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The Corroboree


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About Uneak

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    Day Tripper

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  1. Uneak

    Are P. Carthagenensis Berries Worth Keeping?

    I ordered 30 of those berries once, and didn't get around to planting most of them until they had started to rot a bit. Threw a handful of those into a pot of seedling mix, berries and all, kept the pot moist and in the shade, and now I have a pot full of tiny seedlings. I hope yours germinate well.
  2. Uneak

    argyreia nervosa flowering

    My vine flowered and set seed in less than a year after sowing, but I'm also in Hawaii in a fairly humid area that gets rain almost once a day. Temperatures here are typically between 60 f (at night) to mid 80s or 90s. I wish I knew why my vine flowered and set seed so early, especially with how abused it is (very rootbound, and I don't have a good tree or trellis for it). I don't fertilize very often, and have it in a substrate mostly composed of orchid wood chips.