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The Corroboree

The Resistance

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Posts posted by The Resistance

  1. Here's a nice challenge that I feel is reasonable to put out there now that there are so many posts of "dance" music in my thread.

    Some of you have posted music in this thread that is....welll.....

    What I'm getting to is,

    film yourself dancing to the music in an enjoyable manner to the music you posted

    and I will give you a potted up Catha edulis seedling if you like in Australia.

    Like that "speedcore" for example.

    I'll give you more than a Catha edulis seedling for a clip of you dancing to that

    or at least head banging


    OMG I'd be verrry impressed

    Fair enough?

    (rhetorical question)



    I have things to do and I don't just sit on the computer all day wording myself o so carefully as to not offend a single person on the planet.

    You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many hoops I have to jump through each day. Even though it's the truth.

    I don't care if there are members here who don't like me. Can't please everyone. I know from experience........ I'm gonna be 22 years old in a few days....


  2. This place is getting more and more mind blowing by the day.

    Am I getting this right... You posted a thread asking for music. Then when it's not what you want we become an inconvenience? Since when did we all describe a song the same way? Maybe you and your mates draw the same conclusions but me and my mates seem to have differing realities when it comes to art, that we call being human

    It seems a whole lot like shitting in your hand and clapping, then being disappointed you got poo everywhere.

    If you google "how to use google" and get that under your belt, I'm sure you'll be able to finish your own search for the invisible meth amphetamine energy that your seeking. Be careful cuz, maybe the world is flat, we don't want ya falling off ;)


    I'm going to spend some time replying to this post.

    Then I would like it if people who wished to post in my threads at least viewed this one first


    (in case the link doesn't work just find it in the Site and Forum Matters)

    I do not illegally download music and movies. And I make a big effort to follow the rules here. And one of them is to not incriminate yourself........

    CDs cost money. And like I mentioned in original post, it is my Birthday coming up soon.

    I thought that if I compared the best dance music to meth, some members here would get it. And that's all I was after. Just one two or three good posts with good links.

    I'm sorry for that.

    I'll compare things to legal things in the future

    Like nicotine, caffeine, walks along the beach.

    I had purchased dance CDs recently but was bitterly disappointed. I had intended to mention them, but


    so many posts for me to reply to. And I haven't even checked out all the songs listed...

    To be perfectly honest, I feel that some members are trying to mock me.

    My sig ain't directed at legitimate members here. It is directed at the AFP and the English Royal Family.

    Scarface has been my favorite gangster film from the moment I first saw it.....

    If you haven't seen it, I recommend you do.

    So everyone please chill out and

    see my new thread

    I would be really happy if there were no new posts here untill the dust either settles or people

    based on my examples

    post music that I'm after.

    True that everyone has difference tastes on what music is dancey and what music ain't.

    But same like say hot showers on a cold morning, a majority of people in Melbourne like em. At least one if four people do.

    When you put a legally purchased CD into the computer, uploaded it to iTunes

    and it automatically displays the genre as 'dance',

    I think it's more than reasonable to have a mild expectation that people would

    (when, replying to a thread like this)

    get what dance music is.

    And I did give examples. So don't give me a hard time. I don't feel I deserve it.

    Read all my posts.

    I cannot believe that I've just spent all this effort and my precious time, in my shitty circumstances...replying to this post.

    Wow. It's like groundhog day every time I check this thread

    And I have not properly read through this post. It's a bit of a rant.

    Just be grateful that I actually replied instead of putting it off to a more appropriate time.

    Thank you

  3. :) thats nice, but why all the



    "I don't give a fuck anymore"


    Take notice of me ffs, etc.

    If it's legal and possible

    I will post my urine around the world so ******** can stick they're drug testing kit into it.

    You just gotta PM me and pay postage is all

    Do note that I am new to The Corroboree. However, I am, a veteran in talking to drunken alcoholic prohibitionists and now seemingly every day I'm getting war medals in talking to satanists too

    Come and get me AFP. Get "the bad guy"

  4. your being a wanker.

    Maybe less talk about peace and love and a little more practice?

    Also, maybe less meth?

    It's millionth time I've said these exact words is all........

    Don't like it?

    Let's have a sit-down.

    Prove you're not a member of the AFP or worse.


    how many times do you think I've consumed methamphetamine in my life?

    Include the

    method of administration,


    set, and setting,

    you know,

    all the things that


    who knows what

    they're talking about

    would include.

    Come miles away from close to the correct answer and there's literally an engraved pure gold medal in it for ya.

    Only condition is you have exactly 100 hours (from the second I make this post) to reply. In fact, this challenge extends to all. PM me though. Don't clog us up my thread


    Rat Race


  5. :)


    (He'll Never Be An) Ol' Man River


    if ya cant dance to that ....then....


    ..........i am old :(

    I find this video so fucking funny that I will literally remember it, and view it for the rest of my life

    and whenever a drunken alcoholic or satanist tries to put in me in a bad mood,

    I will remember this thread,

    your post in particular,

    and think

    "fuck em in the ear"

    even more than usual

    I could literally be in a jail cell for the rest of my life with only the bare essentials around me for survival. And in pondering my life, I would think of this and laugh.

