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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by hookahhead

  1. Mushroom man, did you stab wooden skewers through the root stock to be able to place your rubber bands on? I have never seen anyone do it this way and I am pretty sure that the cactus isn't going to enjoy that. Not to mention the increased risk of infection from when the wood starts to rot, or you remove the skewers and have nice hole through the whole cactus?

  2. I have been worm composting a little over a year now, and made a previous post about my worm farm here.

    However after doing further reading I am lead to believe that a flow through design worm bin provides a few benefits over the bin method. I received a free 96 gallon tote to turn into a worm bin. The rods going across the bottom are pvc and have deck screws drilled into them. The idea is to be able to turn the rods and spin the castings into the bottom of the bin where they should be easy to collect. I have a hinged cover with landscaping cloth covering it to allow airflow. I plan to add magnets to keep the cover shut tightly. The worms will travel to the top of the bin after a few months and the bottom will be nothing but finished castings. This design is said to allow better airflow to help avoid the sogginess that is common with the plastic bins.




    I harvested all three bins this week using the method described in my previous post. I yielded about 15 gallon of worm castings total. The unfinished material is great starting material and was loaded with worms for the new tote. I covered the bottom with several layers of news paper and then added the contents of the first bin into the larger tote.





    Added the second.



    Added the third bin. Unfortunately, the picture of the tote with just the bin contents didn't turn out. I had to use my crappy camera phone because I couldn't find my real one. I then added a significant amount of shredded cardboard to the top.



    I am not even able to take a guess at the amount of worms I added. It would be similar to guessing jelly beans in a jar. However I have picked worms out for trade before and know that I can typically get a pound of worms from 5 gallon of material. I probably moved 35-45 gallon worth of material into the large tote. Which gives me approximately 7-8 pounds of worms which seems about right. Each handful was loaded with tons of worms. This setup will hopefully eliminate some of the work involved harvesting the castings.

  3. The branches (? not sure if that is what they would actually be called in cacti) are pretty cool on that one stillman. I really need to quit visiting sites like this, or else everything in my house will eventually be replaced with cacti. We all know cacti do not make for good seating however.

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