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Posts posted by Nibbana

  1. On 24/05/2016 at 0:01 AM, Maxofoz said:

    You can find Syrian rue seeds from reputable sellers on eBay. Also get yourself some acacia confusa  inner root bark. 



    Don't know where those rue sellers have gone. I remember there being heaps as well. Can only find little 10g packets nowadays for expensive prices.

  2. INFP

    Introvert(3%) iNtuitive(34%) Feeling(19%) Perceiving(47%)

    • You have marginal or no preference of Introversion over Extraversion (3%)
    • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (34%)
    • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (19%)
    • You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (47%)

    Interesting stuff :) thanks for the link wert.

    On https://www.16personalities.com/ I got ENFP-T.

  3. Nice pup bedofspines, my two TBM have pupped in the last few weeks too.

    The first pic was taken on 25/11 and the second pic just yesterday. So it's about 3 weeks old... the pups seem to grow pretty quick.



    Noticed last week that the other TBM had also pupped. Not sure how long this one has been growing but looking good! :D


    These were the first two cacti given to me which started off my collection so I'm very happy to see the sudden new growth :)







    • Like 5

  4. Thought I'd share a few random photos...

    A blue tongue that has been living under our pool deck for several years. Love seeing it out :)


    Also a pic of your typical garden skink, found this guy in the house.


    and... a photo of some flies we found banging on the leaf of some salad greens.


    Nothing too special, hope you guys like the photos though.

    Cheers :)







    • Like 6

  5. thanks dood.

    do you have to pay for the account.

    it also requests acces to the following witch I presume to be privacy threats?

    or am I being paranoid?

    Hey wert,

    Like d00d said, soundcloud is the go for music sharing apps nowadays, don't have to pay for an account I don't think.

    Seems like heaps of apps require those same sort of permissions, even the simplest apps such as ones for note taking -_- No idea why they would need access to such things but yeah it's a pretty normal thing now for apps.


  6. Just a couple thoughts on the topic...

    Talking about "God" is hard because everyone defines the word God differently. When I talk about "God" I mean the creator, some sort of supreme supernatural that rules the universe generally etc.

    Anyhow do I think God exists? Honestly I'm not sure. No evidence that there is one so far but a God could still be out there ya know? I'm okay with the uncertainty, just keen to learn more about the universe.

    Though as I learn, more and more I realize that I don't know shit! Socrates said something similar to that.

    I do feel like there is an underlying oneness under all this. We're not interconnected, we're literally one. A universal consciousness per se.. but it's hard to put into words. Some people might call it the Brahman, the Tao, or even God etc. It's just a hypothesis :P happy to be wrong on it.

    Even if I feel like I "know" some things. Is it the truth? I mean the human mind is pretty fallible. Idk if we're capable of comprehending such things. Keen to see though! A fascinating universe indeed.

    Keep an open mind about things guys! Keep asking questions and even questioning yourself. Even question your skepticism hahahaha.

    • Like 3

  7. Respect Katu! Respect P's Dog and the Pat Uri clan! It's been a pleasure learning about snuff history through reading your posts P's dog, love it!

    Been trying out indian snuffs lately, bought a few in my last order but never really tried them until the past week since first sniffing the Dholakia White out of the little tub led to a coughing fit and the 6 Photo Kailash and Special either made my nose run like crazy or would cause me to clog up >< anyhow, I've found that I'm really digging the floury, sweet, fish food sort've smell from the Dholakia White now that I've properly tried it, probably wouldn't be using it often at all though since can't take it properly pinched, in a boxcar or off the back of my hand since its sooo fine. Only way for me is using the "plugging method." (Aka getting the desired amount of snuff onto your thumb, plugging it into the desired nostril creating a seal and then breathing fairly deeply through your nose[since your other nostril is left open] a few times, after that you'll find that most/all of your snuff on your thumb has gone up the beak no problem.) Very nice stuff. Got a tin of White Elephant too and found it very similar to the Dholakia in scent though weaker but on the plus side it's coarser and easier to take.

