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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Dreamwalker.

  1. Dreamwalker.

    Help with ID thanks

    ok...well I'm happy thanks everyone for your input. I'm going with the top pics being a Haageocereus (there's a few Haageocereus sp it could be, will have to wait for flw) the 2nd probably Grandiflorus, possibly spachianus...........its hard.
  2. Dreamwalker.

    Help with ID thanks

    Just when I think I'm getting a handle on id's..... I can see why spachianus is a consideration for the top 1, although after looking at images of trichocereus spachianus, I think it might be the last 2 pic's which I was thinking was trichocereus grandiflorus, but as you say Nail. they have red flowers, although I read hybrids or cultivators can have white, yellow...orange etc.....I think now the last 2 are probably spachianus. The top 1's ...doesn't pup...I was thinking Pilosocereus, or Cleistocactus ??? 1 day it will flower, then I'll know thanks
  3. Dreamwalker.

    Can i reuse these stock for grafting?

    with summer coming on ...I'd be inclined to water & fertilise it so as to encourage it to pup...which it should do...& graft to the cut top of the pup when its ~ 50mm high
  4. Dreamwalker.

    Youtube vids

    Mark Twain's "The Comet" really great movie...tottally profound...worth watching the whole film... Not so sure about your choice Thunder Horse
  5. Dreamwalker.

    Cactus Videos!

    ok its in Spanish ...but you get loads of natural stenocereus habitat in Mexico ...harvesting the pitayo ...shame about the fires...seems they farm like the Aboriginal....its destructive to the native woodland...... www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9CBtOcfuDBA here's a shorter English version...but you miss all the scenery... www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=w6bmM4slg4Y
  6. Dreamwalker.

    Ebola. Latest developments thread.

    Officials look for possible Ebola patient contact Photographer covering Ebola http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-10-ebola-world.html I know its no laughing matter....but a wheelborrow smurf ambulance.... maybe the us might be kind enough to send them some hummers instead of shipping them to ISIS http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-10-uganda-marburg-fever.html
  7. same deal in Venezuela although in this case I suspect the protests are genuine and any Western support should not undermine the real issues that the Hong Kong people are rightfully protesting about.
  8. yeah what's the 2nd & 3rd top right pic's?...& cacti just under your thumb in the dragon pic? All really healthy looking plants............ this is a cereus seedling grafted to dragon cutting...the graft was placed on vigorous new growth/shoot of the dragon. I have tried just grafting onto dragon tips without success...needs to be budding/sprouting/pupping...the graft has dlb in size in the last 2 weeks...good season to graft...my pic quality is a bit poor, but you get the idea...click on them to in large (you'd know that) stenocereus on 60mm san p...the graft seedling was ~8mm...40mm now Pachycereus pringlei - Cardón cactus on 70mm high San p you want to check out some of thunderhorse's post's in the cactus section..."what did you do today"...he's filled his house choka with plants & the wife & kids they are column's good for window sills...
  9. welcome...always nice to see a few new members from NZ Strombocactus Disciformis....I guess you brought those seeds from Mesa? There are a few good seed houses internationally I can recommend, as your probably aware its ok to bring seeds in via mail...sometimes customs opens them & will remove any that aren't on their data base ...listed as 'basic' = ok...problem is they don't seemed to be updating & there are still lots missing.the link is their data/search engine...just put the 1st name in...like cereus & all their listed cereus will come up. http://www1.maf.govt.nz/cgi-bin/bioindex/bioindex.pl re your 2nd post Strombocactus Disciformis grafting....I guess that depends on how many you have....if you have only a few...you may want to wait till you have some pere.......& hope they don't damp off on you.......otherwise I find small san p excellent stock.....almost as good as pere...I brought some dragon fruit at New world a few months back.....bloody expensive & poor taste from cold storage & pre harvest etc....but if you can find a fruit (ton of seeds) the new growth on cuttings I find is also receptive... I have surplus cereus hybrid seeds (excellent fruit for eating), carnegiea gigantus, san p x cereus hybrid seeds (but that 1 needs to be grafted as seedlings are prone to damping off very early...weeks after germination).............You kinda need bottom heat/shoe box propagator for them all though.........but pm your address if you want some & I'll send them on...I'm doing some postings in the next few days ...so don't delay. its easier to do a bunch in 1 session. I wouldn't limit yourself to just NZ for receiving seeds...there's a huge international community of gardeners...
  10. Dreamwalker.

    A Morally Bankrupt Society ???

