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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by prier

  1. ---http://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/mushrooms_smoked.shtml

    This answered my question about the smoking shrooms (I can't believe I didn't think of looking here earlier) but I still question whether Don Juan's smoke mix's primary ingredient is mushrooms.

  2. I’m still yet to try high intensity psychedelics, simply because I don't feel I’m ready for it at this point. (I’m only 18 too).

    I think I have a pretty good knowledge of these types of things and when I hear about other young people using things like this simply to get fucked up I find it really frustrating, as they’re not giving these plants/chemicals the respect they deserve.

    I’m waiting for when I’m ready to have a deep spiritual type experience and yet there are these idiots out they’re just getting fucked up without thinking about the possible consequences. It pisses me off that these people are experiencing things that are so amazing and yet don’t realise what the experience can be used for.

    Sorry about the rant.

  3. The description of Humitos effects given in the book does not match my own experiences of smoking various mushrooms.

    So is it possible to get effects from smoking mushrooms?

  4. This is another question sort of related to my reading “The Teachings of Don Juan”

    I’ve never met any entities under the influence of psychedelics before, I’ve heard it’s pretty common when people take DMT.

    What I’m curious about is people meeting entities whilst taking other psychedelics?

    Has anyone here ever met this Mescalito character?

  5. I've just finished reading "The Teachings of Don Juan" and the book has made me want to ask a lot of questions.

    First question I have regarding that book is to do with Don Juan’s smoke mix.

    From what I gathered the smoke mix was essentially just mushrooms and some other plants to make it more palatable.

    I recall reading once that psilocybin would burn up and become useless if it came under direct flame. Also from his description of the effects it just doesn’t sound like mushrooms to me.

    If mushrooms can’t be smoked, what are people’s thoughts on what this smoke mix may have really been?

  6. I've had heaps of dreams containing plants, mainly to do with cacti. One of the last one's I remember distinctly had myself in the city and I’d just purchased a whole lot of Trichs, heaps I’d never heard of or seen before this dream. :P just after I’d gotten the cacti, Melbourne seemed too have been under attack by terrorists or something.

    what I noticed that was bizarre is that all I could think about was the fact I was never going to see these cacti grow (as I thought I was doomed) and the thought of my death didn't faze me at all.

    I guess I'm just obsessed. :)

  7. Yeah I'm serious I loved the photos. It may have something to do with the 'drug' part of it but cannabis is such a fucking sexy plant!

    Overgrow had some of the best potporn around. Even though I don't smoke anymore I still love to look at (and smell) marijuana, it's just great.

  8. I can't say I've noticed an increase in use, simply because I haven’t been around for long enough. What I can say however is that that I’ve noticed a lot of young people interests have changed from taking party drugs (MD, Meth, G, etc...) to taking psychedelics particularly LSD.

    I think most people who are interested only in 'getting high' are put off psychedelics very early, so I believe that psychedelics are always most likely to be used by responsible people...and thank god for that.

    Sadly I'd have to say I disagree with this, I know of plenty of people who take LSD & Mushrooms simply just to get high, I’ve also noticed with some young people it's "cool" to take, or have tried strong DMT and Salvia extracts.

    Luckily it seems the GHB phase is tapering off rapidly (bit slower in Oz), but I am not sure I like what is replacing it.

    I've noticed G's decline as well, I remember when it was rare to go to a party (before I found doofs) and not see someone overdose on G. What seems to be replacing it though?

  9. i have never seen anyone get sick from Rivera corymbosa

    i reckon these are by far the best of them all!!

    My FOAF has tried Rivea and had no negative effects at all, a very pleasant cruisy experience. Although he can't compare it to either HBWR or Morning glory as he hasn't tried these yet.

  10. What were they doing that was Illegal? That sight was extremely comprehensive, I never grew marijuana but there was heaps of great info on there for growing in general.

    It's sad to see a sight like that get taken down, I wonder hoe long it'll be before they find (or make) something illegal about erowid.

  11. I haven't yet been game enough to try the tea, I remember reading in numerous places it is one of the most bitter things imaginable.

    I've had a tincture of calea before that I found pretty effective. Allthough when I was taking the tincture I also had about an ounce of Mugwort stashed under my pillow, which surprisingly is really effective for more vivid dreams.

    I also tried smoking Calea in joints too but that didn't prove too effective, I'll have to dust off the old billy and try smoking a few cones, sounds like a good way to do it.

  12. Did u use Cubase?

    I much preferred the second track - the intro was a little weird but i loved a lot of what you did with the drum track - id love to know what plugins you used for some of those aphex twin-style drum filters and tinny sounds.

    For the tracks Believe and Prevent the Illness I was using a program called Orion with a few Native Instruments VSTi's and for the track of Lost Children it was written entirely with reason 3 believe it or not. All the effects are just basic Reason effects nothing special, I just played around with them all for a long time.

  13. My name is the name I use to perform and write music with. I'd toyed around with heaps of names but didn't really have one that stuck. So one day I thought I'd use the letters from my name, Peri, and just rearange them a bit, I came up with Prie and added an extra R to make it sound a bit better.

    From dictionary.com

    pri·er also pry·er


    One who pries, especially a person who is unduly interested in the affairs of others.

    But it's just a name really I'm not one to prie.

  14. For me it all started when I was 12, it was my first year of highschool and in Health class we were on the topic of drugs. For an assignment we had to research using the internet, this is where I stumbled up on Erowid. For the next year or so everytime I went near a computer I had to look at erowid.

    What really interested me was reading people's Salvia and DMT experience reports, they sounded crazy and I felt I must try these things some day.

    For the next five years I experimented with lots of different chemicals mainly party types drugs, then at Rainbow Serpent last year there was this market stall, I got to chatting to the girl behind the counter and got up the courage to ask if they had any DMT or Salvia. I tried DMT for the first time that weekend and that is what really got me started on ethnobotanics.

    I guess I'm still pretty new to this, come to think of it it was my one year anniversary with ethnobotanics last weekend. :wink:

    It was actually my dad that got me onto Shaman-Australis. When I was telling him about my intersts in these things he did some internet searches for me and found out about Shaman-Australis and the Asutralian Free Seed Ring, from there I was hooked.
