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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by bardo

  1. Consciousnesses is basically just awareness, we have this biological mechanism to survive and continue the specie, all the work of the brain, nerves, nervous system etc. We evolved to have this level of awareness.

    Look at neurodegenerative diseases and you can see how consciousness correlates with the brains functioning.

  2. 22 hours ago, DualWieldRake said:

    Come up with only 1 negative effect of this climate crisis we are in

    Well here is one more, increased ocean temps give extra fuel/energy for storms/hurricanes etc.


    22 hours ago, DualWieldRake said:

    FFS you are even dumber then the lack of you beeing able to properly formulate sentences makes you look like

    Hahaha take a look in the mirror man, wow


    What is it you are wanting to achieve in this thread ? You insult people, call them dumb etc. yet you yourself spout unsubstantiated opinions and platitudes, now if you will think a little and try to demonstrate coherent counter arguments that would be great, if you can't do this why should one listen to you or even continue to discuss this issue with you ?




  3. 22 hours ago, DualWieldRake said:

    Waterboy you retarded dumb fuck, lol


    Temperatures only have risen 1 degree in a 100 years

    Wow nice decorum man, totally unwarranted and unnecessary


    The arctic is warming at a greater rate (and if the permafrost melts there will be a release of methane, a much faster acting and potent greenhouse gas)












  4. Even if you think it is all bs dual it is still wise to make a small investment in some dried grain, pulses etc and lots of salt for multiple purposes to have a supply ready, a min 3 months worth, a small investment that could very well help prolong you and your loved ones life if major crops fail in large and shit goes bang, at least it feels better to have some form of prep for the possibility, some sense of control or insurance.


    When the products get close to the use by date you can eat it, donate it etc and re-buy to maintain stock.

    It's good to have a seed bank as well and if ya wanna take it a step further, some animal traps and a bow, some of these basics are good to have as a just in case, i would also get a first aid kit and manual and small surgical kit and some books on the topic such as this one https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/ranger-medic-handbook-by-defense-9781634503327/?utm_source=googleps&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3oiy2JS-3AIVzamWCh1sYQ3xEAYYASABEgLNwPD_BwE#.W1toS7gvyt8

    Some bush tucker and bush medicine books for your area is also good to have and study.

    Learning how to ferment foods is a good skill as well as other food processing like dehydrating and making meat jerky etc.


    All of that is some good basics and is only a small monetary investment so no big loss if none of it is needed.


  5. On 25/07/2018 at 9:30 PM, DualWieldRake said:

    I can't take you serious anymore you are full of it.


    Have any evidence for these claims whatsoever? Or is this just another fantasy you came up with?


    On 25/07/2018 at 9:35 PM, DualWieldRake said:

    So where is the evidence of any of these negative effects?


    All you do is ramble bs without backing it up, you're understanding of science and logic seems slim.

    Here is some very basic info for you, real nice and simple


    You can use a computer which means you can research this topic further and the other points i mentioned. 


    • Like 1

  6. on further thought it would seem better to maybe instead of stirring occasional shaking in a bottle or jar to be more effective ? if that is even needed.

    Is cold water preferable due to not destroying the goods or better for targeting the desired goods with less other muck ? Anyhow if it works good it works good : )

    • Like 1

  7. Pleasure : )

    $35 for one of those pachanoi plants or you can get a 20cm cutting of a matucana pach from herbalistics for the same price, i would choose the latter and am pretty sure you could get some or other interesting types from someone here for even less

    • Like 1

  8. If it's $35 the lot yeh, for $35 each probably not, i would say no, 

    they look like pc pachanoi to me except for maybe one exception in the bottom photo right side back, it's got a look about it but could very well and prob is just because the growth conditions differ somewhat from the others.

    So yeh not entirely sure but i throw a guess at pc pachanoi


  9. On 23/07/2018 at 11:14 AM, DualWieldRake said:

    You are in denial, spouting irrelevant dumb questions.

    That wasn't part of the challenge.


    Irregardless of what i know, name some examples of negative effects.

    I love to learn.

    Enlighten me to what it is that i am i denying ?

    I think the questions posed are pretty darn relevant to the topic of climate change and it's negative effects, unless you think it's fine to have corrosive oceans ? do you think the arctic loosing it's ability to reflect large amounts of solar radiation is no big deal ? and hey who cares how the jet stream behaves, that's the northern hemispheres problem yeh

    If you know something to discount the argument for climate change and global warming please share the data cause to me it's looking extremely dire and appears irreversible at this point.
