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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by bardo

  1. bardo

    WBs random photos

    That's great, a very cool project indeed, 100% better and more useful skills than video games : )
  2. bardo

    Sceletium tortuosum

    Bump Am hoping to possibly get some while it is still in its active growth period, if anyone has any to spare let me know your price or what you may be after in return, Thanks a bunch : )
  3. bardo

    The Great Global Warming/Cooling Thread Part 2

    Someone mentioned a thing i had not thought about, how the water we contain is removed from our environment, he also mentioned air in tires. i worked this out - lets say we contain approx 5ltrs each, approx. 7.6 billion people = about 38 billion ltrs of water, about 15000 or so olympic swimming pools of water removed or contained from the environment, now add live stock, chickens, cows, pigs etc. that is alot of water contained in bodies. I wonder what difference if any this may make to the environment and weather ? What do ya think ? Hopefully i am not being to stupid in my half-arsed pondering lol
  4. A tricho x cereus wow, yeh i am defo hoping to win this, number 3 Thanks very much for the opportunity AchumaMatata : )
  5. bardo

    Lophophora: sunburn or mites?

    That does not look like sunburn, sunburn makes the plant blushed with pink/red and is not blotchy like that, looks like some kind of infestation, maybe mites or maybe a disease/virus ? I find mites aren't to common when you top water your plants, if it's mites maybe you could spray them with water with a spay bottle set on jet mode twice a day ? That's what i did when a couple of mine got mites a while back and worked, It may be risky to spray tho cause the skin appears to possibly be compromised, that and the cold weather may lead to rot ? hopefully someone can offer you better advice soon.
  6. bardo

    eBay/Gumtree finds

    I was just about to post that here, yeh fairly pricey but what a salesman lol
  7. bardo

    The Random Thread.

    Someone had texted me, they had the wrong number, even so i decided to send a few texts back to the stranger. Text #1 They say cats have nine lives but when i hit mine on the head with a machete it died. About an hour later i sent another couple Text #2 I fell to my knees and wept, not only for the loss of my cat but for the lie i had lived Text#3 You know talking to someone about this has really helped, thank you. They never replied
  8. bardo

    Have you seen any cool movies lately??

    So i watched beyond the black rainbow, thanks for the suggestion Northerner, i enjoyed it and thought it was pretty good in visuals and concept, what i got from it is, it is basically a movie about trans humanism through psychedelic drugs and some black goo formula/material, the scene when barry goes through the transformation in the goo with what appears to be l s d was pretty cool : ) Another couple of movies that may be worth a watch, moonwalkers and inherent vice : )
  9. bardo

    The Random Thread.

    Yeh but ice is the only way to stop the voices from telling me to burn things.
  10. bardo

    Graft of the day

    DualWieldRake, i don't know what is permitted where you live but i see those dangerous things in the background and have notified the authorities, There should be a knock on your door soon. You are a criminal and a degenerate who needs your behavior and attitude corrected, you are a danger to our wonderful society and a threat to our children and the peace and security of our people. Jokes, i don't know but maybe photo shop em out or something ? if it could be an issue ?
  11. bardo

    Going it alone

    I think there is no wrong way to go or a way to go that is wrong while here, do what ya feel ya want/need to do, try relax and not freak out (or freak out it doesn't matter) as Northerner said this is it man, it's happening at this very moment, yeh baby life is the shit.
  12. bardo

    Going it alone

    Good points Northerner, we are having the spiritual experience right now, if you are here (earth) it is happening, you are it, this it it, every moment, every sense, every emotion, every interaction, all and everything is truly awe-inspiring, a simple basic truth that can not be taught (i read once, something along this line - that the truth is like the moon, a teacher or guide can point to the moon but if the student only looks at the finger then he/she will never see the moon, one must look for themselves to see ) simplest and most amazing truth yet for many very hard to grasp, when it is grasped everything is stunning, all including the mundane becomes astonishing, all is formidable and awe-inspiring. Spiritual books and gurus etc. are like the finger pointing to it, they can help one reach a realization but never provide it nor truly explain it for another.
  13. bardo

    Going it alone

    Also i think the more experience with them the less one needs to reach higher or desired levels, at least it seems that way for me, also i think the more di mi tri one uses the more the other things especially shr ooms loose there original vibe/style and take on a more chan ga type style journey and visuals, anyone else think/feel this ?
  14. bardo

    Going it alone

    When i say ample i mean for great learning, smaller dosages are of course great, valuable and very often fun, and of course there is still plenty of learning available there as well : )
  15. bardo

    Going it alone

    I refrained from saying anything because of concern but i totally agree, for me solo is the best for discovery/exploration and near always go solo, i prefer to have an ample dose, that is a dose that is ample for the individual to "break through", if you don't see everything come to life and transform, if you don't feel ya receiving what feels like secret knowledge, seeing/feeling a kind of non-communicable blueprint of existence, a sense of being made privy to normally hidden knowledge and the funny joke of life, a feeling of complete lucidity and clarity in ones self and the surroundings, than i feel personally it is not ample in dosage, go further to non form and you are truly free for a time. Complete surrender is needed, complete trust and surrender, trust in your self and the spirits/chemicals or whatever you like to call it and surrender to the spirits/chemicals. In the higher levels without the surrender and trust you may expect varying degrees of fear, panic, crying etc. i don't know how to communicate this properly but basically those who are overly ego driven, who believe the lies of the ego, who believe they are the sum of there experiences/memories etc. it can be a harrowing experience at these levels, if you hold on to and refuse to let go, or if you fight it to hold onto ego and what you may think is true, your ego etc. than figuratively speaking your ego finger nails will scrape and snap off along the walls of ones own delusion while being dragged into a god forsaken place of desolation. (i have been there a couple of times) This place i believe is where a great and yet harsh learning is done, perhaps a necessary step into greater learnings, at first, you may expect some sorrow when this happens, you may mourn, as if you have died and born or made a new. Because we are all going to die, i find these levels the best for preparation of the inevitable. A great liberation and sense of peace can be found and a sense of knowing, a knowing of something that when tried to be spoken will only infuriate the one trying to speak it, this knowing cannot be spoken. I am pretty certain there will be some rare folks here who have bravely ventured this way who also have this knowing.
  16. bardo

    Cactus fruits

    Those fruits look interesting, almost like minced meat. Have you tried eating one ?
  17. bardo


    As a little button cutting, there was a bit of a crevice and the rock seems somewhat porous so thought why not give it a go : )
  18. bardo

    eBay/Gumtree finds

  19. bardo

    Introduction and Collection

    You have a truly wonderful collection : ) Thanks very much for sharing the pics, a warm welcome to you
  20. bardo

    Up-potting near complete..

    Awesome job, some very nice genetics there : )