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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by -RC-

  1. -RC-

    SAB personality test... dare!

    EFSJ - A Sort of true and sort of not. More not than true though
  2. -RC-

    Youtube vids

  3. ... was going to say something else, but then I took a moment, got a bowl sorted out and then wrote "Is that so?"
  4. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Found a lovely stand of cubes yesterday, wish I took my camera
  5. -RC-

    four corners pill testing special

    I reckon education is the key, not punative legislation and more fucken cops
  6. -RC-

    Happy birthday Horus

    Happy birthday bro. My brood and I wish you the very best for the year ahead, full of love and healing, because you are staunch as fuck Enjoy mate.
  7. ^ which brings me to the next bit of about facing we will have to see before any state hits the green light. "We have international obligations under international law....blahblah" Really?! I would wager that the U.S. would too, but despite being one of if, not the most, significant contributor towards said piece of shit convention almost every one of the states has at least some medical cannabis laws OR full recreational availability. How the FUCK is it that here we are, copying them at every fucking available opportunity, but when it comes to one of the most significant money spinners they currently have in terms of state revenue, let alone the human rights and medical aspects to it, we come up with some shit like "We need clinical trials, and to nut out the legal framework, blahblah." IT'S BEING FUCKING DONE. Just because our media has successfully kept this from the Australian public doesn't stop it from existing. The research from around the globe is more than enough to justify cannabis' medicinal and recreational usage, and there are plenty of 'western' legislative models we can pick and choose from, for a starting point at least. Just hurry up and rush it through already; the constant layer of ignorance being smeared over this topic is making me sick.
  8. Recreational use IS medicinal use. If I use a drug to reduce my stress, bolster my immune response and lift my mood is that medicinal? Or do I need to take a downer, some vit c and SSRI's before it is? Fuck shit bullshit, but it's a start. @ Yeti, yeah I reckon it is an implicit green light, so the race is on, and again watch em fold. I reckon either ACT or SA, who both have been a bit TOO quiet on the topic given their state laws, will be the first to go for the gold... I mean green.
  9. I would refer everyone to my previous crystal ball predictions, because I know everything about everything Dodginess, private interests, and ridiculous bureaucracy as they try to steer it all into the hands of a few... I've heard that fucking smoking comment quite a few times now, and it displays an absolute ignorance of the various mechanisms by which cannabis can work. Some people NEED to smoke it to get the individual effect that works best for them and their condition. FUCKNNN!!!!!!!
  10. -RC-

    Post your word of the moment

  11. -RC-

    ID Please

    Anemone Stinkhorn? Please excuse spelling, but it should stink like rotting meat aka fucking gross.
  12. -RC-

    Another request

    Pretty sure someone put up the same type the other day for ID
  13. -RC-

    Tax toke

    ^ Yeah, but back in the 80's medical cannabis hadn't been given the green light by the federal government It's a matter of time, and by time I mean less than 2 years. The PBO being involved is a big deal, as it now gives that economic impetus to the whole thing, which we all know these days is the most important thing to government.
  14. -RC-

    Tax toke

    In 2015 I was approached by 2 separate groups: The first, via a risk management consultant, were a group of doctors and investors looking at developing their business plan/acquire resources for the pending kickoff. Essentially they wanted to talk with anyone who has had anything to do with cannabis legislation, reform/activism re current perinent global trends/developments in the area, and potential resource (HR and plant) acquisition. The second was via another middleman, this time an internet marketing/optimisation mob, wanting to place articles and advertising banners on my site related to medical cannabis and businesses, both existent and in development. Both were Australian based aiming at the coming market. My feeling is that there will be a whole lot of swift implementation of a number of acts and laws that establish a number of private interests and government groups front and centre to reap the cream. Smoke and mirrors, and mention of "compassion" and "logical/right" things to do will start coming from our our most non-compassionate and illogical people. There will be questions raised by how it comes in, but I guess the hope is that the money will be on a scale such as to allow them to point at it and say "Forget about how we got here! Look how good it is!" Just because it will be legalised doesn't mean it will all be legit from the get go. I forecast distinct dodgyness, with a smattering of 360 degree about-faces, retractions and ridiculous attempts to establish an even more ridiculous bureaucracy around it all...
  15. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    Not that I condone or necessarily practice the consumption of such mushrooms ( ), but I feel it is pertinent to mention that pans are considered to be about 2 and a bit times more potent than cubes, generally. Worth bearing in mind.
  16. Please don't take this the wrong way Wert, and of course I am not a doctor or anything, but you sound like you're on a shitload of pharma meds. I can't help but think this is part of the problem. Pharmaceutical meds are notorious, as is western 'modern medicine, for treating symptoms as if they are the cause. The pain is not the cause; not your back, your mind or your heart. Something else is causing it, that more than likely won't be helped by liver-toxic pharmaceutical, never-get-off-and-only-increase-your-dose, dependancy-creating meds. They want your money, not you healthy mate. Again I apologies if you find this offensive, and of course I have no idea of your pre-existing ailments, which may or may not have their roots in physical trauma. I really want to see you posting up how you are progressing, but all I seem to see is your requests and receipt of more drugs. Someone out there you're seeing should surely be working to get you away from that poison imo that's all. Good luck mate.
  17. -RC-