    So 10/10 mate

    Thanks so much :)

    • Like 1

  6. What a nice start to the day!

    I wake up,

    (lost cause alcoholics around me as usual, but fuck em, I ain't scared. I've witnessed it since year one of my life. And I'm now days away from being 22. Days away from being .22 too - jokes)

    I go on the computer to check The Corroboree,

    first thing I happen to read is the title of this thread...

    I click on it, not even reading the original post, I'm just curious as to what people reply, because I've heard this all before too many times.

    And what a pleasant surprise!! There is at least one other person in the world who a belief with me!!

    I would simply state that cannabis use, medicinal or not, equals better parenting than alcohol use.

    High five Responsible Choice!!

    Couldn't have said it better myself :)

  7. ok then. it's a youtube video of some very hard music,. i'll say it again, you asked for the hardest music in existence, im sorry i didn't read your fine print, it's hard when you're shouting all the time.. when you ask for the hardest music in existence that reminds you of being on meth, it's a little confusing eh. maybe you should be careful what you wish for..

    you can relax, it's ok that you don't like it. i don't particularly like it either. i don't care i just thought you were serious about your request.

    i don't need an essay on the benefits of meth, it's ok.

    i know of this song because the person who made it comes from near where i grew up. circumstantial. how do you know of that lame hardstyle you linked earlier?

    Let's have a sit-down and discuss this like civilized human beings.

    I'll even pay you,

    so you have no excuses not to come


  8. what is evil? if anything it's taking the piss out of evil.. you asked for the hardest dance music in existence.. well i don't think what i posted is that but i was just having a crack, trying to help with your search. you ask for something that mimics the effects of meth? now that sounds truly 'evil' mate. i have seen meth do truly 'evil' things to people..

    you ask for the hardest music in existence, then you just dismiss people who are trying to help with what you ask for & then you post examples of the music you'd like to hear, which is very much not 'hard' at all.. seems you already know what you want, so why not go & find it yourself instead of asking for things you don't want.

    What a fucking annoying post to reply to.

    I'll do it in stages because I don't have the patience. So there will be a few posts in reply to yours, Mr paradox.

    Here I go

    Methamphetamine, when done responsibly, is a very good drug. Feel free to quote me on this for eternity.

    Obviously, using Catha edulis or coca is a better choice than meth,

    but as you may know,

    meth is more readily available than fresh Catha edulis leaves. Let alone coca leaves.

    If there were two waring parties, they could find solutions on meth. President JFK used it in meetings....

    The effects of methamphetamine are fucking niiiiiiiiiiice.

    It's just prohibition which fucks it up. As you may know. Not to mention we are told more lies than truths on prohibited drugs..........

    If you would like to learn,

    read HRV's Whack Magazine issue 29. This one's all about stimulants. It's a very very good read.

    You can just go to their website and read it online


    Now I'm going outside to enjoy this lovely day a little bit. And when I get back, I'll continue replying to your post.

    In the future mate just PM me and we can discuss things in PMs

    Shits me sideways when I make a big effort to make it obvious that I'm all about Peace and Love and people don't get it

  9. I need to say this because some people are getting the wrong idea.

    When I say "hard" dance music, I don't mean evil music. I highly dislike evil. And anything that resembles or reminds me of evil. I'm all about Peace and Love (read my interests in case you havn't already).

    I've seen evil in my life. And it ain't pretty

    Even those hardstyle compilations done by Age705. Love the music, hate the picture.

    Having said this,

    please don't clog up my thread with evil music because it's not what I'm after

    I just want something to bang my head on...............................

    Fair enough?

  10. Thank fuck I checked out the YouTube links you provided as examples of what you mean by "hard" music before I put some recommendations in.... it could have been traumatic.


    I was pretty fucking drunk when I created this thread........

    I had a big drink after my super hectic post in this thread http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37930

    I would rather drink opium than alcohol. But, of course, opium is prohibited. So I had to make do with alcohol.


    I'm going to bed. I'll check my threads tomorrow.

    Goodnight :)

  11. I had always imagined myself being the leader of the new free world :blush:

    I have to challenge you to a dual now, to decide who is alpha dog. Sorry brother, you're probably a nice guy and all but this is how it works. Democracy and capitalism have taught me so.

    Please PM your name and details and I'll be over quite shortly to deliver your fatal beating.

    edit: your large list of interests doesn't scare me

    I don't go out of my way to being the leader of anything.

    I'm just a friendly fella who likes plants, women, and deep states of relaxation.

    Now please stop creating a mess in my thread. Some of us here on The Corroboree are actually here to learn things

    • Like 1

  12. I had always imagined myself being the leader of the new free world :blush:

    I have to challenge you to a dual now, to decide who is alpha dog. Sorry brother, you're probably a nice guy and all but this is how it works. Democracy and capitalism have taught me so.

    Please PM your name and details and I'll be over quite shortly to deliver your fatal beating.

    edit: your large list of interests doesn't scare me

    Knives or pistols?

    Edit: Message for mods and AFP, I'm only joking around.....

    • Like 1

  13. Examples on Youtube of Hardstyle I like are compilations done by Age705.

    Such as

    Best Hardstyle 2011 part 6

    Best Hardstlye 2011 part 7


    Best Hardstyle 2011 part 8

    These all have sections in them which put me in a really blissful frame of mind. However sometimes ya gotta wait a few mins before it gets really good

    I've listen to these and more hardstlye tracks many times. And now I'm ready for something harder......
