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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by blangschpeer

  1. My fiance has recently become addicted to growing orchids and as such has had me researching how to look after them properly and all the other stuff... Anyway I recently cross pollinated a few of them and I was wondering when should you harvest the seed pods? The orchids we have are the phalenopsis type, the regular size and the little ladies. I did try pollinating the larger orchid with a Singapore orchid so hopefully it'll take, either way I guess I'll find out in the next few days. What are your thoughts people?
  2. blangschpeer

    Teen 'died after inhaling party butane'

    I remember in high school how all the really cool kids would huff deodorant and a few would bring butane cans in. For them it was the best way to show how big they were.... Then one of my sisters friends was found dead on the corner of the main street and the highway with an empty can next to him. It pretty much all stopped after that day.
  3. blangschpeer

    Planting my first Loph.

    I agree, no sphagnum moss. It shouldn't be too much of a problem while they're seedlings but when they get a bit bigger that's when you'll have to worry about root rot. I would have also sterilised the mix in the microwave first, that way you kill any insect eggs that are laying dormant and HOPEFULLY avoid white flies. Goodluck though, the first lot is always the biggest learning curve. When I first tried I only got 1 to survive out of 50... Since then things have picked up thankfully. All the best with your little ones
  4. blangschpeer

    mass seed propigation

    Mancozeb shouldn't be too bad for the germ rate, if mould is your worst enemy try to keep it as bright as possible for as long as possible. Once most of them have germinated you can reduce the light a little to prevent them being burnt to a crisp
  5. blangschpeer

    Exam results

    I got a pass for chem safety and legislation, and a distinction for organic chem. Woo! Still waiting for my result in inorganic cause I was a slacker and handed some of my pracs in very late
  6. blangschpeer

    Time to degraft?

    I've noticed lately that my peyotine friend has started to schrivel towards the base so I was hoping to get some opinoins on what to do. I'm thinking it's either rot or it's been knocked off the vascular union by my birds and is starting to starve... It's hard to tell by looking at the thumbnail but if you look at the enlarged photo you should understand what I'm talking about. Anyway here it is And here it is in all its glory I'm sentimental about this one cause it's the first ever graft I did and it took (beginners luck at its finest). It's been on the stock for about 1.5-2 years now and hasn't been doing anything for the past 3 months or so no matter what I try (fertilising, constant watering, drought, fungicide......) Any help is appreciated, I'd be sad if I left it too long and it was too late to do anything for my little friend. Oh yeah, for got to mention that it's been grown on my window sill where it gets natural light all day (that's why I think it may have been my birds, they love to sit up there and there is a crazy window licking minor bird that loves to freak them out when they sit there)
  7. blangschpeer

    Time to degraft?

    I'm not sure what the stock is, I think it may be some kind of cereus. My friend who claimed he knew about alternative highs showed up with it one night and when I broke the news to him he didn't want it anymore It had been on the stock for about 2 years now, it's taller than it is fat I think it's about 4.5cm wide and almost 7cm tall. I'm definately relieved to hear that they're meant to look that way when they finally get the chop. Hopefully it'll put some roots out soon and I'll be able to put it back with it's other friends, at the moment it's babysitting some seedlings while it recovers they shouldn't be too much trouble they can't even talk yet I'd definately suggest you graft randomfly, just get a bit of practice with something your not as attatched to first This was the first graft I ever did and purely by luck it worked, the next 5 though shall never be mentioned again Thanks for putting my fears at ease guys
  8. blangschpeer

    Time to degraft?

