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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by genki

  1. genki


    yes, quite similar to how you might use the buckets from KFC after eating the chicken after a massive drinking session
  2. genki


    5 dollars buys you no only the spirit but a mixer and a bucket to drink it out of
  3. genki


    thais call any dark spirit whisky. most brands are actually more like rum with caramel colouring added for sale in the cities.
  4. genki

    Growing Kit from overseas......??????

    grow kits are dodgy, just get the spores. wouldnt a used grow kit be pretty much useless anyway - possibly full of contams?
  5. genki

    Amanita muscaria

    woops, double post
  6. genki

    Amanita muscaria

    i know what you mean, for most people they are probably the image that comes to mind when they think of mushrooms. i remember being told to stay away from them when i was younger because they were deadly poisenous. of course for a kid that just made them all the more intersting. that interest has never really died, whenever i see a picture on the net something stirs inside me. i cant wait to hopefully see some again this year
  7. genki

    Melbourne RBG meet?

    the 25th suits me, would love to come along and finally meet some people
  8. genki

    acacia id

    thanks for the reply gerbil, exactly what i was after
  9. genki

    Amanita muscaria

    yes but your on the other side of the country, i stand by my statement. summer in melbourne has been hot and long. i work with a couple of people from perth and they went home at various stages over summer only to come back complaining that the weather was better here
  10. genki

    acacia id

    im hijaking this thread. can anyone recommend a good book for someone looking to improve their Acacia knowledge? possibly an identification guide of some sorts
  11. genki

    Amanita muscaria

    it definately feels like a change of season is taking place, the nights are starting to cool down nicely. summer has been fun but its also been hot and long. im looking forward to autumn and winter so i can get out and look for these mushrooms as i havent seen one since i was a kid
  12. genki

    Well that was easy....

    i have my fingers crossed for you
  13. genki

    exotic tropical fruit and vegetables

    if i remember from my indo classes it translates as 'snake skin fruit'. i miss tropical fruit, think its time for another trip to south east asia
  14. genki

    Cactus Enquiry 2

    Maybe ask somewhere like the nook but creach's answer sound's good to me.
  15. genki

    Options for shifting sleeping patterns/insomnia.

    melatonin and exercise i find work well for me.
  16. genki

    Collect 'em All

    my modest collection consists of: T. Pachanoi x2 T. Scopulicola x1 T. Bridgesii x1 T. ScopXPach hybrid x3 and 6 y.o Lophophora caespitosa i wish i had more room to grow them living at my parents place, i guess its finally time to move out
  17. genki

    do ants damage cacti roots?????

    thanks for the replies
  18. genki

    Your cactus, fully mature 250% faster

    what, no steak knives thrown in?
  19. genki

    do ants damage cacti roots?????

    i realise this is an old thread but its the only one that came up from my search, thought id post here instead of starting an entirely new thread. i have had ants around a lot lately and was wondering where they were coming from. i finally discovered the source: an ants nest in the soil of a pachanoi i was trying to repot. i want to get rid of them asap but dont want to do anything that might result in the cactus absorbing something nasty. will submerging the roots system in a bucket of water for a little while drown them or am i going to have to try something else?
  20. genki

    How to treat this?

    i have the same thing on my scop, occuring mostly at the base. i lopped the top off to plant in a separate pot but after a week or two it developed oozing black blisters which i had never seen on any part of the cactus before. i ditched the top immediately but the bottom has been fine, no signs of anything even remotely black. it is healthy and doesnt seem remotely affected by whatever is causing those scales. it lives with my other cacti and none of them have shown any signs so i figured it was something scops are more susceptible to and nothing to worry about. i was a bit pissed off to loose the very fat growing tip of my plant but it has thrown out some nice big pups that show no signs of scales/black marks.
  21. \/\/\/\/ get some Agremone mexicana, Phalaris aquatica var. Australia and Nicotiana tobacum seeds \/\/\/\/
  22. genki


    they grow practically everywhere, if non of those work for you check out french island. i guarantee you wont leave empty handed
  23. genki

    Golden Tops, "accidentally" cultivated..

    that is the origin of my name, i just dont speak japanese. there is a shop called genki, i thought it sounded funky so i looked it up.
  24. genki

    Golden Tops, "accidentally" cultivated..

    i have no idea what you just said