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Everything posted by blangschpeer

  1. blangschpeer

    Lophophora Fricii "Liz"

    That is one sweet cactus I only hope I can one day manage to cultivate one too!
  2. blangschpeer

    Teenage loph porn XXX

    Got her at the chop down sale that urban tribes had a few months back, I just about did a backflip when I was told the price. My only regret was that I didn't have a spare couple of thousand dollars for that sale
  3. blangschpeer

    Teenage loph porn XXX

    This is one of my recent aquisitions, she's about 15yrs old and I got her for $40 cause she was a bit damaged by spidermite when I got her. Anyway, with a bit of TLC through winter here's the reward If all goes well, I'll be able to use some of her seeds in the grafting comp. Even if I can't I'll still just be happy she flowered, Loph flowers are my favorite flower!
  4. YEAH! You'd think they'd learn after the first hundred years or so
  5. blangschpeer

    HELP with grafting

    Good to hear man, too many people get so upset that it didn't work first time that they decide never to do it again! My suggestion is that people get some experience and experiment with cheaper types of cacti first so that it isn't such a bad thing when it doesn't work x amount of times. If I'd only done that in the first place, I'd have a lot more cash and cacti right now! But hey, it's all part of the learning curve
  6. blangschpeer

    Hoo-r-APEC bridgesii sale!

    Hey people, I went a bit overboard on my birthday (2 months ago) and have a bit of T.bridgesii that I don't have any space for to grow. Here they are: The skinny tip is 37x5.5cm and the fat rooted base cut is 31x8cm. I'd prefer if people could pick it up, but if you're too far away then you'll have to pay for postage as well. Make me an offer people! I'm drumk!
  7. blangschpeer

    Hoo-r-APEC bridgesii sale!

    Perhaps I should have called this thread "Fuck centrelink! I need some quick cash!" They're both still on offer people........ Although, I'm no longer drunk (however my fiance's graduating today so that may change in a few hours..... YAY!!!!)
  8. blangschpeer

    La Fee Absinthe Oil Blend

    If anything, I'd blame that on pressure from below
  9. blangschpeer

    Absinthe SAB "La fee"

    I had myself a green fairy encounter, I was mixing 4-5 drops per drink with some vodka and loving it immensely, then my fiance mixed me one which ended up having half the bottle in it! It burnt my eyes to even have a sip! Being drunk already though, I was convinced by our friend to skull it. Kept it all down for about 1.5 hours, then after finally resurfacing from the bathroom things were so much shinier. Walking down King street in newtown things got wierd, and I nearly got into a fight slapping at a butterfly that turned out to be a bouncer... All in all, it was pretty cool, but I'd never do it again... Projectile from both ends in the morning is enough to make me steer clear of that dose. Funnily enough the cup it was mixed in still smells STRONGLY of the stuff over a year later. I guess I keep it as a warning to people, to READ the damn INSTRUCTIONS!
  10. blangschpeer

    San Pedro- beneath the skin...

    Hey paddy, I hope QLD stands for Quantum Leap Dimension, I've heard it's illegal to eat trichs in queensland Let us know how it goes in your dimension enjoy, I know I would if I could.............................................
  11. blangschpeer

    Natural occuring Anti-Depressants in Nature

    i stand corrected Xipe Kai Yay!
  12. blangschpeer

    Natural occuring Anti-Depressants in Nature

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't sceletium have anti-depressants in it? Other than that, all I can think of at the moment is passion flower, it's not the longest lasting but it goes pretty good and it's also great to help you stop smoking.
  13. blangschpeer

    Hoo-r-APEC bridgesii sale!

    Forgot to say, they're from 2 separate plants. I'd be a pretty bad cacti lover if I let something that nice become anorexic.
  14. blangschpeer

    Grafted button question.

    Hey man, All should be fine, I've got a graft with atleast 50 heads on it. Some become dominant and grow to a respectable size, and the others kind of stop growing when they get too crowded ending up looking like a mass of single arioles. That may not look too pretty, but it is possible for a large head to form from any of these arioles. If you don't like the look of it then just get some more grafting stock and get chopping. Pretty soon you'll be so overrun with them that you'll have to rent them a house of thir own (I'm starting to consider this option myself, especially with the grafting competition coming up). Either way I hope it goes strong and brings you years of happiness. Enjoy
  15. blangschpeer

    2007-8 Grafting Comp poll

    Just a thought here people, because one of the aims of the the competition is to increase loph numbers and help lower prices, why don't we make it a condition of entry that the first lot of seeds from each competition graft goes to the free seed ring. You don't get much cheaper than free!
  16. blangschpeer

    loph grafts keep shrivelling :(

    I'd keep them in humidity til the scion starts to show signs of growth, the peres don't seem to mind the extra humidity if anything they respond better.
  17. blangschpeer

