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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by superdan

  1. superdan

    wanted purple yam (dioscorea alata) ube

    that would be awesome!!
  2. looking for ube commonly known as purple yam (dioscorea alata) i am aware that it isn't the time of year to harvest tubers, just putting this out there to see if anyone knows of any for sale or swaps? Cheers
  3. superdan

    Food forest plants& ethnos

    i have quandong, (santalum acuminatum) seed and munterie (kunzea pomifera) plants if interested?
  4. superdan

    300 post giveaway

    yes please, awesome selection!!!
  5. superdan

    help with id needed

  6. superdan

    help with id needed

    these were found a few months ago, along the murray river, primary vegetation river red gum trees, the area had also been previously burnt. the mushrooms i am guessing are a type of bolet, and had beautiful earthy mushroom aroma
  7. would love some p viridis,
  8. superdan

    Popcorn method

    diatomaceous earth is primary silica based, gypsum is more of calcium based,
  9. superdan

    Subs 2014

    hi zed240, i live about 450 km away from Adelaide, i was reading this post and got all excited, i have never found any subs, i would appreciate your help, with directions for locating some of these mushrooms, don't worry, i am not greedy, was thinking of a weekend trip over that way, when they start to pop there heads up, cheers
  10. superdan

    mystery cacti

    i planted some terscheckii seed yesterday, it will be a few years before mine flower, but will definitely save some pollen thanks
  11. superdan

    mystery cacti

    does anyone know what type of cactus this is? roughly 2.5 meters high. long spines up to roughly 5 inches long.
  12. superdan

    mystery cacti

    what will this produce? sorry but i am new to this!!
  13. superdan

    mystery cacti

    this one is huge, found out in the scrub next to an old ruin, has about 40 large tips
  14. superdan

    mystery cacti

    many thanks, i am new to the wonderful world of cacti. cheers
  15. superdan

    mystery cacti

    many thanks, i am new to the wonderful world of cacti. cheers
  16. superdan

    Seed trade

  17. superdan

    wanted; papaver somniferum

    i have the purple/violet variety, chasing lions tail/dagga, or anything interesting!!
  18. superdan

    Looking for some Opuntia species pads

    how did you go? i can get about 20 tones of this stuff it grows as a weed here.
  19. superdan

    Want papaver seeds, all different varieties

    i have the purple variety if interested?
  20. superdan

    mystery cacti

    found this large 2.5m tall cactus today out the bush, i have no idea what it it and have been researching for hours, i will be grateful for any help in identifying it. cheers
  21. superdan

    mystery cacti

    thanks you are a legend
  22. superdan

    $250au giveaway..................DECIDED

    love this idea, i am always doing cool shit like volunteering at youth conferences eg lynal hall, and firestarters, also in a freinds of king billabong group, which i take my kids along to teach them about the importance of nature and how to help preserve it, also giving to the homeless, buskers and charity. but i am sure there are others that could benefit from these mango's more than me. look forward to following this post!!! thank you pimento, not from me but from everyone who will benefit from the good of this idea!!