    Kailash and Special have an incensey type smell to it that brings thoughts of India and temples when snuffed, certainly a pleasant scent and very unique compared to all other snuffs I've had so far. Not much to say about them though since they don't sit well with my nose at all so I haven't really been able to enjoy them. I think mentholated/cooling sensation type ones don't work with my somewhat sensitive sinuses as I had the same thing with Toque Blueberry Menthol. The Kailash and Special are also really moist and clumpy! Blocks up my nose easily, might be better if I dried it out a bit perhaps... Not to mention the mess that they can cause when you use them.

    Anyway sorry about the rambling. That's what I've been up to when it comes to snuffing lately.

    Was also thinking of placing another order sometime soon, will have to get more Old paris. Perhaps some "SP"s and some Schmalzers since I've never tried them. The selection of Dutch snuffs also looks very interesting. Also want to look more into the WoS range as I've only got their IHT.22. Also keen on trying an American Scotch type snuff since I like toasts. Will also be considering the artisan snuffs recommended by P's Dog. So many snuffs to try, not enough coin. Not to mention this import duty stuff is a pain in the ass. So I guess I'll be aiming to get things in bags wherever I have the option to? I hope I'm as fortunate with my order as you've been lately P's Dog.

    Sounds like you've got some nice snuffs on hand Nibbana! I'm a box car man myself, pinching whilst effective is a bit messy. Lately i've been using one of those self applicators from Southern America which makes for an completely different experience! And by that I mean you can really load those puppies up so to speak :lol:

    IDL is Samuel Gawith snuffs yes?? I've tried their Kendal D and Kendal D Light and whilst the flavours/aromas were lovely the fibrous grind completely fucks my nose. Doesn't have the silky texture of the F&T, WOS or Toque Toasts. But yeah i'm with you WOS IHT and F&T HDT are on an entirely different level to Toque. Toque has none of the complexity of the two former. If you haven't worked it out already I love my Toasts :wub:

    I'm in the market for one of those self applicator pipes myself since I do love the bendy straw method on those special occasions, I find it's a great way to evenly coat the inside of your nose with a plume of a snuff, it never gets too far up either to cause too much discomfort.

    I love my toasts too katu! I find the drier/finer snuffs tend to sit well with my nose and they don't ever seem to clog me up compared to some other snuffs that I have on hand which is a shame. Santo Domingo comes to mind especially.. would love to use it a lot more but it just blocks up nose within a couple uses or if I take a moderate size boxcar. Problem with the fine ones is that they're a lot trickier to snuff and I sneeze like 3/4s of the time when using them, when that happens I tend to get a blocked nose for like 2 minutes before it clears up and I can enjoy the sweet sweet aroma of whatever fine goods is in my beak so no problem really. Other than the ears of those around me because I can sneeze pretty damn loud!

    Also I got my sample of Nunu from the SAB shop and I must say it's one of the easiest snuffs I've ever taken. It's fine, comparable to toasts but it has quite a lot of stems in it. It just goes right up there and sticks, never goes too far which is great. It's got a musky, woody sort of aroma to it that I can't describe. Interesting forsure. There's not much but I'm keen on administering it the traditional way, aka huge blasts up each nose with a pipe maybe with the assistance of the gf... pretty expensive compared to the price of other snuffs but worth it if you're curious about trying real nunu - assuming it's the real thing and if you're already buying something from the shop.

    One of Pat Uri's mates was visiting us from Peru and he said "Buena yayo usted debe sentirse de su pene" which I think he would mean that good tobacco snuff you should feel from your very bowels - or something similar in comparison to that.

    Makes me think of an experience my gf had the other day! After a couple quick blasts of toque rustica up each nostril a strong build up of nausea was felt a few minutes into meditation... and lets just say it ended with the most intense purge she's ever felt in her life... both ends... that night she went on to have vivid dreams and a nightmare too... she says that it's definitely quality stuff. No wonder it comes with a warning.

