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Posts posted by tryptamine

  1. I believe Autumn is the traditional pruning time,

    but is all the "foliage" cut back to the ground?


    He cuts about 1/2 to 3/4 the length, assuming the plant appreciates some green left behind to photosynthesize etc. This works fine for him but he has no idea what the optimum length to cut to is.

  2. A friend in the US digs his up every Autumn and pulls the main clump apart to produce many separate smaller plants. He then gives each of these new plants a damn good prune before replanting separately.

  3. Have not tried in its pure form, but it is an ingredient in some sensory type New Zealand party pills. Unfortunately its always cut with stimulants such as Geranium extract (DMAA). Still, it seems to override the stimulant giving the pills a very smacky feel, but sleep is still difficult.

    A Bulgarian cough suppressant, large doses appear somewhat hallucinogenic, have been likened to mild dose DXM or LSA with closed eye visuals and a lucid dreamy state.

    I am currently growing Glaucium horned poppy (Glaucium corniculatum), so will experiment with the pods when ripe.

  4. Damiana is traditionally used to make a liquor.

    I have heard of people making Morning glory wine.

    Wormwood and other Absinthe ingredients may be worth looking into.

    Hops, Mugwort and others have been used in beer.

    Opium poppy has been used to make a traditional tincture.

    I have experimented with tinctures of Valerian, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo, Passion flower, Wild Lettuce - Not sure of the strength of the alcohol used to do the extraction however.

  5. The piss replacement is a popular quest, but nothing quite does the trick unless you can convince your mates to consume some as well. A combination of Kratom and Kava is great for a social night with friends, but I still find it hard to be around drunks on this combo. Same goes for low dose psychedelics.

    Perhaps Kava could be combined with some extracts of plants that have activity on the Benzo receptor?

  6. Ok, I had a brew of 15grams (2 washes) this afternoon on an empty stomach.. Got Nausea half way through, but this went away when I stopped drinking. I then started drinking again, the nausea stayed away as long as I drank slowly. Taste at this strength was mildly unpleasant, especially as the brew cooled down.

    Not much more in effects with the increased dosage, than was experienced with 5 grams. A mild stimulation and a slight mood lift with an altered or mild spacey feel. I was quite fatigued to today so I guess it got rid of that, leaving me quite energetic and motivated.

    Not really worth the effort of ingesting IMO, I don,t think I will bother with the remaining 10 grams unless I try it as a K##### booster. Definitely some mild activity though, perhaps extracts could prove more rewarding. Note: this was a mix of leaves and stems, not the roots or bark as mentioned in the OP.

  7. I brewed 5.1 grams in water today and drank with a spoon of honey. I then gave it a second wash and repeated. Tasted quite pleasant.

    At first I thought wow, this really does feel like K#####, however the effects were short lived. Something happened, but I find it hard to describe what. Seemed to come and go in waves, a lift in mood and some mild stimulation as well as a relaxed feeling of contentment and well being that now (3.5 hrs later) has gone.

    No negative effects like nausea or hypertension were noticed at this dosage. I will try a larger dose in a few days.

  8. I think the supplier in question is full of shit...

    Is it the same vendor discussed in this thread? Or the same products talked about here?

    No, that looks to be a spice like product, likely containing synthetic Cannabinoids.

    This is a real natural species, however it is possibly also being over hyped. The vendor who sent my sample is Vanuatu Kava. The information I posted in the OP is from African Shaman.

  9. Nauclea orientalis tea from leaves produced nothing more than mild nausea.

    Torsten, could I ask what dosage you consumed please? Any negative effects on the heart like with Yohimbe?

    I just received my 30 gram sample, looks like chopped leaves with a few stems.

    It is only named as "Nauclea sp, an endemic species of Nauclea from New Caledonia, whose range extends into parts of the lower Islands of Vanuatu."

    According to the supplier who calls this product "Vanuatu Kr####", "You will find the effects very speedy and Kr#### like".

