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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by prier

  1. I'm not always right but I have worked full time in horticulture at a specialist cacti and succulent nursery for over seven years. I also have access to an extremely comprehensive library.
    I wrote Turbinicarpus horripilus because that's what your seedling looks like and it is the most common Gymnocactus in Aus. The Copiapoa could be something else it might be an Eriosyce but I doubt it as these are not very common.

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  2. I posted this in another thread, kinda thought it needed a repost.
    There are only so many nurseries, serious cacti gardens and collectors in this country. Most places will have a good idea of what their plants are. Ask the seller, this is the best advice I can give, if they didn't grow it themselves find out who did. It may well be a random hybrid from and old garden or a nursery, the grower might not know what it is but they will be able to tell you what flowering size plants they have and when they flower. which can help narrow down the possibilities. If you have to resort to the internet, mention where you got the plant, even if it's just a town or even which state it was found in can help. I know people hate giving away their "secrets" but knowing where the plant came from greatly helps to identify it.
    Hope that helps a little,

    • Like 1

  3. Hey all,
    As a lot of you know we recently experienced some pretty extreme weather in Vic. I'm curious how you managed the weather and what kinda of damage you had to deal with after.
    I lost about 5% of the plants in my hothouse which i didn't water once throughout the entire heat wave. several mesemby things, echeverias and sempervivums mostly. Also lost a few baby Trichocereus seedlings that were outdoors, My guess is they where too small to survive, 5-10 cent piece sized.
    I watered all my outdoor Tricho's once and my scellys numerous times, always at night. My guess is that under potted plants suffer the most. Especially anything in black plastic.
    I would love to hear other's thoughts. Also before and after photos would be cool if anyone bothered.

  4. Hey,

    I'm moving house and need to get rid of a few bits and pieces.

    If you want to come out and have a look at what I have send me a pm.

    Trichocereus, plants, cuttings, seedlings (3-5 years old)

    Clones such as: hall's super pedro, hall's bridge, dawson's bridge, field's pach 1, field's pach 2, field's bridge, woolunda pach, woolunda bridge, woolunda super ped monsta, a shitload of pc pachanoi and a few other bits and pieces.

    Lot's off different Trichocereus hybrid seedlings, lots of T. pasacana and T. terscheckii

    Also, Sceletium plants, several Brugmansias, Mammillaria longimamma and other peyote substitutes.



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  5. I haven't used coir in cacti mixes, really don't see the point. What has got me worried here is that you mention your Tricho's are inside. If you're going to grow cacti inside (this does not come recommended), make sure they are in an exceptionally well draining mix. You only need to water half as much as your outdoor plants. I think coir would be a bad idea in this situation.

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