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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by mark80

  1. "Isn't that against the constitution? What a bizar law that is"

    I do believe that we in Oz dont actually have a constitution and the associated rights that come with it. Is this true? i do remember Torsten making a mention of it somewhere in another thread.

    Yeah, we don't have a bill of rights nor a constituation.

  2. Yeah thanks, I did find that the ones in high humidity grew much faster.

    I am using 1 part normal cheap potting mix to one part sand (or should I use ½ sand ½ perlite 1 potting mix) how much dolomite should I add to it?


  3. I just planted some cacti seeds in some trays and some popped up but there are more that still haven’t germed should I keep the glass on the trays or take it off. I want high humidity to get the others to germ yet low enough so they don’t rot. Any ideas?



  4. ive never been to QLD but i take it that winters are fairly dry there?

    I find cairns area to be fairly dry in winter. They usually go through cold snaps were for a week or so it gets really cold and dry and then goes up again.

    Awsome garden lorax!

  5. Hey man,

    Where abouts are you?

    I recently got some and had some trouble growing them in Townsville. However, I found using smaller pots with a sandy potting mix and a in humidity dome the do quite well. They take some looking after I feed mine with a liquid fertiliser once a week roughly and keep it under partial shade. I do have a feeling once the weather warms up and humidity goes up there be no stopping these little beauties.

    Hope it helped man.

    Good luck

  6. Yeah thanks a lot everybody.

    It’s kinda an embarrassing situation and I am glad everybody was cool with it.

    Tort- yeah, I have looked into buying some GABA, might be a worthwhile investment.

    I have befriended a lot of chicks but I find my girlfriend so irresistible even after 4 years.

    I play a lot of sports which doesn’t help much, I am a member of the Queensland judo team and train a good 10 –12 hours a week of fairly exhausting stuff. Though it doesn’t seem to kill much.

    Thanks a lot everybody.

  7. Dear fourmites,

    I came to you with a problem. I am an 18-year-old problem and have an overactive libido I wish to know of some ethnos that will eliminate my sex drive, completely with no other effects. My drive is ending my relationship and no amount of hardcore porn can kill it. It interferes with my daily life no extent. I should be doing work but I can't handle it.

    help anyone?

  8. My P.Viridis is looking sad. He is in a bright shadded spot with an hour of direct morning light. Were in winter in townsville. I got him like this a wekk ago and he seems to be stable... Just natural or is there something I can do? Note the browining and dying of the end of the leaves.

    Should I water him frequently during the winter season or let him dry out?