    i think the last 2 posts have missed the point somehow .........Persia doesn't need our help....in any way what so every.....they were living in highly civilised societies when the people of Britain were living in damp holes in the ground.....maybe I miss read, but there is a myth woven in the prospective "we are here to help" (probably media)..isn't that the govt mantra we all dread to hear... They are sitting on the biggest oil fields on the planet...What the west wants the west takes...some huge battles occurred their during WW2 for that very reason...The west chooses to control this resource in order to hold influence over other nations. A powerful bargaining chip in international geo/politics. The west could have been nice about it & just nuked the entire area from Iran to Saudi....exterminate all life forms...it would have been the cheapest option & the most humane..as absurd & abhorrent as the concept is.....Instead its been & long drawn out play .........an endless war...where people & their beliefs & religious/cultural loyalties are played against each other. The west continually positions puppet dictator's until they step out of line...its just endless suffering endless war. whole industries funded by the tax slaves, building endless weapons........Consider the money spent since bush...trillions.....the us & oz could have carpeted their nations in roof top pv's....thermal solar desert arrays....offshore wind farms ...geo thermal....... oz could be exporting surplus energy to Asia, not fucken the devils coal...the us could be on the way to terra-forming mars.........but no they have chosen to destroy an ancient culture ..humiliate/torture them....murder/incarcerate members of their families...while their own citizens fall deeper into poverty...funding this bullshit...but hey they (western communities) voted for it so they got what they/we deserved...The us whole infrastructure is failing.....water/sewer pipes all leaking....dams/flood banks/bridges & road's collapsing ...& a militarised fascist police state in the land of the wank wank free? ISIS cannot be bombed...its not a state...its an ideology... Crows were introduced to my country, periodically when their numbers get too high, govt reps go out & shoot them....crows are wise....they have a life span of >70 years....they just scatter...disperse...so instead of 1 colony your get many.....if ISIS is for real ...it will do the same.
  11. Dreamwalker.

    A Morally Bankrupt Society ???

    "Up to $1B+ for Hellfire II Missiles" don't worry Oz is only responsible for part of that........ http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/3567M-for-Hellfire-II-Missiles-05043/ see shares in weapon corps increased by up to 20 % over night on obamas & allies coop plan.....
  12. Dreamwalker.

    trich to id ..thanks

    thanks guys....I was hoping it was a scop....after seeing Sol's post yesterday...I just wanted to confirm my thoughts. The guy who sold it (like me) didn't have a clue.
  13. Young people in detention being held for longer without trial
  14. ..."most of them have not even been convicted of an offence. Young people in detention would be confronted with numerous issues, Dr Richards said, including separation from family and friends, dislocation from education and employment and potential mental health problems" Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-10-young-people-detention-held-longer.html#jCp" Recently a women was arrested in the us...she was a car passenger...who had a "SPOON" in her possession from eating noodles....p said it was for meth use...she was held without charge for 3 months in prison, before finally the lab analyst of the SPOON found no meth residue, at which point she was released. "woman locked up in Gainesville, Georgia for three months after being found with dried pasta sauce on a spoon which was mistaken for crystal meth" Episode 661
  15. Dreamwalker.

    Cactus Hybridization

    last season I used Eg's cement method to self pollinate cleistocactus strausii. I also attempted to x cleistocactus strausii with a common Red Epiphyllum-(which I understand is probably an interspecific hybrid), as they were both flowering at the same time. Both seed lots grew successfully, initially I assumed that the epi x cleist was highly unlikely, & I'd probably just self pollinated the cleist (contaminated). The epi's fruit/seed (opposite x) failed to germinate. The cliest seed is slow growing, but the self pollinated seed are the smallest & weakest, whereas the cliest x epi, are strong/vigorous, they diffidently appear to have separate genetics, & the links above indicate that the epi x cliest was probably successful. At the moment I'm x-ing trichocereus grandiflorus (white) with cleistocactus strausii, & visa versa. My red epi & Schlumbergera-(It is an interspecific hybrid between S. truncata and S. russelliana) has masses of buds about to open...so the pollen of these & the 1's above will be saved & x.
  16. Dreamwalker.

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    "Posted 22 August 2014 - 09:16 PM 3 hours of BAPing" ...................& still no pups....not even a tiddler...
  17. If the fruit matures it will make the id easy,
  18. Can fair trade plastic save people and the planet? http://phys.org/news/2014-10-fair-plastic-people-planet.html the above link brings up an interesting point (among others) re 3d printers...the recycling of plastic bottles, potentially could make printing almost free.........
  19. Dreamwalker.

    supersonic submarine supercavitation

    " China has moved a step closer to creating a supersonic submarine that could make the trip from Shanghai to San Francisco in less than two hours Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-08-china-team-tech-supercavitation.html#jCp"
  20. Dreamwalker.

    supersonic submarine supercavitation

    I'm guessing the vacuum space bubble would use magnetic, lasers..or combinations, in a guided wave/spiral/vortex form as containment, if the load was shifted fast enough from earth to space perhaps most of the energy could provided from an earth base....just dreaming here.
  21. Dreamwalker.

    baobab & Moringa Oleifera

    Moringa Oleifera...the miracle tree ...I'm having a hard time getting this to live past 1 season (to cool?...spider mite attacks)...has heaps of vit A...no need to have spent millions on GE yellow rice...(no surprise there)
  22. Dreamwalker.

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    I like the concept of Earthships...but in temperate climates they still need a heat source for overcast winter periods.( which means drinking smoke/fume deposits from roof rain collection systems..though first flush can reduce the pollutants intake)..& maybe a windmill.....or some other source than just pv's that work in overcast winter periods...........insect/ fungal pests are a real problem...& without high lumen's during the winter period & reliable temps.. your limited in the tropicals & plants you can grow... Back on topic......potting up 3 x species of periskia ..they grow really fast from seed..70mm in 3 weeks...cacti are a good food source/low pest management for Eartshi[ps etc...
  23. Dreamwalker.

    Quotes of the day.

    Mr Zen is wrong...flowers/plants are at war...see Davids time lapse doc's ...nature is a battlefield where the fallen are consumed...