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Everything posted by tardistestpilot

  1. tardistestpilot

    australia, the racist country

    http://www.citizenship.gov.au/test/resourc...et-full-ver.pdf here is there official book/booklet/study manual the pdf version they sent me yes i agree with most that this is a load of shit designed more likely to too make it just little harder for immigrants to vote maybe this election i have heard that if you can recognize difference of race on any level then are we not all racists ? i do not intend to offend anybody with this post
  2. hey shruman i have lied about my age dude again only 59 years to go

  3. tardistestpilot

    Cat Killing Poll

    i have owned /cat but it died and I have killed a cat .....i ran the pooor basterd over.......not mine someone elses it was in a heavey residential area ....I did search find the owner was very sad i do like cats but they are killing machines like us mabe
  4. tardistestpilot

    Total Lunar Eclipse, 28th August 2007

    dam to much cloud where i am to see it very well
  5. this looks hopeful I have seen some water welders for sale on ebay here is one that seems to be modified for use on a car but only as a hybrid type setup i think they may have found a slightly more economical electrolysis method to produce hydrogen
  6. tardistestpilot

    Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer

  7. tardistestpilot

    Elderly 'making suicide drug'

    Perhaps taking away an elderly or terminally ill patients freedom of choice is a more demeaning trend, in that society's present laws insist on prolonging their suffering. I fail to see the disrespect, when it's the actual elderly people who are wanting to get involved in the project. i agree osk hmmmn who actually has anything to gain from these laws unchanged .I mean government only care about votes, who owns the aged care homes ? i think there are providers and are government funded??/have done no research ....so each aged person whom has "the choice of they're dignity verses they're care" is going have an effect on this industry. Its like when somebody tries to control you, fight back/manipulate anyway you can, why should this change in our twilight years? An old quote have no idea who said this but i like it it goes like this (youth and skill is no match for OLD AGE AND TREACHERY) lol
  8. tardistestpilot

    Just being annoying

    being annoying just being annoying hmmmmn rotflmao some jedi mind games just being annoying
  9. tardistestpilot

    Rape of Mars?

    I have heard that we have not (at least did not back then) set foot on the moon and was faked.... i think it was if we cant make it we will fake it!!!! ...technology back then was dogdey so was the political situation cold war ,nuke arms race ,and the space race ...now however i can only imagine what they the USA or RUSSIA ,CHINA ect could be capable of. i think now recently in the last twenty years they have had the technology to do so,and probably have , is just what i think anyways i know it sounds like a conspiracy theory and is so i await the impending flames lol
  10. tardistestpilot

    b/s posts

    ws has got to be a spam bot hehe...just asking
  11. the one thing that annoys me about you ws is the ...hehe just asking... at the end of every post ...hehe just asking absolutely infuriating PS and yes tesla was very clever man
  12. tardistestpilot

    fav game atm ?

    hl2 deathmatch counterstrike source urbanterror {quake 3 mod} all played online
  13. tardistestpilot

    any body watching wilfred on sbs

    this is a funny show what a cool idea for a comedy wonder if its original our a copycat comedy ? hail the mighty wilfred
  14. something i found on j-walk blog Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity. also the reason for the pyramids being the shape they are is the only way a structure that high can self support using stone only no mystical ooga boooga just physics check this out http://j-walkblog.com/index.php?/weblog/po...ving_big_rocks/
  15. tardistestpilot

    Ebay C. peruvianus - $1000!!!

    yes very disappointing cactus for the whiney silverchaireus australis
  16. tardistestpilot

    Drink Driving advice?

    if you get caught drink boating/you are the captain... in queensland you lose your car license as well ! same in victoria
  17. tardistestpilot

    Drink Driving advice?

    PLEASE, we have cabs, trains, buses, feet, bicycles... your not just risking your life, but ours. safe one to you all {you can lose your car license for riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol as well } not sure if this is true in every state of Australia but im sure it is so in Queensland
  18. tardistestpilot

    free in-home wireless broadband service

    sorry off topic
  19. tardistestpilot

    free in-home wireless broadband service

    http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/health_me...icle2411405.ece yeah nice one tep muauauahhah and if its real fooled again
  20. tardistestpilot

    Cactus Tea Pictorial !!!

    how would a nuke in the microwave instead of boil work for making something more ornamental less burning/caramel etc .. maybe it may work also less boiling time ? less degradation? limiting factors ? size of microwave ? hope some bodys gnome tries this or has already
  21. tardistestpilot

    what makes "ICE"?

    i like to be corrected
  22. tardistestpilot

    what makes "ICE"?

    have u freebased meth with bicarb? im not tryin to be a smart arse but have you? cocain with bicarb yeah= crack but yeah no need to freebase meth.. anyway rips your head off if its pure through a pipe if its real meth.however never tried (u4ea)or aminorex or ice why the 2 got mixed up is frown worthy in itself... so you know the diference? ive never compared or known any diferent apart from if it burns dirty its not meth ....its somthing else or its not pure ..does aminorex or ice burn clean in a pipe???
  23. i reckon sth america will have wmds when the oil runs out
  24. and hey this is ok very lol... http://www.revolutionsf.com/fiction/weseet...ethings/01.html and ive heard he works for these gentile men as well maybe? ....http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm