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The Corroboree


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About Crusty

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  1. Crusty

    Ethics of being carnivorous

    I look to nature, all living things live with some input from other this that are either living or once lived. Even plants need/get nutrients that have been through the life cycle. It just depends at what point you are on the food chain. The ethics question is more how the animals are treated, in nature the weak are usually killed and eaten by the strong/predators disease/infection (micro predators), or died slow painful deaths, nature does not give many animals a good death in their sleep in a bed. Everything dies, so how that happens and the minimal harm / stress is the thing I think about, if you kill to eat you should do it with the least harm. I lived on a farm, grew up with butchering our own animals, some we had attachment to. Its a grey area. A friend has an organic egg farm, the birds are allowed to get old and live naturalish lives at some point though if they are suffering it is more ethical to put them to sleep (kill them). They then go to organic pigs, (not wasted). I went full carnivore for a while to fix some gut microbiome problems, and it helped. (Celiacs disease) tried vegetarian first with no luck. Still cant/dont eat processed foods, especially flour / wheat, and I would love to be able to have a slice of bread, or a pancake without getting sick.