    Next day she woke up feeling cleansed, refreshed, energetic and extremely hungry. :P The past month she was considering doing a kambo session with some lady but has decided to put it off for a good while now. I don't question why hah!

    The forum may have lost a few members lately, but the appearance of the members of clan Uri has more than filled the void. I love reading this topic so much, it brightens my days. I find myself craving this snuff, and I've never even seen it before.

    Happy to provide a sample of some snuff since I've got too much for myself... Pm me if you're keen to try some.

    Anyway, good day to you all! Speak soon.



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  8. Great post Anodyne!

    Been thinking a lot lately about this as I want to go down the minimalist and self sufficient road myself. I wouldn't say I own much, but there's still a lot to get rid of especially when I want to live in something like a mini hut or cottage. I'm hoping to get everything to fit into two cardboard boxes around 30 x 35 x 40cm in size. With the exception of a few things, like laptop & ukulele, some motorcycle gear etc.

    I also want to tour Australia with the gf on bikes and not having much money to spare in doing so, we're probably going to have to wild/stealth/guerilla camp most of the way around, so yeah we've really been considering our essentials... and since getting into bushwalking/hiking, being out on the trail with minimal gear you sort've realize you don't need very much to survive at all.

    I guess this is an experiment for myself, I really want to see if I can achieve this lifestyle I desire and if it suits me. Going to be a journey for sure.

    Hopefully you guys understand what I intend to live without from reading what I intend to live with essentially.

    It's a lot of work and there's quite an investment involved especially if you don't have your own place but not bad at all compared to the alternative. :P For me it'll be a lot more fulfilling too since the plan is to be producing and consuming most of my own goods which is something I think I'll enjoy, rather than just working to get by, paying for all my needs along the way.

    I want to play as much as I can in my life and I will "work" (lol) as hard as I can to set myself up to do so. It's a sad reality but because I have been born into the system, I feel like I have to work within it to a certain degree to drop out. Oh well. Such is life. I would rather live a life where I produce most of my own goods than to be dependent on the system. I know I always will be somewhat, internet, insurance, healthcare, vet etc. But I want to be as independent as I can. I don't really fit in here anyway.

    So my first goal is some land to start my project on, I'm hoping for an acre minimum but it'll be great to have more. This is my current obstacle.

    After that I can begin on setting myself up with what I feel I need like..:

    Shelter - A shack of some sort, not sure how much of a hassle it'll be, esp when it comes to council approvals etc. Unless I move to tassie... Ideally I would just setup a tipi or bell tent with an outhouse not far outside but it's all subject to council approval it seems which is a hassle in itself. Basic appliances and needs inside like bed, heater/fireplace, esky/whatever other storage, desk. Can cook outside or inside with a cheap wood or alcohol stove. Can shower during the day using a solar shower. Whatever I need to get by for now I guess. Ideally I'd get a solar setup and internet and whatnot but luxuries of electricity and internet and whatever else can come later. Freedom comes first.

    Food - Land with sunlight to grow crops on. (1/2 acre minimum) using compost to fertilize. Probably will bring my current worm farm over. Chickens for eggs. I personally don't have the guts to slaughter anything to eat, but will happily eat meat I've bought. So yeah I will need to buy stuff I can't produce like grains and whatever else I desire and can spare the coin for. Have been learning to ID edible weeds and native plants that I can forage, fun to learn and great skill to have I imagine. Looking to take a permaculture course real soon as I've heard great things about them and I'm looking to learn some lifelong self sustainability skills wherever I can. Thinking of dehydrating and canning whatever I can too to extend the shelf life of whatever stuff I have in abundance.

    Water - A water tank or two to collect and store rain water. Probably going to get some sort of filtration system to make it clean.

