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 9:39 PM, Northerner said:

    Widespread civil unrest is inevitable. War, disease and mass death will likely follow.


    There is always the possibility  Mount Agung's eruption will be considerably larger than expected. And it sits on the Alpide Belt near the Great Sumatra Fault and one of the largest super volcanoes on the planet, Lake Toba. Just today, another Indonesian volcano, Mt Sinabung erupted. It lies 40km from Lake Toba. Lake Toba used to be Mt Toba, until it erupted about 70 000 years ago and wiped out about 70% of life on earth.


    I can't resist drawing a comparison between the 2 possible outcomes for our future and the 2 possible presidents during the last US election. Then again, if the volcanoes don't cause mass extinction, maybe there'll be a sudden explosion in our collective consciousness and we'll be able to live in peace and harmony... 

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  11. The fair work rules do vary depending on the number of employees in the business. I believe, though I may stand corrected, below a certain number, the owners are not required to give the 3 warnings, up to a certain number it's 2 verbal and one written, then above that number it's 3 written. My understanding is these must be served with the knowledge of at least 2 "management" people, usually the supervisor and at least their immediate superior or the big boss, regardless of the size of the business. And it must be clear they are official warnings and the business must have that on record. As I said, I may stand corrected on this; it's been almost 12 years since I had any experience with unfair dismissals. However it is, Glaukus is correct; the tribunal takes all unfair dismissal cases very seriously and it is rarely a pleasant experience for the business. 


    Good luck with it all, Sal. If ya ever had a mind to, you could give me the name of the business and the problematic git, and if I'm ever down that way, I could pop in in give the bitch a real bad day. Not that I've ever been down that way. Just sayin'. Maybe I could plan a little road trip at some stage in the future to take a break from where I exist. I always wanted to spend a little R & R in that part of the world. That would make the trip a bit more fun....


    Na. Kidding, really. I'm not that brave. Seriously though, workplace sociopaths really suck the shit out of arseholes.


    Oh, one more thing; the supervisor reading that warning txt out to your Mrs.'s work colleagues was a big mistake, though. Especially in her absence. That's a huge no-no. At a former place of work there was a manager who lost his job for reading his warning email to others not involved and it cost the business the case, even though (I believe) it was a justifiable sacking. Perhaps that could be a bit of ammo for dealing with this in the future. 


    I hope it sorts out real soon, whichever way it pans out. Stress and the toll it takes is poison. My thoughts are with ya both. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, ThunderIdeal said:

    I gather this happened once around the time of christ and once in old testament times, so, the authors probably knew it would happen again and assigned it some significance.

    Mmmm. This is the prophesy, I think:


        "A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth … She gave birth to a son, a       male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod."


    According to Christopher M. Graney, professor of physics and astronomy at Jefferson Community & Technical College in Louisville, Kentucky:


    1. During the Earth’s annual orbit, the sun travels the entirety of the ecliptic, and thus passes through every one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. The sun is in Virgo every September.

    2. In one month the moon goes through its cycle of phases, and travels the entirety of the ecliptic, and thus passes through every constellation of the zodiac—all owed to the period of the moon’s orbit being one month. Therefore there is always a day or two every year when the sun is in Virgo and the moon is just to the east of Virgo (just past the “feet”).

    3. Not too sure about the crown of 12 stars, but the interpretation of the prophesy here refers to "the 9 stars of Leo + 3 planets, Mars, Venus and Mercury" There's a lot more than 9 stars making up Leo, though traditionally the 9 brightest are what make up the outline. Having said that, there are some which show Leo's outline using 10 stars, and some using 11. This would then give Virgo a crown of 13 or 14 stars.


    Multiple planets being at Virgo’s head while Jupiter is in Virgo’s center and the moon is at Virgo’s feet is less common. But it is not that unusual. The period of Jupiter’s orbit is a little less than 12 years, and therefore Jupiter will be in Virgo (with the sun there, too, and the moon at the feet) once every 11 or 12 years. This leaves the planets at the “head” (the number depending on the number of stars granted to Leo) as the determining factor in making a “momentous” celestial arrangement. While various sources speak of the specific celestial arrangement here as being “unique in human history” or “once in 7,000 years” – in fact, it is not unique to September 23, 2017. It has happened 4 times in September in the last 1000 years, in 1827, 1483, 1293 and 1056.


