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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. Darklight

    MIMS on CD?

    If so I'll marry you immediately
  2. Darklight

    Smoking Datura leaf really is cool

    It's only funny cos you survived.This time it's a cheery little dinner party anecdote. Hooray hooray. Presumably we've all done stupid things like this in our pasts ( I'm not admitting anything, OK ? ) and hopefully this post will serve as a reminder to anyone attempting reckless experimentation. But I bet it doesn't. What the hell does it take to get through to ppl ( not just here ) that solo experimentation rarely equals safe recreation? Inevitably someone will lose it somewhere along the line, no matter how many warnings and chidings and snarly posts from the mods, and that will be sad, not merely in personal terms, but because it leaves information sites like this one open to public criticism and unmitigated media fests of dodgy headlines and we go further underground. That in no way compromises what we're doing here, but it could well compromise the way we go about it. The provision of safe reliable information and the distribution of valid and careful research is endangered, along with the user's life, every time someone reckons they are above the laws of physics and biochemistry and the lessons of history. Like Rev said on Seed & Plant forum, we're only ever a headline away from disaster. Just be careful, the lot of you, eh? For ALL the above reasons.
  3. That's Alpha Bitch to youse, love coin, where *have* you been, I miss you! I wish I had the insight into neuro stuff you've gained over the last ( year? ). I'm going to send you my brain for cloning, its the furry gibberring object currently hiding under your couch. Started any TC work?
  4. Depression's a self-feeding loop unless corrected, and social status is more complex in humans than other captive primates IMO. How well you think you are doing can be related to more factors than social dominance in only one sphere... you might be doing really well at work, for example, but if your relationship is just as important to you and that's not going well, and you're not actually happy in the field of employment you're in then self perception of success would be a completely different kettle of fish. Anyone long term deficient in seratonin or dopamine is prime for an OCD or other addiction IMO, once the reward pathways learn that a specific behaviour temporarily corrects the problem. Wouldn't matter if the reward was via gambling, religion, drugs or other social phenomenon. What fascinates me is why nobody bothers looking into 'positive' reinforcing behaviour, as in the formation of good habits in quite the same way as they do 'bad' habits. It's all about reward pathways, and learning patterns, and the uneccessary dichotomy between 'good' and 'bad' just seems to obfuscate the issue.
  5. You wait til Noz brings out the game on PC. Knock-out a Mulga incarnation. I'm up to level six, but CS is way ahead as always
  6. Darklight

    Barbie Killed My Computer !

    Sounds like you need Blotter Barbie. Avoid all substitutes and go for the real thing
  7. Here's my baby photos! Loph grafted at 22mm diameter onto a scop a little over three years ago. This is the first season they've pupped! Babies born on October 4 as announced in this forum and they're all elongating rather than growing rounder. Great hey! But don't let it put you off... This was my first cactus graft, so beginners luck applies. Both cactii sat round for aaages while I mucked about and panicked and researched and wondered what to do. Finally one night I got over it, made a couple of good guesses, used two sterile scalpel blades to cut, and held it down with some 3M micropore tape ( avail from most chemists ) Initially I was worried that the graft was poor, cos the area which took was so small- maybe 10mm max in diameter. Thankfully Torsten reassured me it was doing just fine, or I might have done something silly like moved it or paid it some attention. It lives on the sink in my bathroom, which is a kind of biological hell, under a skylight. It gets watered weekly in the growing season with a good solution of worm liquid. Bugs eat it ( you might be able to see bug bites on it in closeup ). It gets moved around. So far, so good, nothing phases it. What interests me is the apparrant etiolation ( lengthening ) of the loph. It's not just my imagination, several knowledgable visitors have also commented on it. Would it be the distant and soft light source, or is it possible that something like giberellins are being transferred from the scop over the graft and into the loph? The photos have been retouched slightly here as they didin't come out anything like the colour of the actual cactii. I should have used a flash! I've never done this before, so I hope the pics work and the file sizes etc aren't too huge All it has to do is flower now, and I'll be happy. Thanks to Torsten for his support and advice on it. And yes, it is *def* a loph. [This message has been edited by Darklight (edited 15 January 2002).] [This message has been edited by Darklight (edited 15 January 2002).]
  8. Are you wasting breath defending yourself against tedious allegations *again* Torsten?
  9. Darklight

    Totem animals

    You make it sound spoooky. It isn't spoooky, it's funny. I figured a dog of that status would try something like that. He was too much the megalomaniac to let us forget him anyhow
  10. Darklight

    Totem animals

    They're beautifully sculptural, I could never have designed anything so clever myself
  11. Darklight


    That's an excellent point coin, I'm glad you pointed it out. Much work remains to be done
  12. *sigh* another day, another Mulga incarnation...short lived though it is...if he had any friends they'd tell him, but as it is it's left up to the likes of us. The post isn't even worth editing, as you'd only miss an opportunity to see him in his splendour again...it's a pity he can't put all this valuable energy into doing something positive somewhere else...
  13. Darklight

