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The Corroboree


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  1. Here's another with dennis on the same show: you can hear Dennis giving a radio interview about his book to be plus heaps more here: The Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss w/ guest: Dennis McKenna – 05/07/11
  2. you can hear Dennis giving a radio interview about his book to be plus heaps more here: The Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss w/ guest: Dennis McKenna – 05/07/11
  3. http://truthfrequencyradio.com/archives/3257 Dennis Starts at 7mins
  4. so what i was thinking on was just a section(forum) for people to post if they've watched a vid, read a book, listened to some music or what not and wanted to put it up as suggestions for others. this way its a go-to place for people looking for that sort of thing as well, so its easier to find that sort of thing if you dont know what to search for or are looking for something new without having to trawl through pages of threads to find something of this matter. as i feel a lot of media doesn't strictly fall into category with the current respective forums. eg: what cat would i post about the following: a doco about Oxycontin addiction a fiction like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountain Aldous Huxley's doors of perception some new dub album you just love an audio podcast of bear stanley at ega thanks.
  5. ok thanks, yeah it was just a media discussion area, nothing file sharing related.
  6. btw in case you didnt know there's a doco by Wade of the same name: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5955701
  7. i probably wasnt thinking even so much as having links to torrents etc. as that could be controversial, more just like imdb. (id take up your offer for trade though at moment im stuck on wireless with small quota and speed)
  8. Some where to collate doco's, movies, music and maybe books too that are related to or of interest to visitors of this site. Or maybe if that's a too big ask get one current forum sub descriptions to mention something that incorporates this. Ive often come here to post something about a great doco or movie i just watched and not really know where was the right place to post about it. The other thing thing that may be a bigger project of possibility is something a little more organized than a forum. As over time info seems to gets lost in the pagination except to those with the right search term or perseverance. Maybe something like this, http://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=Light_at_the_Edge_of_the_World obviously anyone could just set this sort of thing up themselves but i think it'd be really good if it was actually part of the SAB site, with a sticky thread & links too it , and integrated into the forum/SAB landing page. what do you think ?
  9. this was made into a four part documentary: Light At The Edge Of The World http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5955701
  10. sorry forgot to post the link here: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6246212/
  11. the second part should appear in a few days. ill link it here.
  12. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6241165 Kensington.Raw.Opium.1of2.DVB.x264.AC3.MVGroup.Forum.mkv
  13. http://www.nocarbontax.com.au/

    should find all you need there...cheers mate and be ready to fight for our survival on this one...this has nothing to do with AGW, IMO and will break us...

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