    Goverment Drug Pamphlets

    I remember when I was in high school they sent out a similar pamphlet (probably the same one just with less about ice) with all the warning signs that your kid may be on drugs. Thanks to the wattles that grew at the top of our driveway giving me cronic hayfever I was subjected to years of "Are you stoned? Tell me the truth. Where are you getting the drugs? Is it your new friends? Is that why you listen to different music now?" the list goes on. Ironically I didn't do anything in that regard for another 2 years, and my parents were completely unaware. Good old infallible government, such a wealth of kNOwledge.
  18. blangschpeer

    Which Plant has your FOAF benefited the most from?

    Even though I'm more of a cactus fiend I'd have to say aya's been more of a teacher to me than anything else, she just seems to know so much about me that she can break all the lessons down and bombard me with them in a way that consequently involves little homework afterwards...
  19. blangschpeer

    attacked cactus

    If you're worried that it'll get infected with fungus try dusting the wound very finely with sulfur, it should stop most fungus bofore it can even take hold and as an added bonus it'll deter most types of pests from trying to eat the exposed flesh
  20. blangschpeer

    tripping alone or with friends?

    Ahh yes telepathy, my fiance and I had an hour long conversation without opening our mouths once, then she freaked out and we lost that connection. I find these days she just can't handle tripping like she used to, and as you'd all know trying to nurse someone back to a good mindset when you're twice as high as them is never an easy task! That said I prefer the company of like minded friends that I'd trust with my life, if I can't trust them then paranoia kicks in and I'll find myself on a train with no set destination (I used to have many fines to attest to this)
  21. blangschpeer

    Your first cactus?

    My first cacti came as a trio that I convinced my mum to buy for me at the royal easter show when I was about 6. From what I can remember One was a golden torch, one was a lithops and the other was a euphorbia (the type that's commonly sold as a totem pole cactus, with leaves on it). I was living in bathurst back then. When they out grew their home on the windowsill my mum planted them outside where they thrived until winter came round. The lithops was the first to go, then after snow settling for a few days the golden torch was extinguished On the other hand, it seemed nothing could kill the euphorbia. It did so well that my mum got annoyed at how big it was and she cut it up and threw it over the embankment in our backyard. It retaliated by giving her a severe rash on her hands and forming a hedge! If it's still there I want to go back to my old house and get a cutting, that thing had such spirit.
  22. blangschpeer

    weird looking seedling

    I've had a similar thing happen to an entire lot of seedlings when I forgot to water them and the soil dried out for about a month. Half of them went on to grow up big and strong after I gave them more regular drinks of water, but the other half didn't make it. I'd have to say though, the stress has done wonders, the survivors are my healthiest looking cacti of all my seed grown lots.
  23. blangschpeer

    Damn bugs!

    Hey people, I've recently had a sudden burst of insect activity and my peyotes are starting to look a bit scabby. Some of the bugs look kind of like headlice, while the others are about 1mm and white with wings. Does anyone know what they are and how to kill them? They just don't seem to respond to anything I use, except for garlic but still that's only temporarily and they come back with a vengence within a week!!! I've even tried cleansing with fire, but that did nothing, just singed a couple of spines on the root stock...... Any help would be appreciated, I'm so sick of these bugs! Sorry there are no pics of them, every attempt ended up looking like either a grey or white blur.
  24. blangschpeer

    blades for grafting

    when I cut my seedlings I use a razor from a shaver, for larger lophs I was using a scalpel but that somehow disappeared after a foaf commented about how cool it looked... For cutting through trichs I always use my "ninja" sword, it's thin, razor sharp, does virtually no damage to the vascular bundle, and just plain looks cool when you decapitate said cactus
  25. blangschpeer

    pet shaman's

    I had a friend at uni who had rats that loved to smoke weed, the second she'd pull the bong away from her mouth her rats would run up her arm and stick their head into the chamber then look at you as if to say "that's some quality shit man!" A while back I was growing some MJ seedlings and had left them on the windowsill while I was in the shower. I have 4 cockatiels. When I came back from the bathroom the 2 males were sitting in the seed tray with a very happy and dopey look on their faces having eaten 10 seedlings between them. When I went to yell at them they knew they'd done something wrong, but instead of flying off in opposite directions, they both let out a loud scream and flew full speed into each other. I was so pissed off but I couldn't help but laugh at how uncoordinated they were.