    Decided I'd finally make the cut on the weekend, this is what I found......... after cutting another 2cm off it was still the same I can't tell if it's rot or from the rootstock growing into it, it wasn't squishy or runny it was quite hard and strangely, inside the vascular bundle there were crystals growing? I've treated it with sulfur in the hopes it will fight off any mould that tries to take advantage of the situation and its sitting on a dry layer of sand on top of my fish tank. I really hope this guy pulls through, any ideas that might increase my success will be warmly welcomed.
  9. blangschpeer

    Grafting Comp- Oct 2007

    well it finally flowered on saturday. So far it's the biggest flowerbud any of my lophs have put out at just over an inch. Home stretch now people, I'm guessing mine won't win but I'm just happy it's powering along
  10. "if i blow my nose does that mean i might have been railing lines of gear?" Only if you go on to lick the tissue
  11. blangschpeer

    Grafting Comp- Oct 2007

    Seems my graft likes to listen to you watertrade, it's responded with a bud that should open in the next day or 2, I'll post a photo when it does. Please feel free to give my other lophs a stern talking to any time
  12. blangschpeer

    popping corn w/cell phones

    They tried to cook an egg on brainiac using 100 phones, not exactly the most scientific source but they proved it didn't work. Maybe if the mobile had a transmitting tower attatched you might get somewhere, but I still doubt that, more likely to give the egg/popcorn leukemia.
  13. blangschpeer

    Grafting Comp- Oct 2007

    My entry is pumping along at the moment, it's hit about 3.5 cm diametre at the moment Although ever since it hit about 1cm it started to sprout roots, here it is from behind It doesn't seem to be affecting the growth rate so it's kind of a cool abnormality (probably not that uncommon, I just haven't seen it posted before) Goodluck everyone
  14. blangschpeer

    Magic Moshrooms

    My cousin's boyfriend had monkeys, they loved him but threw shit at her... And when my sister was in Japan a family that she was tutoring in english had a pet spider monkey, it loved everyone except their youngest son. One day she arrived early and they forgot to put it in its cage before he came home from school... the second it saw him as he walked through the door it charged at him at started to beat the living snot out of him. So I guess they're good as long as they like you or wild beasts if they hate you.
  15. blangschpeer

    Electronic Cigarette

    It wouldn't be too hard, if you could inject the cartridge with some hash oil you'd be sittin pretty
  16. blangschpeer

    Mescaline/San Pedro Headaches

    I could imagine the spines wouldn't be too comfortable but whatever floats your boat Seriously though, if it was excruciating i'd consider maybe indulging in a certain herb, not only will it ease the pain you'll fall asleep pretty easily so it's kind of a 2 prong attack.
  17. blangschpeer

    hloy shit!

    can i be first in line for one of those ace
  18. blangschpeer

    Flourescent lighting

    Another thing you could try is to get a cheap lamp from a variety store and harvest what you need
  19. blangschpeer

    smoking sage ( salvia officinalis )

    I had a friend that used to smoke sage whenever he had a sore throat, it drastically cut down the amount of time he was sick.
  20. blangschpeer

    Aya' Detox and Diet

    I can see this diet becoming the next big thing in New Idea, forget the lemon detox diet!
  21. blangschpeer

    Important legal update for NSW and Qld

    Perhaps if we all get together and make a "donation" that would be more effective. If we all throw in $5 that should buy much more sway than any submission ever could, if you think of how many aussie members there are. Then just make an equal donation to the party making the laws and we should start to make some progress...
  22. blangschpeer

    FREE Lophophora seed 2008!!!

    let me know if you have any left, I should have some nice things to trade kicking around (not literally though, spines in your toes really hurt!)
  23. blangschpeer

    My first loph fruit!

    Well, it's been a long wait but everything's finally come to fruition. The loph that's fruited is supposed to be a caespitosa but it was self pollinated so I'm thinking it's more likely that it's a regular willie x caespitose. I don't really care though, I'm just happy I finally have a fruity loph
  24. blangschpeer

    Can you help my loph?

    If you do decide to cut and root, you may want to sprinkle a little sulfur on the cut to help stop any fungus from growing on it while it heals or maybe even give it a bit of a spray with a rose gun once it's calloused a bit.
  25. blangschpeer


    Welcom MrSoul, Can't wait to see some pics of your cactus patch