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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by blangschpeer

  1. blangschpeer

    blangschpeer email me :-)

    Done! Should also probably use this opportunity to let the people I owe peres to know that I'll be getting off my arse and getting my fiance to mail them, sorry about the wait but now they are very healthy and graftable. Sorry about being such a slacker All is good in my world once again
  2. blangschpeer

    Internet caused personality disorders

    Hey people, I stumbled across this article on cracked while I was bored the other day, here's the link www.cracked.com/article_17522_6-new-personality-disorders-caused-by-internet.html It's very well written and it applies to just about every forum I've been to, I'd even say that I've been guilty of a few Anyway enjoy!
  3. blangschpeer

    seedling porn

    I can help you with some peres, my fiancé will be stoked, she's been on at me to chop them for a while now Send me a PM with your addy.
  4. blangschpeer

    Cactus show coming soon for those interested.

    The show was excellent, I'd definitely recommend that everyone go next year! I ended up getting the loph on the left in the 5th picture, the guy selling it knocked $10 off the price cause it was getting to the end of the day Can't wait for the next Sydney show!!!!!
  5. blangschpeer

    New PM restrictions and member group

    Blargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid spammers! It's a beautiful day and I'm stuck at work......
  6. blangschpeer

    Cactus show coming soon for those interested.

    Thanks Hunab, I've wanted to go to one of these for ages but I seem to have a talent for finding out about the show 2 months after it was on Why not make this the starting venue for a meet if enough people are interested? I can bring my fiance so your girlfriend has someone to talk to lsdreamz, no doubt there will be many distractions that would divert my attention from my loved one....
  7. blangschpeer

    kings of leon, sexonfire

    YES! I always think about the guy singing about someone with a severe infection!!! Think about it, "Your sex is on fire"... There are creams for that Sooooooo very over the kings of leon........
  8. blangschpeer

    'The Economist' comments on drug policy

    Finally an organisation that sees it right! Of course both sides will argue that they know best! One side will say that the amount of OD's will increase, obviously with increased exposure this will be in the spotlight; how many happened this week or the week before? One side will say that FATAL OD's have decreased, again something that statistics will help prove/disprove. In all honesty any change in policy of this magnitude would be acompanied by a backlsh/flow-on effect, those that are simply trying to get high for the sake of it are likely to remove themselves Darwinian style if this happens, those that are trying to self medicate will (potentially) be opened up to proper medical treatment thanks to the new revenue and will be able to be treated appropriately. Finally, those that do choose to experiment will (hopefully) be educated to the level that experimentation is not likely to result in severe adverse effects. This is the best model that I see fit for todays society, prohibitionism has only proved to make things (if only to appear) worse. If we could accurately compare statistics of teenagers drinking today as opposed to using hard drugs it would bring people back to the age of accohol prohibitionism, but then again we all know how good alcohol is for us
  9. blangschpeer

    What coutries are RC's legal in?

    From what I've been told by friends that have passed through Amsterdam it's quite easy to obtain RC's from the red light district or even possibly the taxi driver that picks you up from the airport, the latter being the best option as it's home delivery for both you and the substance
  10. For rotted sections I like to mix up a powder that's 1/6th mancozeb - 5/6ths sulfur. If you only have sulfur thats fine, just cut away until there is no longer any sign of infection (snotty/discoloured flesh) and then dust with sulfur or the mix of mancozeb/sulfur. In the future if you see that the cactus is showing any signs of infection like it is now, try to catch it early and give it repeated doses of watered down mancozeb (according to the directions of course), don't worry about appearing paranoid; if it saves just one cactus it's worth it (and it doesn't really hurt the healthy ones, plus it can be one tiny tiny step in controlling fungus gnats if growing inside... [obvoiously there are a number of other factors there that would take an entire other thread to deal with]) If you get some cheap fluoro lamps from a variety store and the highest wattage fluoro globe you can find (I think 23W is th best you can get at coles) for them you'll have everything you need for growing the seeds inside just try to reflect as much light back on to the seedlings as possible. Best of luck with your new cactine obsession
  11. blangschpeer

    any oberon hunters?

    Ahh Ben Chifley Dam, that's where I caught the biggest Brown trout I've ever laid eyes on (and actually had the pleasure of landing) - 47cm!!! The trick is to fish just below the outflow where the current starts to slow down near a deep hole Mind you this was a few years ago before they raised the dam wall, back when I was a local... Y'all! Anyway, I can't make this weekend but the weekend after next (20th-22nd) sounds potentially quite nice. If oberon isn't happening I know of a place that MAY be swimming with certain red mushrooms... But back to the fish, Oberon dam has MASSIVE rainbow trout and is also stocked with atlantic salmon and brown trout, native fish are a very rare catch in this dam and it is one of the very few local dams that is not choked with redfin. One of the best spots I know there requires local knowledge to navigate otherwise the ground can literally swallow you up to your nipples!!! I'm being deadly serious there, I lost a pair of boots and my pants at that spot At this time of year Ben Chifley Dam starts to slow down a bit for land based anglers, unless you already know where the structures are it's best to fish the river downstream from the dam where you will get nice sized trout and perhaps a largish redfin, sometimes even a yellowbelly. Within the dam itself you'll pretty much be limited to small redfin and the occasional very rare trout (brown or rainbow).
  12. blangschpeer

    Disciplinary action in the school system.

