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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by PD.

  1. I'd rather emo's walking around then bogans cruising around. :rolleyes:

    haha, yeah, the only people the Emo kids are gonna hurt are themselves :lol: .

    how many Emo kids does it take to change a light bulb?

    none. they prefer to cry in the dark.

  2. Sounds like you are getting bogan confused with Redneck. lol

    Is that possible in rural areas? I thought out west bogans were redneck offspring :rolleyes:

    I guess thats where the first bogans may have come from. lol

    If they were real rednecks, then no way would their child become a bogan, they just get redder around the neck with each generation. Trust me, i know, i live in small country town in NE Vic and have spent most of my life in the area.

    Redneck = Angry opinionated Farmer

    Bogan = why dont ya just fuck off

    Rednecks have always got a reason why they hate things, which they try to explain in their long drawn out way. Bogans hate things because they dont wanna know any different and couldnt really give a fuck anyway.

    And where have they all gone anyway, the bogans that is. Little freakin Emo kids are everywhere, is this the new bogan? :lol:

    hahaha, someone needs to do some sort of study into this.

  3. as a bogan his dad would probably know how to fix fences. make him do it.

    was the accident reported? if not then the suggestion of that (within 24 hours) should make his family agreeable. or even better suggest that the costs should be covered immediately.

    bogans need their cars and bogan dad's need their bogan brood to drive the ute to town. there is a lot ot stake for the average bogan without a license. make the most of it.

    was he at least painfully hurt? a few broken bones? anything that didn't ruin his life is fair enough. after all he could have wiped out another driver instead of your fence and this seems to be the only way bogans learn.

    Sounds like you are getting bogan confused with Redneck. lol

    ahh the old bogan, a dying race. Even most of the old bogans here eventually slip into the redneck lifestyle.

    Most rednecks despise bogans even more than hippies.

    haha name calling. makes me laugh.

    after all im just an old bogan with a twist of hippy. hahahaha bring on the carcass and subs.


  4. One time a FOAF used a particular brand of dessicant which was scented with a synthetic floral aroma

    He was burping this gross fake perfume smell all night


    The dry mushie burps are bad enough. haha

    that must have been horrible.

    Fresh is best IMO, i know its not always possible and god knows this season has been a testament to that, but thats the way i like it.

  5. yeah seriously, What happened to those phlebs was fucked, plain and simple.

    If its not park managment slashing the crap out of them, it some dickhead harvesting them.

    This problem wont get noticed by the mainstream until there is a major harvest and hundereds of plants are lost. If anyone is contemplating harvesting live plants, just stop and think.... :slap:

    That mountain is the only place on this earth that they grow.

  6. Found this Rev,

    Cuy, alternately called Cobayo or conejillo de indias is a guinea pig or cavy. The taste is compared to rabbit, thought delicious, and though difficult to accept for people in other countries who regard guinea pigs as pets, the cuy is a staple of Andean cuisine. They are called "cuy" for the sound they make cuy, cuy.

    A typical recipe for baked or barbequed cuy with a hot sauce:

    3 or 4 cuys

    50 grams of ground toasted corn, or cornmeal

    2 kilos of parboiled potatoes, cut in slices

    8 cloves of garlic

    6 fresh hot peppers, either red or yellow

    ½ cup oil

    ½ cup water

    salt, pepper and cumin to taste

    Rub the cuys with a mix of the pepper, salt, pepper and cumin and bake. You can also skewer over a barbeque.

    Prepare a sauce with the oil, peppers, garlic and cornmeal with the water from the potatoes or broth. Cook a few minutes until the peppers are cooked. When tender, place the meat in a serving dish and spoon the sauce over it. Serve with the boiled potatoes.

    Another recipe calls for:

    4 cuys

    1 teaspoon hot pepper

    1 tablespoon pisco

    garlic to taste

    6 fresh hot peppers, either red or yellow

    1/4 cup oil

    salt, pepper to taste

    Season the cleaned cuys with salt, pepper, hot pepper and pisco. Fry in oil five minutes or until cooked.

    Serve with a hot pepper sauce, potatoes, either fried or boiled and a salad of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and onion.

    Chicha is often served with cuy, as it was in Incan times. Buen provecho!

    From wiki;

    Chicha is a fermented beverage brewed by the indigenous people of the Andean region, dating back to the Inca Empire when women were taught the techniques of brewing chicha in Acllahuasis (feminine schools). It is traditionally prepared from a specific kind of yellow maize (jora) and is usually referred to as chicha de jora. It has a pale straw color, a slightly milky appearance, and a slightly sour aftertaste, reminiscent of hard apple cider. It is drunk either young and sweet or mature and strong. It contains a slight amount of alcohol, 1-3%.

    Enjoy :)

  7. Interesting comments about low blood pressure and headspins..

    When it happened to foaf the other week, they felt 100% mentally (besides the usual effects) but just had complete loss of voluntary movement..

    The friend i mentioned that gets the paralysis is in no way unconsious or heading that way. He usually ends up just laying down with his angry head on(his usual head wear).

    The others that passed out, did exactly that, pass out. It was only for a very short time and only one of the two people i mentioned that passed out, had a negative experience, the other dude came to with a smile :) .

    It is like the mushies were "telling" these people not to get too worked up, just relax and go with it.

    Like they have told me before........ "Just be".

  8. Only one of my friends gets the "paralysis" thing, but i know of two people that have passed out when intoxicated by the mushies. A drop in blood pressure seems about right, in both cases it was in a small, very well heated room and both people stood very quickly to tell me they didnt feel too good. With this their eyes rolled back and they fell hard to the ground, very hard. There isnt much you can do, it all happened pretty quickly, and by the time you are saying "just lay down and relax", their head is hitting the ground.

    It has always passed as quickly as it started though, its just a massive head spin i guess.


    oh yeah, and no alcahol was consumed on these occasions, just mushies, and one of the people mentioned here has never had "those fuckin things" ever again, haha.

  9. Yeah i also know a friend that gets this from mushies. He is a really big guy weighing any where between 120 and 140kg. We thought it strange that he was getting this off the same dose as the other 80-90kg individuals, albeit a large dose. We just put it down to his extremely unhealthy lifestyle that involves alot of rest, couch, computers games, pot and take away food(usually the drive thru variety)

    He said it wasnt really bad, more annoying

  10. In April, White received an order for 355 plants from "Weeds," the Showtime cable television series about a single suburban soccer mom who deals marijuana to support her family.


    it didnt show the buds but in the pic the weed looks as "real" as most weed on tv/movies.

  11. WOW.

    I didnt think the illness you guys mentioned was so severe. I hope there is no major interaction between the two substances and you two get better very soon.

    As for not arriving at the said "celebration", due to the circumstances i think this once i can let it slide :lol: .

    but you guys better be there for the spring party. :)
