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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by 3rdI

  1. Although I am young and am certainly not an indigenous person to this land, I feel that now would be a good time to just say a quick word about "dreamtime". This term is generally not accepted anymore as it dictates that the dream state of the indigenous peoples beliefs is not continuous. The term dreaming is now preferred as it by definition explains the belief system better, this state of living on this landscape is a constant experience of the dream. I feel that the school of thought around ingestion of psychedelics by aboriginal people is less of a likely scenario due to the fact that they believe they lived in a dreamstate, thus attempting to reach an even higher state would only be like a dream within a dream. Inception

    EDIT: However, no doubt of instances of experimentation and isolated incidences where they came across a new plant food species that turned out to be an energy enhancer type drug like psilocybe mushrooms and who else knows what they encountered. I believe that i read somewhere that they date the Indigenous Australians in this country up to 80,000 years ago! Who knows what extinct magic plants were out there?

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  2. The Entheological Paradigm - Martin W. Ball

    It changed the way I thought about drugs and myself forever. Great definition to the ego and understanding the self. All in relation to the neurotransmitter 5-MeO-DMT and basically how to create an ego death so that you can truly release the true person within. Has absolutely nothing 'spiritual' in it. Although i haven't exactly achieved 100% what he describes in the book, I came very extremely painfully close. The worlds best Changa will only get you so far. Short read, great book! I recommend it to anyone, especially those who enjoy reading about mysticism like the Tibetan Book of the dead. It offers are logical yet still 'non-physical' understanding to human existence and self reflective understanding. Its also somewhat a self help book but involves the fun of DMT! :D

    EDIT: He is a little bit famous for his "bash" on Terence McKenna. Terence's fans were very upset, however I think Terence himself, were he still alive, would have been delighted to hear his M. Ball's ideas on the DMT experience.

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  3. A quick question... May seem very cactus noob of me, but that is sort of exactly what I am so. Does the TBM or any other monstrose forming cactus flower? Or is that generally the issue, they are mutant thus lose sexual organs or become sterile. Like the Liger...

  4. I used to think that people who called themselves shamans were at best using the word in a loose artistic sense, and at worst, totally deluded or appropriating ideas from other cultures because they had none of their own...

    I completely agree with this statement, however, coming from a sociological standpoint it is important to offer the unbiased view. I feel that yes, there are modern shamans (in both western society and tribal societies) some are real and some are fake. Just because you have tripped balls, it doesn't make you a shaman. Just because you have tripped balls and closed your eyes for five minutes come out and say "I have been given an answer by the spirit" and even if the person you are attempting to help accepts it and is effectively helped by your answer, it still does not make you a "Shaman". It makes you a neo-psuedo-Shaman, With an ego. Which completely defeats the purpose of the many entheogens they take.

    Thicker the ego the thicker the problems. Shamans are not exempt from this rule


    Question: If an orgasm is all it takes to dissolve the boundaries of the self, which I presume would lead to selfless acts of love towards all others, does this mean for all the sex everyone is having very few actually achieve an orgasm? Or dose it need to be some sort of super orgasm?

    Or am I presuming too much?

    I believe the traditional cumshot can only dissolve the boundary between two people if its made of highly corrosive acid. Or, that person is willingly showing a side of themselves that is rare, like when you take Psilocybin/DMT/LSD etc. its not always guaranteed ego-death because your ego can fight opening up, your ego can fight those feelings of letting the true self (leading cause of bad trips), the self which lies beneath the ego, to emerge. Orgasms are much the same, your ego can fight opening up and it will only result in a little bit of semen rather than compassion and care for other individuals. If that makes sense? 0_o

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  5. Probably collected from under the tractor that dispensed it. Though, biased methods aside, it is still dangerous stuff, like that agent orange, or the shit that poisoned the Aboriginal people who went spraying throughout NSW and QLD then they were instructed to dump the barrels with residues in the forests. 15+ years later all sorts of health problems. I think we can all agree that Chemical and Techno fixes are rarely the answer :(

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  6. But what about that wrinkling? I read that its due to under-watering but that can't be possible. Also that necrotic like edge where the fleshy bit meets the soil. That ain't actually much of a hole, its more of a dint really, but i will keep a very very close eye on it for bugs :/ any ideas on stopping the wrinkling? its been getting progressively worse for months