    Clothing - I've got all the clothes I'll ever need for a lifetime and I have no plans to buy anything, just have to get rid of what I don't need at this point.

    Vehicle - Not essential but I certainly want one since it opens up many avenues for travel and exploration, makes a lot of things easier too. Will be keeping my current motorcycle for a while and will be sharing a cheap car with the gf once we get set up if we can afford it. Insurance and maintenance costs can stack up, hence if I can make do with just a motorcycle or if I need to get rid of it, just a car, It'll make a lot of things easier for me.

    Strong relationships with others - I've got my gf who I'm extremely close to and a couple of friends whom I am close to but have moved to other states so we aren't in immediate contact. Life gets in the way of relationships especially in this working world, I hate that... Working on finding more people to connect with. Hopefully I can contribute something to the local community in which I end up living in.

    Some cash for those things I need to pay for - I have some online stuff going already which is slow and inconsistent but makes enough. Got more ideas along the lines of online businesses/investments, otherwise I'm hoping I can help people out for free utilizing my skills however I can and work on a donation kind of basis. Still need to think about this... Sustaining myself after I'm set up shouldn't be too hard, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot. Main thing for me atm is the initial investment for land and to set myself up since I don't have much capital to work with.

    My desire overall is to be something like 90% self sufficient, trading for things that I can't produce and paying for those things that I have to such as motorcycle related costs, yearly fees for land, some foods, internet, Honestly I don't know what I'm in for when it comes to those kind of things, being young I'm kinda naive when it comes to what paperwork I may be facing in the future.

    But yeah I know all of this is achievable especially seeing others having done so. The initial investment may be a challenge but damn it's still a fraction of the costs of making a living out here in Sydney's suburbs where the cost of an average house can easily sustain me for a lifetime. I know I'm naive to how tough it is and maybe a bit too much of a dreamer... But bloody hell it's worth shooting for I reckon.

    *Edited cos I type too much lol.

    Also been thinking... my alternative to this plan of mine? Full time study for a few years or full time work. But lol... those aren't my dreams. I do have some things I want to study, but honestly the internet and/or books have provided me with enough information for self study at the moment... and that's me, a self study kind of person but ofcourse on the other hand I won't get any degree. Fuck it! Not concerned with getting a job in the system anyway! HAH! Not at the moment atleast. Might as well take the leap while I'm young right? I can always go to uni in a year or two if this all doesn't work out... or... if it does. :) Even better.

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  9. Glad I got lucky with the few orders I put through! Really hoping I am lucky next time round... How lucky have you guys been with your orders lately?

    I'm not an everyday snuffer of any kind, I usually blow large amounts of Toque Rustica up my nose using a cut bendy straw on special occasions... Although a few days a week I would take a boxcar or two or three :P of other snuffs as I do find the experience extremely pleasurable, haven't learnt to pinch properly yet. Still exploring the world of snuff, but absolute favourites at the moment are Old Paris and Toque USA Whiskey and Honey and ofc the rustica. Wish I could take more of the Santo Domingo as I love that earthy leathery smell but it really clogs up my nose for some reason.

    Will have to check out more WoS stuff, only have their IHT22 atm.

    Your right regarding Toque, my nose detects the same Tobacco base throughout all their range i've sampled. That Toque Natural Toast is a winner though. Have you tried F&T High Dry Toast or Wilsons No 22 Irish Toast. Beautiful snuffs. What about the Abraxas range? Expensive but absolutely exquisite! Not all day snuffs, more of an after dinner with a fine port/cognac kind of deal.

    The SAB shop has nunu in small 2gm jars, lovely stuff to sample, just 2gm of snuff doesn't go a long way with my nose :lol: .

