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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by PD.

  1. I´ve recently heard, GIN leads to sin.

    Yes EG, yes it does.

    But i still love it. I have caused some major trouble whilst chugging down the contents of that blue bottle, only the good quality Gin gives you that feeling only gin can, your brain says "sober?, you have never been so in controll your whole life", everybody around you says, "how in F**ks name did you get SO drunk, SO quick.

    Famous last words......... "hey man, this is my second bottle and im not even pissed yet"


    I dont drink much these days though, the hangovers seem to last twice as long and are twice as severe so it really doesnt seem worth it. And as for drinking in moderation.......i have never been able to do that, i dont know when to stop, it only took me about fifteen years to realise its easier to not drink than stop after one or two.

    Working in a winery helps alot too, your clothes have that "hangover" smell after work. That is enough of a reminder for me. Bucket, sweating, hot, cold, shivering, vomiting, and just wanting to die.

    What a nasty fuckin drug.