    I,m looking at trying 5 gram brewed into a tea for starters unless anyone has other suggestions?

  10. The following info was posted on a vendors site:

    Family - Rubiaceae :

    * The roots of Nauclea latifolia are used as an aphrodisiac and analgesic in the Congo.

    * Nauclea latifolia roots are used as a tonic/stimulant/restorative in Guinea, West Africa.

    * The roots of Nauclea latifolia are used in the Congo for sexual asthenia (loss of strength).

    * The stem bark of Nauclea latifolia is used as an aphrodisiac in Nigeria.

    * The wood is know as `njimo' and is used as a stimulant and tonic.

    * A soft drink is prepared from the fruit.

    * Rhynchophylline is an interesting alkaloid with many health benefits. It is also a major constituent in k##### (M######## speciosa), and is also found in a Nauclea sp.

    Chemistry :

    The presence of psychoactive substances are indicated in the aqueous extract of the root bark of Nauclea latifolia.

    Key constituents are indole-quinolizidine alkaloids and glycoalkaloids and sapponins.

    The major ones include angustine, angustoline, angustifoline, nauclefine, and naucletine.

    A novel indole alkaloid, nauclefolinine and five known triterpenic compounds, rotundic acid, a-L-rhamnoquinovic acid, 3-0-b-D-glucopyranosyl-b-sitosterol, squalene and sitosterol-3-0.6'-stearoyl-b-D-glucopyranoside have been isolated from the roots of Nauclea latifolia.

    Uses of other Nauclea species :

    * Nauclea diderrichii contains harman.

    * Nauclea pobeguinii is used in West Africa as a sedative and tonic/stimulant/restorative.

    I have some samples of a species of Nauclea on the way from Vanuatu. The supplier claims it has similar activity to a certain popular thai plant, sounds too good to be true, but here's hoping. Does anyone have any more info on any Nauclea sp? Starting dosage, contraindications?

  11. The problem with rolls of polyethylene is they eventually tear.

    If you go to a hardware store that sells corrugated plastic sheets, they often have packing sheets, these are top sheets with marks on them, not good enough to sell for peoples houses, but fine for greenhouse construction. I got enough to build a huge greenhouse for $50, other than the roof which I bought the proper undamaged sheets for.

    You need 5 posts to be cemented into the ground and some lengths of wood to reinforce everything and screw the plastic sheets to. One post in each corner and the 5th post will hold your door.

    You want an angle on the roof to let the rain run off.

    Now with the angled roof the plastic sheets will not touch the ground evenly on the sides, so I buried concrete blocks to fill this gap.

    The other thing to consider is ventilation, perhaps a flap that can open? Also, you may want to hang some shade cloth in some places to give partial shade.

  12. I have found smoking very freshly dried leaves and / or flowers to give a definite but subtle euphoric or extremely mild psychedelic effect. After a few weeks the leaves seem inactive.

    I have never experienced closed eye images, but have experienced a pressure in front of the third eye that feels like they are about to come . . . but never quite arriving.

    I have read that smoking can be combined with a tea that is prepared by sun fermentation, similar to Sinicuichi preparation, for more potent effects. This could be vendor hype of course.

    I have also read that it is traditionally combined with sacred Tobacco and smoked during Peyote ritual. Perhaps it is synergistic with Mescaline and / or Nicotine?

  13. With the upcoming changes to Oz <> NZ travel procedures it should be pretty easy to go for regular trips [or even bring some souvenirs].

    Indeed ;)

  14. Tryptamine, I'm curious about the prep time. Fos just chewed it. Are you talking about some kind of curing process, or just the time it takes to pick the bits out of your teeth? :P

    Takes Swim about 3.5 hours daily to consume his am and pm sessions, each consisting of boiling the leaves for 20mins, straining and drinking, then repeating 3-4 times.