    Yep I've got HDT and IHT, to me they seem very similar in scent but I've taken more of the IHT22 because It has been easier for me to take personally. Got the natural toast as well and although nice, the scent seems significantly different to HDT and IHT, I smell some sort of musky sour tone to it which is nice but I tend to prefer the other two. ^^ Another great toast is the IDL, very unique creamy biscuity to it which I love. Haven't tried any Abraxas yet though I will consider! There's just too many snuffs to try and not enough dough to go around ahahaha.

    Thanks for the heads up with SAB shop selling nunu! Will be keen on sampling, wouldn't pay that price for 2 grams of snuff usually but assuming it is genuine nunu my curiosity will probably get the best of me.

    Assuming you don't mind the expense and it is worth it - given import duty - the most excellent pommie rustica rape' (or in English rapee) are Sir Walter Scott's. Don't be put off by the implied Royal Family connotation - even the most traditional Amazonian "headsplitter" "untouchable one" shaman will be your eternal friend with a gift of these - to them tobacco is more than a pressie, it is an icebreaker. The mapacho accentuated offerings are:- "St. James Parish Blend" and man, you are back with the Iroquois there! and "Auld Alliance", "all white mans sins are forgiven let us forge a new future together as brothers!" direct quoted review from tearfully grateful Don Kikuron; not rustica but bloody worth the mention and recommended gift to South American curanderos Indian is "Thrice Brewed" new tradition, but very good tradition. Rumour has it the Sir Walter personally supervises the blends and is a true brother in tobacco - fussy we are, but racist we not.

    Respect to you too P's Dog! You really seem to know your stuff. Will definitely look into St James Parish Blend and Auld Alliance. Thrice brewed sounds good too. Expenses are definitely something I'll have to be wary of as these artisan snuffs cost quite a lot more, but since tobacco play quite important part in my rituals I'll probably neglect the costs.

    Would definitely like something to use that isn't as barnyardy/grassy as Toque Rustica. Hopefully these blends don't carry too much of that Rustica smell, or any at all.

    P's dog, I fuckin love u man, seriously :worship: ....Your words are like...??? Reading a classic piece of literature. The first time you read them you let them just flow over you, try not to think to much...The second time you begin to comprehend.....Then the third time makes you smile. You wield words like some kick arse literate ninja, tis a lost art my friend..

    I agree with you Katu! Makes me smile reading these pieces of work of his. Honestly took a few reads for me to make sense of it but loved it hahaha.

    Thanks for the great info guys :')


    • Like 1

  10. Have ordered the 50g economy bag of Rustica from Toque several months before along with a couple other orders of snuff under 200g and they made it through customs no worries while being blatantly labelled as Tobacco nasal snuff along with the weight of the contents inside. I think orders under 200 or 250g are exempt from the fees? Don't think it's the same story when it comes to snus though.

    Toque make some beautiful snuffs, there Toasts especially. Nearly but not quite on par with Wilsons of Sharrow and Fribourg and Treyer's(now owned by WOS), which is feat considering how long they've been at it comparatively speaking...

    I agree with you katu, Toque makes great snuffs but in my opinion many of them suffer from having the same or a similar base tobacco. F&T to me are just on a whole other level... mhmmm Old Paris...

    Anyway... these smokeless tobacco laws are bloody ridiculous! Smoke as many cancer sticks as you like to get your nicotine fix but noooo.... you're not allowed to chew/snuff/snus for your fix even though it's obviously a safer alternative.

    Has anyone imported any rape or nunu or any sort of shamanic snuff successfully into Australia before? And if so, can you point me in the right direction? Pretty interested in trying the genuine thing.

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  11. Thanks for the replies everyone. Definitely keen to learn more about permaculture and perhaps do some WOOFing or farm work to see if that life suits us 100%.

    Leaning in that direction though as our lifestyles already seem somewhat fitting. e.g. we grow some veggies in my backyard, we compost our own scraps and have our own little worm farm and use it to fertilize our plants, we enjoy making own soaps and toothpaste, were very efficient with what we consume and how much waste we output, we're pretty minimalist with very few possessions, we love to make whatever we need and DIY if we can, we like self sustainable technologies etc etc. I know a self sustainable lifestyle involves a whole array of things more than that but we're very confident in heading down that direction since we're already taking steps to be self sufficient at home.