    20160206 075636

    Parasol Mushroom I think
  18. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    In my opinion photos 3, 4 and 5 are of panaelous cyansecens aka copelandia cyanescens, pans, cyans, blue meanies. Black spore print and the stereotypical presentation are the sealer for me. The printed one looks like a mature one that has begun to degrade. The fresh ones look like mature ones that have just dropped their spores over the last 1 - 2 days, depending on exposure to full sun. Pics 1, 2 and 4 look like they are mainly cubes (hard to tell without being able to magnify them, even then...) with a fews pans smattered around. Check out this post (about half way down the page at least) I made a while back to help confirm by comparing my descriptions of the environs and conditions that are IME conducive to finding them: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=38029&page=3 A couple of basic rules of thumb when trying to figure if it's a cube or pan (aside from obvious colour characteristics): - Does it have a veil? Yes = cube, no = pan - Does it have a thick stipe/stem compared to the cap? If it's a 70:30 cap:stem it's a pan. If it's a 60:40 to 50:50 it's more likely a cube. - Does it bruise blue green or navy/inky blue? Blue green = cube, inky blue = pan. They both can have just a hint of gold at the top/umbo, and I've seen quite few pans that would give cubes a run in the ID stakes, but with these further criteria you should be right. Cyans will usually fruit much earlier as well. BTW if you can, snap them off at the base and leave the mycellium in the ground to encourage further fruiting.
  19. -RC-

    Tax toke

    Bro, you're cynical It'll be quicker than you think, an I guarantee there are shitloads of backdoor shennanigans going on right now as polies and private interests/corporations try to secure their position before the 'public' green light is given. I've had people approach me representing doctors and medical groups looking to kick off their shit last year. Unfortunately if I'm asked if I know any growers who would be interested in advising said groups the answer is "NO!" Play 'fair' like the rest of us sorry bastards are forced to.
  20. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    They look the goods to me, but you've got a few cubes in that last pic though
  21. Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse is worth a read I reckon
  22. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    If you know where to go you will find as many pans as you want to 'look' at... They seem to be more prolific on flatter pastures than on those that are sloped, and on the slopes they seem to like it a bit higher up Also they luurrv the shade of camphors
  23. -RC-

    Psilocybin Mushrooms of SE QLD, Australia

    I'm not confident, not initially. I have to see if they bruise how and where, they have to conform to the pan morphology which IS very similar to an imposter out there growing right beside the pans. Not sure what it is or whether it's safe to consume or not, bu it's worth noting. The stipe is fuller? and more brittle and succulent than the pans. They're also usually much bigger than the majority of the pans you will see, and they come on/and end slightly earlier. And they don't bruise blue, like inky blue/black/navy blue. That said I am curious as to whether there are sort of subspecies? of pans out there. Active as well. This link gives an indication of the various presentations of pans around the place: https://www.shroomery.org/12485/Panaeolus-cyanescens They also can have this 'cubish' golden hue to them just on the top. Also as they age they can literally go dark blue, cap and stipe. Stipes go pretty much black. They grow in cow poo and horse poo apparently, but I only ever see them in cow's. Same places, same conditions, and other important confirming experiences. There are quite a few that I find that don't stand up to extended inspection over the course of an hour or so, because as they age they change fairly rapidly, and you are always looking for that inky blue goodness If there's doubt, leave them out I say.
  24. I reckon they can certainly get very accurate dosage info on every form of packaged retail cannabis, in whatever form. It will always be dependent on multiple variables, but if you know the mg dosage of whatever you're using you can potentially self-moderate more effectively, and hopefully learn how much gets you where in a safer way. I'd expect all retail-available edibles in Colorado would be required to have very specifically displayed info re ingredients and THC/CBD content per serve, etc.