    While toss n wash would speed things up, Swim likes the fact that a good boil would likely sterilize any St East Asian floor scrapings his supplier may have included in the powered plant material ;)

    He tried using the so called 15X extract (realistically about 5X) and this was great, unfortunately supply run out :(

    I assume chewing would only be viable with fresh material, not sure?

  15. One problem is Kratom has a short duration. I have heard opiate addicts find it frustrating to wake up in the night with withdrawals and needing to re dose.

    But Kratom extract has been claimed to have been used successfully in NZ as an alternative to methadone, unfortunately I am not sure of any other details of these trials however.

    Keep in mind different strains of Kratom have a different chemical makeup, so some strains may be better suited to different applications than others.

    Re: alcohol - Kratom just plain removes the desire for a drink, amazingly effective IMO. Swim has not had a drink in a long time and feels the best he has in years.

    As an added bonus, Kratom seems to exhibit some of the Uncaria families immune system boosting qualities. While swims wife has had several flu's and other bugs this winter, swim has slept beside her and remained in perfect health, not even so much as a sniffle.

    Its a tragic shame that legislation will likely come before we have a chance to fully realize the benefits this plant has to offer mankind.

  16. It sounds like your tapering off too slow, its probably adding to the addiction. When I broke my tobacco addiction (with no replacement drug) I tapered off incrementally too, but did so over a period of 4 weeks and while it was quite unpleasant I could tell I could have done it in 3, possibly even 2 weeks and still succeeded. If you reckon kratom is less addictive than tobacco why are you tapering off over a period of half a year!?!

    Christ, I now have an urge to go out and kill all my kratom trees :lol:

    Sorry, I meant to say 20% above, have edited now. Swim has the kids every second week so he tapers his dose when they are not around.

    I am sitting on the fence as to whether kratom is more or less addictive than tobacco. It is certainly healthier. While it is somewhat addictive Kratom does not appear to have any noticeable negative health effects.

    Swim is tapering slowly to avoid risking the urge to have a drink to stop the anxiety he feels when cutting back to quick. He also enjoys kratom a lot and is hoping to be able to go back to occasional usage eventually. He has used kratom daily for a couple of years now and has found more positives than negatives. The main negative is the time consumed in preparation and the tightening up of restrictions regarding supply.

  17. Keep in mind that Kratom itself is somewhat addictive. Swim had a severe problem with alcohol, which he used Kratom to successfully quit.

    While Kratom is certainly a much safer and easier monkey to juggle than alcohol, he has so far been unable to quit Kratom. He is tapering his dose about 20% every 2 weeks, but at one stage was using 45 grams Maeng da daily.

    Weed is not physically addictive. As a daily user of weed swim can stop whenever he needs a break without any problem other than boredom, but with Kratom the withdrawals are very real.

    Swim would certainly recommend Kratom for breaking serious addictions such as opiates, amphetamines, tobacco and alcohol, however would strongly discourage it for use in quitting weed.

  18. Muira puama actually gives an instant effect - a nice feeling with pleasant shivers up and down the spine. You need to soak it in vodka for 2 weeks for best results.

    Tong Kat Ali is not recreational, it is best used daily like an adaptogen or tonic. Effects take a couple of weeks to really notice.

    I have not tried the other two.

  19. I read on another forum that the flowers can be used to make a mildly psychedelic (or somewhat similar to cannabis) wine. I have also read of the roots of a certain species being smoked, not sure if this was for psychedelic effect of just as a tobacco replacement and/or other purpose.

  20. Well maybe you could ship them to a friend or something, of course you can't bring plants on the plane back home! :lol:

    From what I have read, the seeds are poorly viable unless extremely fresh. can anyone confirm this? Any tips to extend the viability?

  21. I have mixed the powder, 1/2 tsp with 1 tsp guarana + 1tsp Kolanut powder to make a hot drink with milk and honey. While not the correct way to consume I swear the Betel powder adds extra stimulation to the Guarana and Kola combo. Placebo perhaps?
