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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by prier

  1. hey guys, i've been doing a bit of research recently and came to a dead end. i think i've found what i'm after but i need access to the website http://www.jstor.org/ from what i can gather various uni students have access. if you can help me out send me a pm. cheers.
  2. prier

    going to cactus mikes!

    Huh? where you goin? I'd love to see shots of E. lageniformis in Bolivia if ya headin that way.
  3. prier

    What's your bluest Tricho?

    Cactusland have about half a dozen different T. peruvianus varieties, most of the time they just sell roseii1 and roseii2. so most likely what you have is T. peruvianus ROSEII2.
  4. Hey, here's a few photos I've been taking around the place. enjoy. A. obtusifolia, NSW Doryphora sp. and Cinnamomum sp. QLD Zieria sp. NSW Cinnamomum sp. NSW It'd be great to see what else people have been finding aound the place. Feel free to add more photos.
  5. prier

    Acacia Fruits - Why?

    hahaha. genius!
  6. prier

    Nova gardens Cacti

    mother in laws cushion.
  7. I call that plant candicans long spine. In Backeberg he calls it T. candicans v. gladiatus (Lem.) Berg. The same name appears in Borg. Britton and Rose group all subspecies into T. candicans. In more recent times it's been called Echinopsis candicans in both Anderson and The new lexicon. found a refence to both T. pseudocandicans and Helianthocereus candicans. seems to be a redundant name.
  8. themagicmushroom and slybacon, neither of your links worked for me. I got all excited about hearing some local shit. Please fix em I wanna listen. indigosunrise, that's some mad phat wobbley NI-MassiveStep. Love It. Musicmouth - an unfinished dubsteppy track of mine.
  9. prier

    What do you see?

    good thread. here's some stuff i see.
  10. prier

    Is Meow Meow the new Ecstasy?

    "md substitute" = marketing technique. forget the comparison. I hear meow is really good fun. I also hear good things about methyl one, both very stimulating.
  11. prier

    What is the universe inside?

    WHAT DOTH LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I too would like to see some photos of mature named varieties. Not just flowering, but showing body habit as well. Anyone out there own the mother plants?
  13. prier

    trichocereus x echinopsis

    Here's a photo of one of the first gen plants. I don't have any photos of the third gen plant. Hopefully one of the members here took photos at the cacti society show last year. The grower is an old member of the cacti society. I've haven't spoken to him about that particular plant yet, I will next chance I get.
  14. Hey all, I'm interested in trichonopsis hybrids. I've seen a few of these plants around over the years. I found out that there was a large amount of these sold by a melbourne nursery in the mid 1990s. They were attepting to make a spineless colored tricho but sold most of the plants before they reached maturity, not really knowing what they were going to look like. Recently at the melbourne cacti society show I got to see a third generation of these hybrids. a variagated, spineless freak, a most amazing plant. Does anyone have any photos of these plants? or know any more about these particular hybrids? Thanks.
  15. prier

    is pachanoi self seeding?

    hey, sorry to get a bit off topic. This really interests me, where abouts have you read a about a "grandiflorus complex"? I'd really like to find out more about these plants. I've often wondered if all the E. huascha colored forms are hybrids between T. grandiflora and Soehrensia sp. Gorgeous flowers. I had no idea they where self pollinating, I've been hand pollinating these for a few years now. damn.
  16. prier


    hey, nice selection. could I grab 7 and 8? thanks.
  17. prier

    Conophytum ID

    It might be Conophytum fragile, not too sure. If you could post a pic of the body I might be able to have a better crack at it.
  18. prier

    E. schickendantzii?

    It could also be T. shafferi. Were the stems close together or sparse? how tall does it get? and what color are the sepals? Then again I think that both these species are now just E. schickendantzii according to the new lexicon.
  19. prier

    giant cactus pics

  20. prier

    Acacia obtusifolia cutting

    Fuckin nice one! I can't wait to give this another crack.
  21. prier

    Eight of the World’s Most Unusual Plants

    one of my favs Myrmecodia becarii, ant plants. These things are awesome, but best left for looking at. I stupidly tried to collect a few plants and ended up completely covered in thousands of little ants. Their bite doesn't hurt that much but after a few thousand it does get pretty irritating.
  22. prier

    Terminal weirdness

    a bit of terminal weirdness, no idea what caused it, maybe just bugs. an update on ferrets earlier pic.
  23. prier

    Best Time to Take Cuts?

    I've found Trichocereus are really easy to take cuttings from any time of year. Only thing to watch out for is potting them up in winter. Better leave them sit till the sun comes out in spring. For other columnar cacti, especially mexican stuff (pachycereus, stetsonia, neobuxbaumias, etc) a bit more care is needed. For optimum growth I like to take cuttings in early spring once the plants have woken up. This way you know that the stockplant is healthy as it's growing. You tend to avoid etoliation in the tips, as the plant isn't too vigorous. The stockplant will have an entire season to grow new stems. and Hopefully its a bit warmer so the cutting will callous quickly.
  24. prier

    Perth Pedro

    It looks like a plant that I call 'short spined' peruvianus. Lots of it around in Victoria. A lovely cactus.
  25. prier

    Melbourne Meet - Celebrate Summer

    I can't make it again. working sunday, and it's been getting busier with summer and all. Maybe next time, if it isn't on a sunday.