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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by WAGES

  1. WAGES

    Acacia berlandieri

    That's an Acacia Mearnsii in your photo OP. I don't mean to bump an old thread but this should help anyone who finds this page.
  2. I was out for a bushwalk today, basically a field trip by myself to learn how to identify Acacias. I walked up a hill through some bushland I know of and came across a large amount of Acacia Longifolia and Acacia Floribunda. From what I've read they have a Low to Medium Tryptamine content. Anyway to my question. Every other Acacia in the area was unharmed except for the A. Longifolia's and A. Floribunda's, they were all Ring barked down the bottom of the trees and look as though they've been sprayed with something coloured blue. I have two theories on what's happened. 1. Someone has come and taken a small amount of bark from at least 20 of the trees for themselves. 2. The local council has decided to try and eradicate Tryptamine containing trees by Ringbarking and spraying a poisonous blue liquid on the exposed wood. Here's 3 photos of what I found. http://i48.tinypic.com/2zg6g5d.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/29cazc4.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/351z9ya.jpg I don't believe they turn naturally blue like that after exposure.
  3. Just to add aswell, Psilocybin Mushrooms have been abundant in my area for the past 4 years, now all of a sudden this year the amount has dropped by at least 3/4. All of the usual spots are now being sprayed by the local council ( The spray is a bright neon pinkish/purple colour ). Although I did see quite a few Amanita Muscaria mushrooms in Winter.
  4. I'm 100% confident that they were Acacia Floribunda and Acacia Longifolia. They weren't exactly invasive and it was in an area far from the track I was walking on. The younger Acacia .L's and .F's seemed to be untouched. Not one other Acacia species were ring barked and I noticed around 5 or 6 different species of Acacia on the walk. Acacia Melanoxylon was absolutely everywhere, a few Acacia Baileyana and many different Globular shaped species. On a sidenote, can anyone identify the Acacia in the photo below. My backyard is full of them. Here's a photo to show that it was A. Longifolia. And last of all, here's a photo to confirm they were also A. Floribunda. (Sorry about the small samples, I didn't want to hurt the trees anymore than they were.)
  5. Definately looks as though it could be an Acacia Floribunda. Look up Acacia Melanoxylon and make sure it isn't that.
  6. Hey Guys. My question is, are there Alkaloids inside the leaves, stems and flowers of A. Longifolia and A. Floribunda? Or is it just bark that contains DMT, 5-MEO and others.
  7. Hey guys, I'm new here and I was wondering if I could have some help ID'ing a few Acacias I've found on my property. I'm from Melbourne in Victoria. So far I've found - Acacia Melanoxylon - Acacia Longifolia - Acacia Baileyana and there's a few other species I haven't been able to identify.
  8. Sorry Quarterflesh, it's been edited. Won't be mentioned again.