    My fiancé is a teacher and filming is an absolute no no and will more than likely end in your friend being fired. I'd approach the principal and say that things are getting way out of hand and she's thinking of calling the police/applying for a restraining order. That should at least get the message across how serious things are getting and make the staff actually get off their arse. Good luck to your friend, I hope things go her way soon
  13. Doesn't this make her one of the freaks, if I were to do the same and pretend to be a teenager I'm pretty sure most people would label me a pedo
  14. blangschpeer

    Humans 'will be implanted with microchips'

    You'd think everyone being implanted would be a terrorists dream, just think how easily they could track a target
  15. blangschpeer

    who here grows caapi?

    I've noticed this too, for a while they were farming mealies on mine but after I picked them all off repeatedly they must of given up on this idea. Now I find that they (the ants) have chewed little spots on the larger leaf stalks where it meets the vine and they must be eating the sap that comes from the hole. they don't appear to be doing anything too detrimental so they can keep doing it for now. I've had mine growing in my window box for a bit over 2 years now, I wish I could put it in the ground to get some serious growth
  16. blangschpeer

    The wandering thread

    They realised in their enlightened state that the phallus is also a symbol for life, meaning that by eating the eggs of the donkey that they loved so regularly their life would be extended. This realisation immediately sent their souls hurtling back towards their bodies, however due to decreased visibility from a snow storm............
  17. blangschpeer

    Pollinating lophophora

    I find its best to get the pollen in there really deep, dont be afraid to stuff i down in there with a toothpick. Just be careful of ants once the fruit is out, I had 3 fat fruits drying on my loph that got stolen overnight
  18. blangschpeer

    Religion: The Teachings of "Shaman-Australis"

    1st COMMANDMENT: Thou shalt plant thyne seed in thyne neighbours dwelling but only where legal
  19. blangschpeer

    FREE Lophophora seed 2008!!!

    YAY! Finally got mine! Our letter boxes got moved inside our building so I didn't get any mail for 3 weeks... now we have an overduwe phone bill But those sweet little seeds make it all worthwhile. Thankyou Ed
  20. thought I'd check out the local park after all the rain we've been having and here's what I found: Any ideas what they are? The red ones were absolutely covered with flies, I've never seen them before but they looked so cool I had to know what they are. Cheers people
  21. blangschpeer

    Cactus bugs

    Sounds like the dreaded little bastards known as White flies, you have a long battle on your hands now. Some things I've found that help are employment of daddy long legs spiders or crushed moth balls sprinkled on top of the soil, then there's also sticky traps but I've never really noticed any reduction in numbers from the traps. Goodluck
  22. blangschpeer

    Ayahuasca and using sacrements

    As with all things it depends on the chemical and its dose; as Paraclesus wrote. What possible plant are you asking about? Guessing he's already "crystallized" the idea in his mind. Let us know the less gory details (PM the learning parts...)
  23. blangschpeer

    Lophophora Echinata

    I'm quite up there for a road trip, been planning one for the past 2 years to South America... Call it wishful thinking, but if it's true that L.diffusa was distributed to "Big Bend national park" then that is proof of use of diffusa among native americans. I know it's not very likely but I'm holding out for that elusive link that only dreams have whispered to me. Maybe one day in a less restricted society we'll all be open to a less censored view point... I'll let you all know what I'm whispered in person when I finally make the voyage to South America... Hopefully in less than 6 months...
  24. blangschpeer

    Grafting Comp- Oct 2007

    I know it's too late to post my comp photo but just thought I'd put it up since this photo was taken it's flowered 6 times and I've had 2 fruits and grown close to 2 cms (more likely 1.5 cm at the most but if you want a more recent pic I can post it). 6 seeds in the first cause I crossed it with my caespitosa and only 2 seeds in the 2nd cause I assume it was self fertilised (uni made me significantly less attentive!!!) Anyway, when is the next competition? I'd say I've endured quite a learning curve since this last competition so I'm looking forward to the next! If you see Ed's free seed give away, the diffusa grafts I did have all been done well and truely after this comp ended and it's my best success yet (2/3 as opposed to 1/65). I say we start either mid november or 1st december for the next comp. with as much help to any grafting noobies as possible! That being free seeds/grafting stock or technique support where needed. What I also think would be most appropriate is Loph. (where still legal) and ariocarpus for all other states... So essentially a simultaneous competition for the different states in AUS and everywhere else loph is now stupidly illegal.
  25. blangschpeer

    FREE Lophophora seed 2008!!!

    Hi ED, Thanks for the last round. I decided not to graft your little ones, if there's one thing that peyote has taught me it is to be patient. That said, here is the progress... I'm quite happy with how they're going, the really small ones you can see are from my competition graft crossed with my caespitosa (just wish I put up the photos when it ended) anywho, here's the pic of your lovely little ones (actually they're quite fat): and under more dramatic lighting... and then, "ïf only I had a macro lense but I'll have to make do with my camera phone" conditions: Anyway, to try to qualify for your successes here are 2 of my recent grafts and my second ever graft; the side graft... I thought this guy wasn't going to go anywhere, it stalled for over 1 year, only growing roots and about 1/10th of its size in the entire time. Then I decided to do the diffusa grafts (the larger ones above it to the left and right) and it suddenly tripled in size. I guess it just shows that even if you graft, the only thing that matters is that you actually care for and love the plant no matter how long it takes to mature (just like family... End semi-philosophical rant now)....