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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by genki

  1. hi and welcome,

    your post made me think of a modern day ethno noah, building a boat to travel around the world collecting two of every ethnobotanical.

    edit: i clearly failed bible school, noah not moses

  2. hi there,

    bruce fuhrer's 'a field guide to australian fungi' has some great colour photos with brief descriptions about a large range of fungi. it could benefit from slightly more detailed descriptions and a dichotomous key to help with identification but its still pretty handy to have around. not sure about other books as thats pretty much the only one i have at the moment.

    good luck with your future hunting

  3. white print is a match for Hygrocybe sp. stems on H. conica can vary in colour from yellowish to orange/red. the black bruising is also an indication of a Hygrocybe. i agree with underground

  4. P. cubensis are less fussy about growing conditions than Pan. cyans. i would say it is much more likely that the mushrooms you think are cyans are another species of Panaeolus. Photos and spore colour could have this confirmed for you. as for cubensis id say its possible although id wait for someone with more experience in the area

  5. ME it looks like they are heating the bark over a fire - no direct contact with the flames just the heat and smoke. the heat is causing the sap to ooze out of the bark. not sure if this would work for anything else but im curious to hear what other people have to say

  6. apparently wood chips / coarse mulch are good mediums too, although can be a little slow to start.

    you could also try sprinkling some spawn on a hessian sack and rolling it up. when its sufficiently colonised unroll and cover with wood chips in a garden bed

  7. perhaps you should have a quick look through this thread to see what really makes it stall. it certainly isnt ed's cuttings. by my count that is the 11th free cutting that ed has offered in this thread on the condition that the recipient pays postage, pretty generous id say. they have all gone very quickly with most being snapped up on the same day.

  8. most of my plants pulled through largely unscathed. there's some yellowing on the cacti that receive full sun. im fairly sure the growing tip on my caapi is not going to recover, id given her some more shade for protection it was just the end part that was poking out into full sunlight that got scorched. i was quite suprised to see both my P. carthaginenesis and grafted P. virdis were relatively unfazed by the 43 degree temps and ~10% relative humidity - great news as i forgot to bring the virdis inside before going to work. the major casualties were my strawberry plants and some salvia's that i chose to sacrifice so that everything else got a bit more water.

  9. have you seen the garage tek over at the nook. what about chucking some grass seeds in there and doing away with the lid altogether. the growing grass should help to keep the humidity up and provide some protection for the mushrooms.

  10. welcome

    don't feel bad about having a hard time identifying acacia's, its a pretty big genus and it can take a while to get your head around. im still pretty lost with it! you might find it easier to learn about them by growing a few yourself :)

    as for your question about salvia, there is nothing that i am aware of.

  11. if its a private residence id be inclined to go and ask them if you can have a cutting of their cactus. not sure about legality but its certainly more polite

  12. my cacti are last on my list for watering priority. i don't have access to tank water and watering restrictions only allow for watering twice a week for 2 hours. any water collected around the house goes to my caapi, psychotrias, and fruit first. im curious as to how much of a difference watering everyday makes?

  13. i water mine when they start to soften a little. with the weather we are having this week (5 days of 40c or more) that will probably mean 3 times. normally in summer they get watered 1-2 times a week. trichs can handle a lot of water but that doesnt mean that you should water them more than necessary.

    edit: just out of interest what constitutes hot hot heat teotz? also all my cacti are in pots, not the ground
