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Posts posted by fyzygy

  1. 11 hours ago, Cubism said:

    I'm not clued up at on all this, other than booking in for my first Pfizer next week, but isn't one of the main reasonings behind vaccines to also reduce the number of infected people needing any form of clinical treatment, so as not to overload the health system?

    Building hospitals would have been a better investment ... than Astra-Zeneca. 

    But I see no mad rush to bolster the health system -- only the failing economic one. 


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  2. On 07/07/2021 at 4:05 PM, Northerner said:

    When I'm tripping is the only time my tinnitus ever stop.

    The only time my tinnitus has ever disappeared, more or less completely, was for a few hours after local anaesthesia from a dental procedure. 

    Anyone can report on tinnitus effects or therapeutic benefits of dissociative anaesthetics? 

  3. Great to hear, confirmation of existing studies that show passiflora spp. useful in treating various addictions, including nicotine. 

    A friend had some (rogue passionfruit rootstock) that was accidentally cut & withered on the vine, in full sun. That batch tasted a lot like tobacco, to me. 


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  4. I guess City Lights was there at the inception of the (self-styled) psychedelic revolution -- Leary, Ginsberg, Burroughs, et al. Michael Pollan about as far removed as one can imagine from that earlier milieu--perhaps strategically so, given the legal and political backlash against 60s counterculture which quelled psychedelic research for half a century. It's great to see City Lights still a hub of psychedelic culture; Ferlinghetti would no doubt have approved. Though I do wonder about cultural elites who serve as gatekeepers, the likes of Pollan (at least, that's my impression of him, having heard him lecture on psychedelics once before). I will try & give these videos a run, thanks trucha for linking. Shine on, City Lights!

  5. I have suffered tinnitus, the result of an ear infection & ruptured eardrum, for almost 20 years. Recently I was reading on a Tinnitus forum how some people claimed that psilocybin had helped or even cured their tinnitus. Others claimed the reverse effect -- that psilocybin made their tinnitus worse. I seem to fall into the latter camp, with an uncomfortable amplification of my tinnitus under the influence of psilocybin in particular. Now, I wonder if this effect could vary depending on the source (different mushroom species, for example). The worst of all my tinnitus episodes preceded what I suspect was an episode of Wood Lover Paralysis. I'm still astonished that an internal perception of sound -- with no external vibrational sound source -- could be so frighteningly painful. 


    I think treatment of tinnitus is a promising avenue for therapeutic psychedelic research. Anyone else have experiences to share of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) as part of their experience? 

  6. 26 minutes ago, trucha said:

    COVID is actually something that can and should be controlled. I am just old enough to remember the end of polio and still know people who were not fortunate enough to have been included in the vaccine programs in time.


    Control is the ideological fantasy, in a complex world of unintended consequences. Having escaped & mutated, the polio vaccine has more recently become the leading cause of polio:



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  7. 20 hours ago, Wile E. Peyote said:

    If you're convinced the current COVID-19 vaccination options aren't good for your health and you don't trust mainstream media or government communications as a source of information on the issue, try speaking to a health practitioner or a scientist, or try reading relevant health and science publications. If you don't trust these sources, I would ask you to look critically at the sources you do trust.

    Vaccination is one strategy for dealing with viral outbreaks. It is by no means the only strategy, just the ready-to-hand "no-brainer" that promises to revive a moribund global economy. I see vaccination as primarily an economic, rather than a public-health intervention. Greg Hunt and ScoMo used it as a political smokescreen from Day One. We all have a right (if not a duty) to be skeptical. 

    Health practitioners and scientists cannot speak to the ethics of western biomedical research and development. They are too enmeshed in their own disciplines, and seldom formally instructed in more holistic approaches. 

    Contemporary virology and immunology are both predicated on human and animal suffering. I left clues to this in a previous post. But despite the "safety" and "efficacy" of the various vaccines, I am yet to hear the slightest detail of their respective bioethical credentials. 

    We could learn a lot from Covid-19, but instead we see it as entirely Other, an enemy to be defeated at any cost -- and that's a glaring defect of western culture more broadly. 

    For me it's a matter of ethical and political choice. A pox on anyone who discounts these fundamental freedoms "in the name of" X, Y or Z. But I would certainly not deny the right of others to participate, if that's their preference. Neither would I criticise (let alone condemn) such an eminently personal decision. 

    We still have much to learn from Covid-19: about sustainable politics, economics, and bioethics, for starters. 






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  8. On 26/05/2021 at 9:53 PM, Halcyon Daze said:

    As Dr. Karl says... 'Get Fact"

    Listening to his latest podcast, it's obvious that Dr Karl is the one who stands most in need of "getting fact" -- especially in relation to male sexual anatomy and its surgical vicissitudes. The trouble is, as a science "journalist," Dr K. discharges his professional obligations merely by regurgitating the (arguably racist) orthodoxy of global medical elites, such as the WHO. Ring any bells?


    14 hours ago, tripsis said:

    You must love living an insular life.

    A government-mandated inoculation program absolutely ruined my great-grandfather's dairy operation, back in the day (around 100 years ago). He and his herd lived in an elevated area geographically isolated from outbreaks of red-water disease ... until of course he followed state directives and inoculated the herd. He was ultimately denied compensation for the complete loss of his herd (and eventually, of the land he had settled) despite a prolonged battle in the courts. Once bitten, twice shy ...


    In any case, there are sound reasons -- ethical and political as much as they might be personal -- for resisting not just half-baked, ad hoc vaccination programs, but the flawed, exploitative and authoritarian Western paradigm of biomedical research & development. 


    I'm not trying to dissuade or persuade anyone. I respect the decision of anyone who elects for Covid-19 vaccination (my wife, for example). Why should those who decline vaccination be so deeply begrudged and disrespected? It's a rhetorical question, but well worth asking, if only of oneself.

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  9. Information on the cultivation of native Australian acacias -- as a general topic -- is pretty readily available, in books such as those by Marion Simmons.

    For species such as A. phlebophylla - notoriously difficult in cultivation - there isn't much. 

    There's a cactus vendor in the Dandenongs who has some experience cultivating A. phlebophylla. I think their business name is Cactilicious. 


  10. Snu Voogelbreinder seems to know a lot about the alkaloid profiles of different species. 


    Julian Palmer is another name that comes to mind. I'd love to pick his brain on recipes for acacia tea.  


    Col Hawkes gave an inspirational speech about indigenous acacias once, but he also gave the impression that public speaking wasn't his bag. 


    I don't know any of these people personally, or whether they might be available at the time.


    Even if you can't get a name, perhaps a panel discussion or something a bit more collective in nature, might fit the bill. 

  11. 296377221_DSC075631.thumb.jpg.0d1b8deb4102120c68a70728dfd8d96c.jpg1945412795_DSC075601.thumb.jpg.a11915ac467f4ad915bc5562da08acbe.jpgThe two plants pictured were grown from an identical batch of seed, under identical growing conditions, etc. The little one got damaged by a snail (?) when it was a small seedling; I cut back the damaged parts, and since then it seems to have adopted a new growth habit, similar to that exhibited by TBM -- prolific new pups rather than fast columnar growth as pictured in the yellow bucket (albeit the strongest of the batch). You can see a couple new pinhead-sized pups forming even in winter. And note the hole that has been bored into one of the pups, possibly insect damage? Anyway, thought I'd put this out there, hopefully to compare notes with other growers who might've come across something similar. I read some theory or another about snail damage and the TBM mutation, maybe this is relevant. 