    With 10K there is land around the place you could buy
    It's not ideal land but it is land and it's workable.

    I'm in a similar spot as you guys just minus the $10K. Would love that.
    A few years back was in the exact same spot.
    I think you're lucky enough to not yet have your spirit broken by the world.
    And hopefully that doesn't happen.

    I cant give advice though. If I could I wouldn't be in the same position.

    Have seen some cheap blocks in the 15-20k range but they're bush/lifestyle blocks and I don't think it's legal to live permanently on them. Although I'm sure it isn't hard to pull a dodgy if one wanted to get away with it. But we don't want to risk it. :S Other than that we've seen a couple small blocks in small towns waaaay out in the sticks. They don't seem very private as they're in town but I guess they are workable as you say. Thanks though Ace, our spirit is strong at the moment as were going nuts here in Sydney, itching to get out there to meet others, trusting the universe in the process and seeing where our fate lies.

    If we do ever find a plot and have the room we'll definitely hit you up.

    On a bit of a sidenote (but slightly related) how exactly does someone who is young and broke afford to travel? I'd love to. I've always wanted to. But I can't travel. I can barely afford to live half the time. Let alone drop everything and somehow afford the travel costs to actually get around somewhere.

    And as for the farm life being tough. At least if you are constrained or struggling its probably for a reason ie to feed yourself/survive.
    So much of modern society just feels really pointless. maybe thats why Nibbana is looking to be self sufficient too?

    There is quite an initial investment. We already both have dual sport motorcycles(cross between a dirt bike and road bike) and were planning to tour the east coast up to the northern most point and down to tassie and eventually the rest of Australia stealth/guerrilla camping along the way at rest stops or whatever secluded bushy location we can find. Also there's a lot of people offering up couches and guest rooms for free or for work on a website called Couchsurf, there's a good referencing system which can help you screen out people that you may not want to stay with... but yeah that's another option for a place to stay, we think it will be an incredibly valuable resource, for meeting people along the way and also getting a good shower or two in.

    We've worked out that you can do it pretty cheap so long as you're willing to give up the luxuries of modern day traveling such as sleeping in a well insulated heated room in a comfy bed, eating variegated food cooked in a well stocked kitchen, shitting in a bush, showering every day etc hahahaha. Much easier if you have a reliable vehicle too. But yeah we've found that our hiking/bushwalking gear will provide pretty much everything we need to live fairly comfortably out there on the go. (tent/hammock, sleeping bags, alcohol/wood/gas stove, solar shower etc)

    Or as Anodyne said you don't need much money to travel Asia if that is your desire.

    There are ( a few) intentional communities about ( at least 2 in the northern rivers region) the require $0 investment to join.

    One of which requires monthly levies of $50 from each community member enough to cover rates, stock the pantry with basics etc, the second i am unsure?

    They both require you to provide your own accommodation and help in the functioning of the community. Both are by invitation only, skills, knowledge and enthusiasm are the prerequisites.

    There are also moves afoot to precipitate a web of independent but interconnected series of intentional communities that would not necessarily require large cash investments by members. But would allow the free movement of people (and hopefully plants) between community sites.

    Having said all that, there are as many options out there as there are people on these lands, so explore.

    Edited to mention that a friend has just moved into the community mentioned above with a $8k investment to build her cottage and install a small solar system

    And explore we shall! These sort of communities sound great and we're very keen to get out there to meet people involved in such projects to learn more about how we can perhaps get involved. Hope your friends set up goes smoothly. :) Was wondering if you could give any advice as to how we might meet people relevant to such projects? Gotta just get out there and meet people eh?