    Having read this, my take is it's unlikely Sept 24 will be markedly different from the preceding days. On the other hand, as T.I. has said, I too believe our civilization is very fast approaching a tipping point (perhaps it is Sept 23rd 2017). And when that tipping point is reached, it is going to be most unpleasant for a lot of people. It will take a genuine miracle to be otherwise.

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  13. Online pics of Sophorae seem, to match yours, mate. Then I found this; Acacia aulacocarpa FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE? 



     Out of about 10 or 12 photos on PlantNET, this one was the only other one I could see which resembled yours.  I have absolutely noo skill with plant ID, mate, but if you're ever stumped ID-ing a beer, give me a holler.:P

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    Al. This is incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much for creating and sharing.








    Now, as much as in any time in our distorted understanding of history when suffering has been so widespread and pervasive, we need to raise our consciousness above the material, reconnect with ourselves and each other, with nature, and embrace the Love.








    The way you reiterate McKenna's message in your art moves me to tears of hope, man. I am deeply grateful.











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  15. 22 hours ago, ThunderIdeal said:



    which subject?






    Haha.... The subject of space (in this case, anyway :) ), how it (supposedly) works, the work of NASA and ESA etc. Talking with most people, they have no knowledge of this past what they may have paid attention to in primary school. And those who have more than a passing knowledge have either not heard of things like electric gravity or hollow planets (or flat earth theories for that matter), or they have heard of them and won't entertain a discussion because of their faith in the prevailing paradigm.


    I love learning about lots of different stuff with no particular intent other than to broaden my knowledge base and have some fun. It's why I enjoy discussions on topics like flat earth. You get the folk who espouse an alternative theory, you get the mainstream believers who express their incredulity (often times getting heatedly passionate) and then you get to pick up tit-bits like what you posted, which may or may not have credence, but which may lead to someone's epiphany relating to something else.


    I could prattle on a bit more, mate, but it'll take us further from the thread. I guess I meant I like the way you think, and it don't really matter what the subject is, you add to the dialogue in an intelligent manner because you have more than a passing knowledge. I appreciate that.

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  16. 2 hours ago, ThunderIdeal said:




    looky what i found!  i heard a track from this artist with the unmistakable voice of dave talbot talking about saturn.  cant find that one but this is better anyway


    a decade-long mission around saturn is coming to an end and one just began around jupiter.  data is piling in.


    you really have to give kudos to NASA if for no other reason than the tremendous amount of data that they have gathered.  i think their mission scientists are typically deluded in their interpretation of said data but sending those craft to alien worlds and beyond the sun's reach, monitoring the earth and sun from up high, making tremendous discoveries at the very distant and seemingly boring pluto... in this respect their work has been INCREDIBLE.


    special mention to ESA for their rosetta mission!  complete with deluded interpretations (but thats just my interpretation). 


    it is my assessment that electricity in space can't be swept under the rug much longer.  when science lets go of it's fearful grip on untenable assumptions, when the paradigm shift warms up and the floodgates open, there might be a wave of discovery even just running the same types of missions again (sending probes around the solar system) thanks to a better sense of direction and a better idea of what to look for, what to expect, and how to interpret the findings.  for example, the rosetta mission suffered from the obviously false and dated assumption that comets are icy.  they engineered some harpoons or something for the philae lander to grasp onto a space snowball and so when it struck hard rock it bounced something like nine miles and was barely salvageable after coming to rest in partial shadow.  eventually it came time to use the final remaining power to drill into the surface for analysis, but the drill was unable to make a scratch.  perhaps it was improperly anchored for the drill to function to spec, or perhaps the surface was harder than anticipated by mainstream (yet outside the mainstream, a rocky surface had been correctly predicted)


    Awesome clip, T.I. Thanks for sharing. I love your passion for this subject, mate. Much respect. 

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