    Albert Hofmann turns 96

    You too eh, mine's the day before
  14. Darklight

    Totem animals

    Not good with words on this one, but my old dog is still here looking after me ( he was a bit of a legend )The fact that he died last year doesn't seem to have changed anything The number of seriously spooky co-incidences which have his name on them.... but he always did have a sense of humour His son doesn't seem to have the same qualities, but he is *always* close to my llama's side ( but strategically not underfoot ) whenever she is doing any extradimensional exploring. Kinda like a security blanket for the next dimension He doesn't fret or stir, just stays close and watches. It makes things feel safer, my llama tells me. [This message has been edited by Darklight (edited 18 January 2002).]
  15. Darklight

    My baby photos- the Loph/Scop graft

    ...my enormous shlong... Geez you should have twigged it was a dream then, hey And no, it wasn't my fridge. My fridge is completely different. It's full of stock hormones and weird agar brews and plant sterilisation mixture. If you'd been stealing from my fridge, you'd get a whole new dimension to the question " Was that one lump or two? " If we're gunna be silly maybe we should go to Chill before the mod gets us
  16. Darklight


    Loop? Wire? Youse are so lucky, all I've got out west is a couple of tin cans and a piece of string...
  17. Darklight


    C'mon, ppl have all sorts of reasons for lurking, some of them might even be good. Anyhow, its the shy ones you've gotta watch, isn't it? Don't scare them...yet...let them draw close
  18. Darklight

    My baby photos- the Loph/Scop graft

    gomaos have you been stealing food from my fridge? Cos if your dick looks like that ( green and lumpy with five balls near the end ) then I'll know whose been at the buttter...
  19. Darklight

    My baby photos- the Loph/Scop graft

    Dunno where that third picture went, it was the best But *phew* it worked!
  20. Darklight

    Herald Sun: Drug Pushers Use Logo Lure

    This is the consequence of a school system that teaches people what to think, not how If someone hasn't had thinking ppl around them by the time they hit school, nothing's going to save them anyhow. Why anyone expects an education system to do all the work is beyond me. Kids spend more time outside school than in it, why do ppl assume that the school system is the only place ppl learn anything? I suspect its to take the blame off themselves. I just finished reading Oliver Sacks latest "Uncle Tungsten". While it gets a bit bogged down, what struck me most was that as a young boy, the author describes attaining much learning, great joy and insight into the inter-relatedness of very different fields of study. As did, historically, many of the ppl he learned about on the way who had contributed to the process. He did this b/c he owned a chemistry set, was allowed to play with things which could have been dangerous, and had ppl around him who could support and encourage his interest.No formal education was involved at all. It would never happen today, of course. Anyone trying such things here would be immediately of suspicion to the authorities, or removed from the care of their parents on the grounds that they were being encouraged to do something unsafe. So is this what the WoSD is doing to the field of science? Now virtually the only way for a scientific education to occur is as a part of a recognised course, whose graduates are funnelled into narrow and overspecialised areas of pure commercial interest. What major discoveries will elude future generations as a result? "We used to roar like lions for liberty- now we bleat like sheep for safety." No-one's said it better ever since, hey
  21. Darklight


    US officials believe the real goals of the Taliban's poppy ban was to control the market more effectively. That's funny, the same allegation has been levelled against the CIA *sigh* another day, another red herring
  22. Darklight

    respect and sensibility

    Yep I reckon you should wrangle here too Wazron That some of us should explore our sentience by chanting, drumming or dancing should not be cause for ridicule. No, but neither should the presence of serious discussion imply the complete exclusion of humour. It's a fine line. However, until I see some signs of this forum being taken seriously, I can't consider volunteering on-topic material in case I become a target of derision Geez if we all took that attitude to important things, nobody would say anything and nothing would change. I thought you were beyond such minutiae, say it anyway, so what? And almost everyone I've encountered on these forums have been more than happy to apologise for inadvertantly offending someone. It's not a matter of ppl giving you a break, its a matter of everyone giving each other a break. Assume offence only as a last resort ( unless you're talking to CS of course )
  23. Darklight


    It were a mercy killing, guv
  24. Darklight


    Frankly, no.
  25. Darklight


    Originally posted by Brett: Maybe i will do that so all the ladies can print it out and finger themselves over my buffed pecs. In your dreams matey. Some of those thus enamoured by your self described and as yet unproven splendour may be male, and there are ladies present, myself included, who are less than inclined to spend more time examining your apocraphyl attributes than it takes to hit the 'Next newest topic' link ( unless of course you have a three foot retractable forked tongue ) I bet your fingers stick to the keyboard when you type. If you *must* be crass, can you at least be interesting and imaginative about it? I hereby sentence you to spend 100 hours in Chilli Sauce with CS, with a view to developing yr wit and intellect to broadcast standard.