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The Corroboree

Francois le Danque

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Everything posted by Francois le Danque

  1. Francois le Danque

    Have you seen any cool movies lately??

    that looks incredible!
  2. Francois le Danque

    too my datura freaks only [giveaway]

    Just thought this thread needed more purple.
  3. Francois le Danque

    Next Melbourne meet??

    Whenever it happens next i will try to be there, and i have very few commitments after this week. Though i think by december i might be overseas...i hope i get to do both
  4. Francois le Danque

    The Great K-Hole of China

    Unfortunately that already happened; now we have him here. (he came from the UK on a boat, apparently). Fuckwit .
  5. Francois le Danque

    Next Melbourne meet??

    I am coming to melbourne soon and i demand a re-meet !
  6. Francois le Danque

    Additions to the NSW drug schedules

    Be careful if you are playing with d'URBs; they inhibit many hepatic enzymes and as such might cause dangerous overdose of other substances... just fyi
  7. Francois le Danque

    Law changes in NSW

  8. Francois le Danque

    Synthetic Drug Death Inquest

    smash prohibition!
  9. Francois le Danque

    Bogfrog's art (VERY IMAGE HEAVY)

    Huzzah! I can't wait for cactus man. I am so bad at art i didn't realise what most of them were, for example when someone said they liked the phoenix i was like "where?" then i realised it was my favourite one! Ceres have you seen the music video for "hinotori" by System 7? It's a bit similar and very good. Me and my friend were greeted by it when on thacid; we turned on the tv and there it was! (My favourite medium is the music video; i like the way sound and sight go together.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m94N7oAdv0o (can't find a good video) I also can't help but agree with bullit's request for the daturess ~! one day i will learn to draw...
  10. Francois le Danque

    Living clean

    Tell us what he did. As usual, i believe it be in the public's best interest that the internet decide
  11. Francois le Danque

    What Video Games Do You Play?

    Yeah mans we used to play 'tanks versus tanks' for hours every day on these ancient macs, at primary school. They also allowed you to customise the "error" sound on the computers to whatever you wanted. Combine that with the mac's inbuilt microphone and you've got hours of fun! My old housemate had a modded wii and i do agree, they are pretty cool. However i can't stand their controllers, even the "retro" ones. The gamecube controller attachment is totally worth it, but even then i think it's a travesty to play mario without the original NES brick: (approx actual size). Also on this note, i feel i should blow my own horn at this point, and point out that i can finish the original Super Mario Bros. within 4 minutes of the world record (without dying of course). Always my favourite level, even when i thought they were just funny looking trees :
  12. There should be a true carbon tax (and expanded to other pollutants). Oh man, the other day i copped a massive lungful of bus exhaust on my bike. Blerrrrr
  13. Francois le Danque

    Living clean

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_law_of_thermodynamics ..the scary door
  14. Francois le Danque

    What Video Games Do You Play?

    Wait, what did i do? i don't know what gyrus is, or maelstrom for mac. however BRAINWAVE You just reminded me of one of my favourite childhood games. Spectre VR, for Mac. anyone played this old thing? 3D vector environment where you drive tanks around. Tanks were customisable in terms of strength, speed and firepower., you had a limited number of spec points to assign to these to create slightly different tanks. I liked the atmosphere.
  15. Francois le Danque

    legal poppies new now with tek!

    Hi friend, By this, do you mean in terms of qualitatively different or just in terms of potency? Do you think lactucine largely explains the effects of Lactuca sp.?
  16. Francois le Danque

    Law to come down on boycott groups

    you know what else these organisations do? criticise the government boycott imperialism!
  17. Francois le Danque

    What Video Games Do You Play?

    Clive barker is my hero
  18. Francois le Danque

    What Video Games Do You Play?

    I was gunna say the games i play most are on Nintendo Entertainment System, and i don't suppose you mean this old gem (cioncidentally my favourite game, and seemingly starring mel gibson): Yeah it is good, but i prefer "spheres of chaos". Much more pschedelic, especially the sound effects. Try it, its tiny and runs on any computer, kicks arse. Turn up the number of bonus crates and shit gets hectic. oh and fallout is sick, i just wish the radio played more than 5 songs...
  19. Francois le Danque

    The Living End - 1999 album - long live the ozzies

    Yo that was my first album, represent! and i am yet to watch idle hands, i have it on pre-release VHS!
  20. Francois le Danque

    legal poppies new now with tek!

    Hey PH cool process, i have done similar (with less filtration) on Lactuca serriola before. Apparently some dodgy friends of housemate were looking through my stuff and found it, and thought it was opium. I asked my housemate what happened: he said they just smoked heaps of it then fell asleep! Would you recommend that tek for all poppies/similar plants in the list above?
  21. edit: I'm not sure how that happened^