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The Corroboree


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About dreadlocked

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Interests
    collecting bizarre.. somewhat naughty plants..

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  1. dreadlocked

    macca cultivation

    well i guess if i were a man with some erctile problems or penis issues i would try it yes. but what can it do for me? i know its a sensual/sexual stimulant.. but really i am fine in that department. one question though i know that yohimbe can help men get erections and very stimulated down there but can help maintain them? Can it prolong the event to put it nicely.. well anyhows thanks for the tip but nahh..
  2. dreadlocked

    seized seeds

    Legal protection: Panax quinquefolius is now recognised as a species of special concern and is listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Exports of both wild and cultivated ginseng from the US require government approval, obtained through the Department of Fish and Wildlife. At state-level within the US, harvesters are generally required to: • possess harvesting permits; • have verbal or written permission to obtain ginseng from land which they do not own; • only harvest during certain periods (in most cases late August to October); • only harvest plants that are fully-grown and have gone to seed; and • plant the seeds from the plants that have been harvested in order to try and maintain the populations. State officials must weigh, inspect and certify the origin of all wild ginseng roots before they can be legally sold out-of-state. Ginseng dealers are subject to additional licences (Pierce 2002).The size of the illegal trade is believed to be substantial, with 350 violations recorded between 1989 and 1995 and 10,515 illegally harvested ginseng roots seized between 1991 and 1999 in the Great Mountain National Park alone (Pierce 2002). In the summer of 1998, a man was found guilty of buying fresh ginseng root out of the harvesting season. He was fined $900 and sentenced to 90 days in prison. Penalties like these can go some way towards deterring illegal diggers and dealers. However, it is not difficult to harvest the plant illegally, and poaching is likely to remain a serious threat. Conservation assessment: East Asia is the largest and oldest market for American ginseng. Consumers in Asia prefer wild-collected roots. Increased prices have encouraged over-harvesting. Smaller and smaller roots are being collected. Forest conversion is adversely affecting the availability of suitable habitat for ginseng, which requires deep shade. Ginseng is now scarce over much of its natural range. Collection has recently been suspended in several state and federal forests of the US due to concerns over excessive harvesting and declining populations. To curb illegal harvest, the National Park Service has resorted to colouring the roots of plants growing on its land, which makes them unacceptable to Asian consumers and thus discourages illegal harvesting (Pierce 2002).
  3. dreadlocked

    macca cultivation

    what do you all need macca for anyhows?? I have been doing my reading on it and it would appear its good for verility, stamina, labido etc.. come on guys have some faith in yourselves. i worry bokk that u wanna eat it so bad.. what you need help with.. hehehe.. just stirring.. tell us when you try it though let us know if your stamina has increased or if your labido has picked up. If it works i may just get some and slip some in to my mans meal!! haha! think he'd notice!!?
  4. dreadlocked

    Bacopa mollinierii

    i looked all over and the only thing i could find with spelling even close to that was a marine vegetation site. it had the same mollinierii but it was not a bacopa..