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Everything posted by didgeridooin

  1. didgeridooin

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Thanks for your post iatd. I live very close to your suggested location, my place is surrounded by cow paddocks. I went for another sticky beak again yestetday -low and behold- there were mushrooms sprouting all around the fence lines and even some sprouting out of a pile of dung. I guess I went looking a little too soon after the rain started, not giving enough time for the sun to come out. As far as I can tell, all mushrooms I found look like the same species, they all have the same characteristics as far as I have seen. The rain has been pretty consistent over the past 5 or so days so everything I've picked is pretty soggy. I've taken some prints and will get to a proper description once I've got some good photos of some freshly picked specimens. Some quick notes are that they don't bruise blue, the stem is hollow and has a fibrous texture that seems to curve around the stem. The base of the stem is faintly blue. The spore prints are a chocolate/dark brown with hints of dark purple. The caps vary in shape, some wavy some flat, but all the same colour (brown/orange in the centre, lightening in colour outwards). Like I said, I'll do a proper description once I get some good photos. Thanks again for your post iatd!
  2. didgeridooin

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Anybody have experience mushroom hunting in far north Queensland? In particular, Australia's wettest town? I've kept my eyes peeled these past few days after all this rain we've had, but am yet to find any types of fungi in the form of mushrooms. We have plenty of rain and very high humidity for most of the year, but I'm thinking the temperature is maybe a little too high? Or maybe I'm not looking properly. I have found little information online about mushroom hunting in this part of Queensland, so maybe someone here can shed some light on it. Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts and feedback.