    IMO the best thing you guys can do Is buy a half decent 4wd van, think Mitsubishi starwagon. Set it up with solar, fridge, rain catching tarp etc and go and live out in the bush, treat the bush as your land, as soon as your out the city you can live for free. Follow the seasons, work is so easy to find up North in the winter, you'll be living in a van so all those wages soon stack up, do this for a few years and decide where you want that block of land, or just keep roaming around. You'll meet a world of interesting people and see the best parts of this amazing country.

    Pretty much what we want to do, just maybe not with a van although it is a consideration. Sounds like an amazing and free way to live.

    I want to get my own land to run in my own personalised permaculture model too but I haven't come very far towards that goal yet.

    You can change career at any time, study at any stage of your life. Whatever you do now you don't have to do it for any longer than you need to. You can do multiple things at once if you feel like it. While you are figuring out whatever achievements or awesome things you want to apply your life to you may as well look around you and enjoy it until whatever those goals are strike you, I think your current plan sounds great

    We hope you achieve that goal of yours BassCompound! :)

    Thank you for the advice, we certainly agree. We know it may sound stupid but everyone is so sold on "careers" nowadays and we don't want one, not now, maybe not ever? Hopefully we find our way, just have to leap into it I suppose.


    The plan for now is to just "Find the others." While expanding our knowledge and learning whatever we can about the lifestyle we wish to pursue. Saving money as we go. Planning to tour the east coast before the end of the year, really going to have to do it on a budget... but the worse thing that can happen other than us crashing and dying is that we return home right? :S A large desire to learn more about Aboriginal culture is in us so that's going to be a huge part of our travels. Really hope to meet some members from this board someday too, maybe on our travels, but definitely soon!

    Still open to advice and alternatives. :)

    I guess we kind of know what we have to do though. Thank you everyone that has posted for the advice! Sorry for the odd sequencing of words and sentences everybody.

  12. Hi everyone!

    Just gonna go out on a whim and post here. Sorry if it's in the wrong section. It does mainly come down to self sufficiency though.

    Prepare for a while lot of rambling. If you want to skip it just read the stuff after the dotted lines.

    So... my gf and I are both --. We've been together for a few years now and have grown to be inseparable and together we've become quite lost in this world. Wanting to free ourselves from this society and our parents to pursue our passions, we've encountered nothing but roadblocks.

    We have the means and needs to go on to study at university and/or work decent jobs but found that we both do not fit in the traditional educational system and both don't find satisfaction in pursuing money. We have saved some money together working in the past after completing our studies but we've found it hard to go on working doing unfulfilling empty things for cash. We're not lazy people, we're both actually very enthusiastic and keen learners but we've found that most jobs we can't stick to because they just don't really engage us personally. We do recognize that money is a necessary evil but have found it really hard to make enough money to save to buy land even if we worked the jobs available to us in this age bracket.

    We've made efforts to start a couple online businesses together and although reasonably successful. We expect them to only just sustain us financially when it comes to living needs. Definitely can't make enough to save for land, well we can but it'll take a decade minimum if were very lucky?

    We just want to be self sufficient, live, love and so far our most important goal is "Find the others." as Timothy Leary said, but we have failed to find any like minded individuals in Sydney where we are located. As a result we haven't really built any strong friendships as individuals, we feel like nobody truly understands how we feel and what we want. The girlfriend and I have realized that social isolation can affect the both of us pretty damn badly even as a healthy loving couple whom spends most of their time together happily and whom interacts with friends and family on a daily basis. It's just a lack of people that we truly connect with.

    All our friends and family seem so absorbed in their own little reality tunnels, working at their careers or doing whatever they can to manage their self esteem or whatever addiction they have or absorbed in some sort of reality tv show or silly celebrity drama or whatever other distraction that me and my gf can't seem to care about. We both also have -- fathers who are very traditional and only care about work work work, money money money, status status status and it absolutely drives us nuts. They have no concern for the creative mind or human evolution and love, their drive for money and status has turned us in the complete opposite direction. They only want their kids to make money and look good so they can brag about it and look good themselves. It just feels so against the soul.. you know? I don't even know if there is such thing as the soul, but living for money and status just doesn't feel right to us. It doesn't make us happy, there's just this great feeling of emptiness when we think of such things. I know a lot of the people on this forum probably feel the same.

