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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by terraferma

  1. Normally I collect my seeds when the fruit bursts open, but this fruit was accidentally ripped from of the plant before it was ripe. I opened it and it does contain seeds, and they are the normal seed size, although there are less of them (the skin part of the fruit is much thicker than when a fruit is ripe).

    If I plant them, will they give birth to seedlings as if they had come from a fully-matured fruit?




  2. You know, i had the same Thought while looking at the other One you posted. Is it possible that both are actually the same were growing in close distance to another? Knuthianus is actually a Cuzcoensis-Variety.

    I don't think they are the same. The plant of this thread has these knobby ribs all over. There is another identical plant planted next to it (the two aren't connected) and it also has these knobby ribs all over (from top to bottom).

    On the other hand, the plant of my other thread (Peruvianus/ Cuzcoensis) doesn't have knobby ribs (the ribs in some areas of the plant are even perfectly straight). There are 2 or 3 other separate identical plants next it it, and none of them have knobby ribs either.

    Thanks to you all for your help! :)

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