    Our interests are plants & animals & all of nature in general, medicinal and sacred plants, healthy eating and natural remedies, bushwalking, adventure, arts, DIY kind of stuff, self sufficiency, permaculture, foraging, --, love, freedom, true communication and connection with others. We love to have fun and share our love, we like to get people out of their shells of their normal routines and habits to dance and sing and open up and connect but I must say it is hard to find others willing to do so in our immediate surroundings. Another dream of ours is to start a little garden of eden of sacred and medicinal plants alongside our food farm, but find it hard to do so without our own land. We have a little cactus collection and a good collection of seeds but we're hesitant to expand and germinate them as much as we want to because we're still living with the parents and we know how they'll feel about such ventures. Plus I don't want to go through the trouble of taking everything with me after I've planted them or built up a good collection.


    So I'm posting here hoping to find some advice for us. Right now we just want to be free and meet like-minded individuals. We've worked out to be independent from our parents which means self sufficiency ofc. But for that we require land and for land we need money and for money we need to work work work and that honestly just depresses us.

    So freedom = self sufficiency = land = money...

    We've only got around $10k AUD altogether and land prices are only going up. I've heard a quarter acre is apparently the absolute minimum for self sufficiency and even that can cost 80-90k minimum located out in the middle of no where in a little town with nothing but a pub. Not to mention dealing with all the real estate, land and council approval stuff like zoning and building entitlements and costs of needing driveways built for certain properties etc etc.

    Another option was to buy into a MO but even they cost 90k minimum for a share.

    We both honestly know it is unrealistic to expect to own our own land anytime soon, especially at our age as no normal person our age even owns their own place and are probably still and will be living at home for a couple years to come. Still, our urge to be free and independent persists.

    We've considered buying a van and just living real cheap in that. Mount a solar panel on the top for electrics and spend whatever money we have on fuel, food and whatever other essentials (mechanical maintenance, internet bills etc) Of course we wouldn't be able to do the permaculture stuff but we'll be more free, which is certainly something we crave at the moment.

    The idea at the moment is to just head up north to Northern NSW region (Think Nimbin and Byron Bay) to just chill and hopefully meet people, as we've been up there two times in the past year and have found that we fit in up there the most. We're kind of hoping we can find someone that will allow us to live on their land in a tent or something for cheap. Doing the trip on the cheap too of course, either living in a car on the way up or stealth camping while riding postie bikes up as we both have our motorcycle licenses lol. Or even catching a ride up. We are kind of itching for an adventure at the moment but fear that it won't be worth it overall as it's quite an investment in itself and we've been saving for land lately. Definitely going to be a significant hit to the funds.

    But yeah, we're willing to give up luxuries and live on the cheap. Even if it means pooping in a hole and having to wipe with leaves. Self sufficiency and finding the others is the dream at the moment.

    Any advice or alternatives would be appreciated. Maybe we're just dreaming too big at too young of an age? Just looking for frank advice as were completely lost for direction anyhow.

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  13. Why are we here?

    Well, as far as I know, we just are. We just simply exist.

    On the other hand you could say were here to just mate and reproduce which seems to be the purpose of human life, if there is one LOL.

    Still wouldn't say reproducing is the meaning of human life though, we just do it ya know? :P

    Basically, I don't know.

    Why are we here?

    To reproduce.

    To make more people.

    So we can take over the world and reproduce better.


    To spread love and joy!


    It just is what it is...



    Seems to me like you can constantly ask why something happens forever and ever and never amount to any substantial answer. What seems far more important is "what" happens. I don't know though. I'm young and naive.
